
SR and "Well being"

It works pretty fast man. Endurance should be noticeable within a few days, and fat loss should come into the second week provided the diet and training is structured for it

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)

Rick you need to get on SR!!!!
Rick you need to get on SR!!!!

I will be very very soon my man! I just started Tren and GW today, and will be bringing SR in on top of that here at some point as well in the next few weeks

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
for some it can affect sleep and some it may not... it really increases metabolism at such a high rate that the body just works harder at burning and it can initially cause some issues but they will not last... your body would just need to adapt to working as it is...
for some it can affect sleep and some it may not... it really increases metabolism at such a high rate that the body just works harder at burning and it can initially cause some issues but they will not last... your body would just need to adapt to working as it is...

well i was also on 677 so i havent had any probs sleeping at night, now napping during the day its a no go for the most part i lay down 30 minutes im back up, man i do love naps tho
Yeah Dylan it's my 3rd day today. Workout was very intense i had legs. I definitely noticed some increase in endurance.
Dylan does it matter whether I'm on a full or empty stomach? Also my osta is coming soon and I'm wondering if i should also buy some s4 because I'm cutting. What is the best cutting/ rexomp sarm?
Dylan does it matter whether I'm on a full or empty stomach? Also my osta is coming soon and I'm wondering if i should also buy some s4 because I'm cutting. What is the best cutting/ rexomp sarm?

Does not matter on food empty stomach or go ahead and eat if you want.
I would get on this stack if I was you
Dylan or Rick can set you up on dosage and times
Dylan does it matter whether I'm on a full or empty stomach? Also my osta is coming soon and I'm wondering if i should also buy some s4 because I'm cutting. What is the best cutting/ rexomp sarm?

it does not matter whether or not you eat with it... if you find you have an upset stomach then you would need to eat with it... your only 18, i cant recommend certain sarms to you... only gw, sr and mk677 which would not cause any suppression...
Dylan which sarm out of osta, lgd and s4 is the least suppressive?

they are pretty much equally supressive.. you should not be using any of them and you need to let others know your age man... its almost as if your trying to be sneaky and thats not right... i'll say it once more... YOU HAVE NO BUSINESS using ANYTHING that can mess with hormones at 18 years old...
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