
SR and "Well being"


Active member
I'm on day 2 of adding SR, I feel like a retard in front of a
Is this one of the "Well being" compounds?
Have not had anything like that at all. If you can't sleep then you didn't workout long and /or hard
Have not had anything like that at all. If you can't sleep then you didn't workout long and /or hard

I havent had any sleep issues with SR but i did feel that restless feeling at first when laying down and eventually went away. it was as if my muscles wanted to "work" while staying still. It didnt have any impact on my mood but what i did notice was muscles feeling solid most of the time and body fat was going down extremely fast while keeping strength. Vascularity was high as well. GW is what changes my mood the most and feeling of well being.
Sounds good...ya I'm pumped today as well, I had a FULL day of everything...HIT upper body....3 hours of push mower...unloaded 1000 pounds of top soil.....ran the weed whip for 1 hour.....had the backpack blower on for another hour

I'll sleep tonight....;)
ive gotten shit in the past from typical mindless meat heads when i brought up how sarms give you a sense of well being... when i say that, it means THEY MAKE YOU FEEL GOOD... just more energized, more focused which brings more motivation etc... they DO make you feel DAMN GOOD...
That reminds me of the one time I first started taking SR and i dosed it right before bed. I laid down and in 10 minutes I was wide awake and felt a strong urge to workout lol I got up and did push ups and sit ups. It was strange because it didnt last long, maybe 25 minutes and then I knocked right out. Like i mentioned in my last post, It felt like my muscles wanted to "work" instead of being still. After a few days that went away. In terms of having that well being feeling, Out of S-4, GW and SR, GW is what makes me feel really good overall. Im Curious if RAD-140 brings that "Alpha" feeling out.
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Just about every sarm I've taken has made me feel good, but I haven't tried SR yet. However that's all changing very soon

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
I'm at the end of week 3 (12 week cutting stack). The first night I had a little restlessness but fell asleep in about 15 min. Now I just feel good all day and sleep like a log. I actually want to sleep more after 8-9 hrs of solid rest. I'm not lethargic just really able to sleep if i want. Slept 10 hrs last night. LOL You guys on day 2 are in for a real treat! You are going to love this ride!
Yeah, i took in the morning and couldn't sleep lol. Definitely an increase in energy, i have legs today, I'll give an update post workout.
How long to really feel the effects? Today's the end of my second day.

It works pretty fast man. Endurance should be noticeable within a few days, and fat loss should come into the second week provided the diet and training is structured for it

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
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