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  1. SARMtastic

    First run with Ostarine

    Thanks for the responses guys. Today I hit the gym again and felt really strong and in an overall great mood but like i mentioned, aggressive as if i was on PH. Muscles feel VERY full, especially chest, arms and shoulders. My quads still feel pumped from yesterdays leg session. I'm really loving...
  2. SARMtastic

    First run with Ostarine

    Well I can say so far im very impressed. Ive only been on Ostarine for a week and a half and Ive already been gaining a lot of strength and Mass to the point people are asking me what im taking lol. My Cals have been around 1800 - 2300. One thing im noticing is my mood is getting aggressive and...
  3. SARMtastic

    New member. GW / Osta stack cycle commenced

    Nice update, Gotta be careful with the blood sugar thing, It feels like your going to completely pass out. Im running GW and Osta as well right now, It's my first time with Osta. I have the same issues with blood sugar, So far i have not felt that but i did feel that way with S4 at times. One...
  4. SARMtastic

    New member. GW / Osta stack cycle commenced

    IMO, My first run was with GW and SR9009. I was dropping bodyfat like melted ice lol. Its the best 1-2 punch imo for fat loss because GW gives that amazing endurance for cardio and SR (atleast for me) kept my mass on while being in a cal deficit. I was extremely vascular on SR as well. Only...
  5. SARMtastic

    SR and "Well being"

    That reminds me of the one time I first started taking SR and i dosed it right before bed. I laid down and in 10 minutes I was wide awake and felt a strong urge to workout lol I got up and did push ups and sit ups. It was strange because it didnt last long, maybe 25 minutes and then I knocked...
  6. SARMtastic

    SR and "Well being"

    I havent had any sleep issues with SR but i did feel that restless feeling at first when laying down and eventually went away. it was as if my muscles wanted to "work" while staying still. It didnt have any impact on my mood but what i did notice was muscles feeling solid most of the time and...
  7. SARMtastic

    s4 expirience

    My experience with S4 was a great one. Positives were crazy vascularity and muscle hardening as well as great strength/endurance (Staked with GW). I started off at 50mg/day and didnt have any vision issues at all, not even the yellow/green tint everyone talks about. I crept up to 100mg/day and i...
  8. SARMtastic

    Gw & sr

    GW & SR is by far the best 1-2 punch for fat loss. Add the S4 for some solid hardness and some dense muscle. Awesome stuff as stated by everyone already.
  9. SARMtastic

    GW affects.

    It's not placebo, IMO. When i first began taking GW, My endurance was shot way higher on the second day of taking it at 20mg. The best experience I've had in terms of endurance was taking GW and S4 together. GW made me feel like i could not get out of breath even though i was running hard. Also...
  10. SARMtastic

    Extreme Cramping

    LoL, That shit happened to me a while back on Clen. Worst cramping I''ve ever experienced.
  11. SARMtastic

    Please Read

    I found out about this 2 years ago when one of my friends was suspecting his GF of cheating. She sent him a selfie saying she was at her bestfriends house and the GPS on her iphone associated the pic with the location of the photo. Long story short, she definitely wasn't at her friends house lol.
  12. SARMtastic

    If you could only use one sarm?

    It's a tie for me at the moment between either GW or S-4. Ive only tried GW, SR and S-4 so far but im going to give RAD-140 a go in the future.
  13. SARMtastic

    S-4 wow lol

    Thanks Dylan. I took a shot at S-4 because of your praise about it and im glad i went for it lol Its an awesome Sarm bro.
  14. SARMtastic

    S-4 wow lol

    Running on a week and a half and S4 is getting better by the day. Muscles are looking/feeling solid all day long now!, Mood is improving and fat is dropping at a faster rate. Ive been at 50mg for the week and a half and no vision sides at all, not even a yellow tint like others have reported...
  15. SARMtastic

    S-4 wow lol

    Im also taking Stenabolic and Cardarine with this. Cardarine is great for endurance and fat loss but ive noticed stenabolic being really good at losing bodyfat fat as well. S-4 seems to compliment this fat loss well by hardening the muscles and make them stand out more while your bodyfat is...
  16. SARMtastic

    S-4 wow lol

    Thanks Bro. Im definitely excited about S4 being that i have just started it and its having great effects already. No vision sides yet like i mentioned but im going to keep running this for another week at 50mg and if i dont get vision issues, im bumping up to 75mg and see how that goes...
  17. SARMtastic

    S-4 wow lol

    So today was day 5 on S-4 at 50mg a day. Fuck this is good shit. I thought GW and SR stacked together was good and it definitely is but S-4 has pushed my gym session over the top with only 5 days in. I could NOT get tired out and the vascularity again was awesome. I was in a great mood as well...
  18. SARMtastic

    S-4 wow lol

    Thanks Man, Im hoping I am one of the lucky ones who can eventually run it at high mg or at least 75mg. So far, seems like a good compound for getting that hardened look.
  19. SARMtastic

    S-4 wow lol

    So i decided to add S-4 to my GW and SR that I'm currently running. After much debate in my mind, due to the vision thing I decide to say fuck it and try it out since I've also read great things about it when cutting. I started at 50mg for the past 4 days and last night's workout was so good I...
  20. SARMtastic

    How does my nutrition look like?

    Agree with the above. The food ideas as Veggies and Meat sound good but being more specific would help such as the quantity of each food and what kind of meat and veggies etc. Also what is your goal, Is it to Cut? Put on more size (Bulk)? For example I love oatmeal but when im cutting ill have 1...
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