
New member. GW / Osta stack cycle commenced

I'll look into those. SR9009 had me very interested.

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IMO, My first run was with GW and SR9009. I was dropping bodyfat like melted ice lol. Its the best 1-2 punch imo for fat loss because GW gives that amazing endurance for cardio and SR (atleast for me) kept my mass on while being in a cal deficit. I was extremely vascular on SR as well. Only inconvenience is dosing SR throughout the day can be a pain in the ass. I ordered more GW for myself recently and going to try Ostarine for the first time this week. I'll see how that goes.
Some quick updates...

Ive been on for just over two weeks now. This what I've noticed so far...

Drastically reduced b/p: Set in 1st couple of days and leveled out to a more normal 120ish over 70ish after about 10 days.

Dull headaches: Had them 24/7 for the first two weeks. They finally stopped yesterday.

On this stack, the scale is NOT your friend. My weight has been all over the map. Today I'm 245 completely fasted. But I've seen my weight fluctuate as much as 5 lbs in one day.

Hypoglycemia: The go through brief periods of time where it feels like I'm going to have a blood sugar crash. I know this because I'm reactive hypoglycemic and I know exactly what it feels like to have a blood sugar reading of 22 mcg/dl. I muscle through it can it passes after about 10 minutes.

Pumps: As if this post, I'm still completely fasted and I had some very serious pumps today. The kinda pumps you only feel while on cycle. Very nice. I wasn't expecting that considering I have haven't eaten in 24 hours.

Endurance: Who knows (shrugs). My run times have gotten a lot better but I still feel winded as fuck after. But I suppose I can't deny that I got my old run time back in 9 days after not running in months. Normally, that would never happen. So I guess it's working...even though I still feel like shit

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Some quick updates...

Ive been on for just over two weeks now. This what I've noticed so far...

Drastically reduced b/p: Set in 1st couple of days and leveled out to a more normal 120ish over 70ish after about 10 days.

Dull headaches: Had them 24/7 for the first two weeks. They finally stopped yesterday.

On this stack, the scale is NOT your friend. My weight has been all over the map. Today I'm 245 completely fasted. But I've seen my weight fluctuate as much as 5 lbs in one day.

Hypoglycemia: The go through brief periods of time where it feels like I'm going to have a blood sugar crash. I know this because I'm reactive hypoglycemic and I know exactly what it feels like to have a blood sugar reading of 22 mcg/dl. I muscle through it can it passes after about 10 minutes.

Pumps: As if this post, I'm still completely fasted and I had some very serious pumps today. The kinda pumps you only feel while on cycle. Very nice. I wasn't expecting that considering I have haven't eaten in 24 hours.

Endurance: Who knows (shrugs). My run times have gotten a lot better but I still feel winded as fuck after. But I suppose I can't deny that I got my old run time back in 9 days after not running in months. Normally, that would never happen. So I guess it's working...even though I still feel like shit

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Nice update, Gotta be careful with the blood sugar thing, It feels like your going to completely pass out. Im running GW and Osta as well right now, It's my first time with Osta. I have the same issues with blood sugar, So far i have not felt that but i did feel that way with S4 at times. One thing i noticed is a huge increase in sex drive with Osta, I'm talkin ranging Bull when i see a hot chick walking by. Keep us updated bro. Good luck.
Some quick updates...

Ive been on for just over two weeks now. This what I've noticed so far...

Drastically reduced b/p: Set in 1st couple of days and leveled out to a more normal 120ish over 70ish after about 10 days.

Dull headaches: Had them 24/7 for the first two weeks. They finally stopped yesterday.

On this stack, the scale is NOT your friend. My weight has been all over the map. Today I'm 245 completely fasted. But I've seen my weight fluctuate as much as 5 lbs in one day.

Hypoglycemia: The go through brief periods of time where it feels like I'm going to have a blood sugar crash. I know this because I'm reactive hypoglycemic and I know exactly what it feels like to have a blood sugar reading of 22 mcg/dl. I muscle through it can it passes after about 10 minutes.

