
SR and "Well being"

Dylan I'll take your advice, I'll only do 25mg ed for 8 weeks, then I'll do a mini pct.

thats not my advice... i said that mk677 is ran all year... i never once said to run anything 8 weeks.. i always say not to... thats NOT my advice at all
This thread started on a happy note, now I feel like I'm at an FDA convention, by the end of the week I might off myself....;)
I mean i wont run it for 12 weeks to avoid more suppression.

your not going to avoid any added suppression in just 4 weeks with ostarine... it will be minimal... your NOT taking my advice whatsoever... in fact your doing the EXACT opposite because i clearly stated NOT to be using anything hormonal at your age... you know what, im done man... ive gone back and forth over and over and i definitely do not have this kind of time for one that does not listen... GOOD LUCK with everything...
Dylan you said it yourself though suppression is very minimal, and with proper pct recovery will be fast.
Dylan you said it yourself though suppression is very minimal, and with proper pct recovery will be fast.

wtf do YOU NOT COMPREHEND HERE?? seriously??? your 18 years old... Your body is NOT to have things mess with hormones when its still developing... whatever you do and since your a know it all whose never used a thing, yet you know more than people doing this over a decade, GO FOR IT, but DO NOT come back when you eventually have problems and have thrown your body into a complete mess later on down the road because there will be a great lack of sympathy to someone who refused to listen... good luck man... please stop now
Dylan I'll take your advice then i won't take it.
I'll order sumer Nutrobal instead, thanks for the advice.
Well Dylan can you set me up a Nutrobal and cardarine cycle? I'm already running SR.

1-16 mk677 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-16 sr9009 30 mg day... 5 mg split doses 2-3 hours apart
1-16 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…

no pct with these... you can stay on the 677 after the cycle is complete... take about 3 weeks off from gw and sr and then you can start them again
Another thing, I'm dosing sr right now at 10mg every 3-4hours 4 times a day, is that okay? Plus how long does one bottle of sr last? How long does one bottle of mk-677 last? And how come you can't buy Nutrobal in bulk? Thanks.
Another thing, I'm dosing sr right now at 10mg every 3-4hours 4 times a day, is that okay? Plus how long does one bottle of sr last? How long does one bottle of mk-677 last? And how come you can't buy Nutrobal in bulk? Thanks.

bro i dont work for sarmsx, you can email them and ask them why they dont... [email protected]

yes, you can dose that way... you need you need two bottles per month of sr..
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