
If you could only use one sarm?



I know the stack protocol that has been recommended often. I know that I will probably stack 3 sarms or at least 2. That said if someone could only afford to be on one sarm which one do you guys think would be the one they should take? I am new to this but I am guessing Ostarine or lgd.
GW is the one i would always choose first and s4 second...

there is no BEST SARM... its whats BEST for your goals...

I know the stack protocol that has been recommended often. I know that I will probably stack 3 sarms or at least 2. That said if someone could only afford to be on one sarm which one do you guys think would be the one they should take? I am new to this but I am guessing Ostarine or lgd.

It's really hard to pick just one. Everything offers something different. I probably would go with GW because I love what it does so much. My second choice is S4. I love the muscle hardening and vascularity it the strength gains are sweet. My next choice is probably MK-677 because if it's slow and steady body composition changes from increasing GH output.

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)

I know the stack protocol that has been recommended often. I know that I will probably stack 3 sarms or at least 2. That said if someone could only afford to be on one sarm which one do you guys think would be the one they should take? I am new to this but I am guessing Ostarine or lgd.

Are you trying to gain muscle or lose fat?
I would choose LGD, this has been the best for gaining muscle and strength. then only down side is that I have experienced little to no fat loss, but this maybe due to my diet and cardio routines.
Picking one sarm is just extremely hard to do. That's why they work so well in stacks. You can basically set one up to compliment what goal you have perfectly.

Just like if I were cutting, I couldnt just pick GW. I'd also want S4 with it along with SR9009. I

If I were bulking I'd want LGD and RAD in there for sure

For recomp, MK-2866 and MK-677 really shine

Where the magic really happens, is when you make a stack of 3-5 sarms to give you the perfect desired outcome from getting different benefits

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
It's a tie for me at the moment between either GW or S-4. Ive only tried GW, SR and S-4 so far but im going to give RAD-140 a go in the future.
I'm getting ready to try MK 677 here real soon, so hopefully it goes to the top of my list

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all sarms have the ability to gain muscle and lose fat... some more so than others but they ALL have this quality

I've heard LGD makes you super hungry and that you should up your calories to help this. Can you still lose bf or at least maintain bf while on LGD if you increase calories?
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