Pumps: As if this post, I'm still completely fasted and I had some very serious pumps today. The kinda pumps you only feel while on cycle. Very nice. I wasn't expecting that considering I have haven't eaten in 24 hours.

Endurance: Who knows (shrugs). My run times have gotten a lot better but I still feel winded as fuck after. But I suppose I can't deny that I got my old run time back in 9 days after not running in months. Normally, that would never happen. So I guess it's working...even though I still feel like shit

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Your headaches and way you are feeling could be brought on by lowered blood glucose and the fasting, so keep that in mind

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)

After playing with it for a while, I noticed with me personally...

I need to dose GW at .75ml to get the effect everyone is talking about. It's true...Im not tired cardiovascular wise, but my legs quit before I do. As a matter of fact it's calf pumps that are killing my running now. About 3/4 of a mile into a run my calf pumps are so bad I have to stop. So as of now, I run as far as I can, then supplement the rest of my cardio with elliptical and bike.
Shit sucks...idk what's causing it.

Today I was 250 exactly. So the weight is still going up. Which again, probably isn't helping me in the cardio department.

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Funny you ask...

I suffer from severe reactive hypoglycemia. I mean it's BAD. FOR example, I could eat a serving of mashed potatoes and the simple carbs would cause my body to dump waaaay too much insulin, sending me in the realm of 22 ng/dl. That's bad enough to make most people comatose, but I've been dealing with it my whole life so it just makes me feel REALLY shitty.

Anyway...back to your question...

The only way I've found to keep my glucose levels stable most of the day is to only eat once every 24hours right after my workout. I generally manage to cram in about 3700 in that one meal and it's generally whatever I want to eat. I don't eat too clean. But it's not total crap either.

So yea...roughly 3700 calories, once every 24 hours, within an hour of post workout. I've been doing this for over 10 years now.

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Funny you ask...

I suffer from severe reactive hypoglycemia. I mean it's BAD. FOR example, I could eat a serving of mashed potatoes and the simple carbs would cause my body to dump waaaay too much insulin, sending me in the realm of 22 ng/dl. That's bad enough to make most people comatose, but I've been dealing with it my whole life so it just makes me feel REALLY shitty.

Anyway...back to your question...

The only way I've found to keep my glucose levels stable most of the day is to only eat once every 24hours right after my workout. I generally manage to cram in about 3700 in that one meal and it's generally whatever I want to eat. I don't eat too clean. But it's not total crap either.

So yea...roughly 3700 calories, once every 24 hours, within an hour of post workout. I've been doing this for over 10 years now.

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have you had trouble gaining weight before? thats pretty rough bro...
No. I gain weight super easy. I'm a true mesomorph. My body holds on to muscle for deal life and I can gain it really fast. But if my cardio is kept on point, I can gain some nasty fat too...

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Thanks man...

Im really thinking about it. Like...

Going all the way, but I'm uncertain atm. I already qualify for TRT, but I've been avoiding it for the past 5 years.

I think when I go to the dark side, Its full throttle. That's how I do anything. So the timing has to be right.

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Here's one more. Remember, the only things I've ever done was a couple cycles of Anabolic Extreme stuff back in the day :-o

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Funny you ask...

I suffer from severe reactive hypoglycemia. I mean it's BAD. FOR example, I could eat a serving of mashed potatoes and the simple carbs would cause my body to dump waaaay too much insulin, sending me in the realm of 22 ng/dl. That's bad enough to make most people comatose, but I've been dealing with it my whole life so it just makes me feel REALLY shitty.

Anyway...back to your question...

The only way I've found to keep my glucose levels stable most of the day is to only eat once every 24hours right after my workout. I generally manage to cram in about 3700 in that one meal and it's generally whatever I want to eat. I don't eat too clean. But it's not total crap either.

So yea...roughly 3700 calories, once every 24 hours, within an hour of post workout. I've been doing this for over 10 years now.

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Intermittent fasting is what this style of eating is. IMO its the only way to eat. I love eating like a king every day

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