
If you could only use one sarm?

I've heard LGD makes you super hungry and that you should up your calories to help this. Can you still lose bf or at least maintain bf while on LGD if you increase calories?

not sure where you "heard" this but that's completely false, so my recommendation would be to not go to back to the source of information you received that from because its not even close to accurate
not sure where you "heard" this but that's completely false, so my recommendation would be to not go to back to the source of information you received that from because its not even close to accurate

You don't think it would be a good idea to raise calories even just a little bit?
You don't think it would be a good idea to raise calories even just a little bit?

bro you can do whatever you want with your calories... that just depends on the goal but to say lgd makes you more hungry is completely false... you can do whatever you want with calories... f you want more size, then obviously you raise calories... its up to your goal
bro you can do whatever you want with your calories... that just depends on the goal but to say lgd makes you more hungry is completely false... you can do whatever you want with calories... f you want more size, then obviously you raise calories... its up to your goal

Well lgd is for size mostly from what I've found and u want calories to grow lol. But yeah I feel ya..
Well lgd is for size mostly from what I've found and u want calories to grow lol. But yeah I feel ya..

once again, wrong... yes, lgd is very strong at adding size but you most certainly can cut on it too, big time if you want, especially in a recomposition where you would generally not be increasing your calories... also a huge recomp or cutting cycle would be lgd and s4, also the super stack can be used in that manner, so you would not increase calories whatsoever... like i said, it depends on your goal...
Ostarine would likely be my choice. The results I got from LGD and S4 were greater in regard to magnitude but it was the significance of the Ost that makes it my #1.

I feel I can grow and/or lean out if I work at it, but the HEALING that Ostarine aides in is something that I feel I dont have as much control over so its value increases. In short, the results from Ostarine were not as drastic as S4 and/or LGD [for me] but much more important to me. Like everyone has pointed out, it all depends on your goal.

You said you wanted to get strong as hell so perhaps there is a better SARM for you. Just leaving my opinion since you were still looking for general info.
Ostarine would likely be my choice. The results I got from LGD and S4 were greater in regard to magnitude but it was the significance of the Ost that makes it my #1.

I feel I can grow and/or lean out if I work at it, but the HEALING that Ostarine aides in is something that I feel I dont have as much control over so its value increases. In short, the results from Ostarine were not as drastic as S4 and/or LGD [for me] but much more important to me. Like everyone has pointed out, it all depends on your goal.

You said you wanted to get strong as hell so perhaps there is a better SARM for you. Just leaving my opinion since you were still looking for general info.

One thing I will say... NO sarm is MORE versatile than MK2866... it has the most qualities all in one of any of them... it may not be the most profound in certain areas but its damn strong in SO MANY... ostarine is like what test is to a cycle... it should always be ran...
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