
Gw & sr


I'm considering adding SR to a stack. Would like to know from anyone that has taken GW alone ,and after adding SR. If so, the noticeable difference, If any ? Or if I should just hold off on adding & see for myself. It's just the extra 300 is going to kill me if I don't see drastic results. Going by the logs it looks like GW is kick ass alone. Thanks
I'm considering adding SR to a stack. Would like to know from anyone that has taken GW alone ,and after adding SR. If so, the noticeable difference, If any ? Or if I should just hold off on adding & see for myself. It's just the extra 300 is going to kill me if I don't see drastic results. Going by the logs it looks like GW is kick ass alone. Thanks
It just depends on what you are looking for. If it's endurance and fat loss you can't deny the power of that combination

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
I'm going to add SR later this week when it gets here...I still will have 4 more weeks on my mega super stack.
going to run it for 12 weeks through my PCT and goal is added endurance and fat loss
you wont find a better combination for endurance, fat loss and boosting your metabolism... its the ultimate combo... add s4 and you now have what i call "the six pack stack" I think the title is explanatory
My plan is to combine it with the recompo stack for fat loss, coming off LGD/RAD 6week due sickness. So just waiting for the 2 week gap to start back up with the recompo. stack. Stats 43 / 205/ 17%bf
My plan is to combine it with the recompo stack for fat loss, coming off LGD/RAD 6week due sickness. So just waiting for the 2 week gap to start back up with the recompo. stack. Stats 43 / 205/ 17%bf

yes, this will be a very strong cycle for you brother... im really looking forward to your results...
I'm considering adding SR to a stack. Would like to know from anyone that has taken GW alone ,and after adding SR. If so, the noticeable difference, If any ? Or if I should just hold off on adding & see for myself. It's just the extra 300 is going to kill me if I don't see drastic results. Going by the logs it looks like GW is kick ass alone. Thanks

Do it bro!!!! I Ran GW and MK 2866 then added the SR. Its my first run of Sarms and I like to know how what I'm taking is effecting me.
The GW increased my endurance within 7 days. Then I added the SR and things really started to take off!! I swear I'm a bit leaner today!
Today I started the S4 and I cant wait to see the results at the end of this run!!!
you wont find a better combination for endurance, fat loss and boosting your metabolism... its the ultimate combo... add s4 and you now have what i call "the six pack stack" I think the title is explanatory

you mean s6 right! lol
Ok, forgot I need 3more RADs to complete the 12 week. (opinion ) Do I buy the 3 RAD or add the SR & save the RAD for my next 12wk ??
I'm considering adding SR to a stack. Would like to know from anyone that has taken GW alone ,and after adding SR. If so, the noticeable difference, If any ? Or if I should just hold off on adding & see for myself. It's just the extra 300 is going to kill me if I don't see drastic results. Going by the logs it looks like GW is kick ass alone. Thanks

gw does kick ass alone but the sr brings you some more to the table. I stopped using it once I got to a low BF, because I was rapidly disappearing.BUT if you got some lbs to loose, then use them both
you mean s6 right! lol

i like it! i just bought a cadillac ct6 for the 6 pack babyyyyy! im not sure if you have used s4 jake but for fucks sake if you haven't, you MUST... run it the last 12 weeks of your cycle with primo and eq or if you ever use masteron... you KNOW how masteron gives you supreme aesthetics, well think even larger scale than that when you add s4 in there... no bull shit... not to mention the added strength and vascularity... so if you run it with eq, that already gives a lot of vascularity, just wait bro! roadmap is an understatement...
Ok, forgot I need 3more RADs to complete the 12 week. (opinion ) Do I buy the 3 RAD or add the SR & save the RAD for my next 12wk ??

honestly i would do both... if your capable of doing so... that would be the best... they go together so well... and you want to complete the RAD as well...
GW & SR is by far the best 1-2 punch for fat loss. Add the S4 for some solid hardness and some dense muscle. Awesome stuff as stated by everyone already.
GW & SR is by far the best 1-2 punch for fat loss. Add the S4 for some solid hardness and some dense muscle. Awesome stuff as stated by everyone already.

absolutely... you get the best of everything with gw and sr in terms of weight loss, increased metabolism, muscle sparing and most of all ULTIMATE PERFORMANCE ENHANCEMENT and ENDURANCE... its really a no brainer when it comes to these two...
honestly i would do both... if your capable of doing so... that would be the best... they go together so well... and you want to complete the RAD as well...
I didn't start the RAD, that's why I said the RAD or the SR. I can't put the 300 to both, I'm leaning towards the SR after your input, and save the RAD for another run or just run the RAD at the end or vice/verse.
I didn't start the RAD, that's why I said the RAD or the SR. I can't put the 300 to both, I'm leaning towards the SR after your input, and save the RAD for another run or just run the RAD at the end or vice/verse.

give the sr a try and then use the rad on the next cycle... that way you can have tried both...
give the sr a try and then use the rad on the next cycle... that way you can have tried both...
Thanks Dylan, I think the SR has more benefit at this point. My % needs to come down & SR/GW with the LGD/S4.
I think I will move along just fine. I appreciate everyones help & advice.
Thanks Dylan, I think the SR has more benefit at this point. My % needs to come down & SR/GW with the LGD/S4.
I think I will move along just fine. I appreciate everyones help & advice.

yes, good plan... if your body fat still needs to come down then that is perfect... i LOVE this combo of the four... please let us know how this turns out for you...
Thanks Dylan, I think the SR has more benefit at this point. My % needs to come down & SR/GW with the LGD/S4.
I think I will move along just fine. I appreciate everyones help & advice.
You'll have great results with that stack of LGD, s4, gw, and SR bro. Perfect for everything you are after on results

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
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