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  1. Hyena_

    Possible to inject too deep?

    18ga???? Was your doctor trying to perform a biopsy? Lmao man, not sure how you got through that... Also, when i first started injecting, i used to only pin about an inch deep, but i found i would get some nasty lumps if i stayed too close to the surface. not all the time, but often enough that...
  2. Hyena_

    Possible to inject too deep?

    I have bovine legs. 1.5 are necessary for deep quad injections for me... what ill probably do is just not use the entire length. If it becomes too annoying ill get ahold of some smaller ones... Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
  3. Hyena_

    Possible to inject too deep?

    Just curious, is it possible to pierce a needle too deeply, and actually go through the muscle youre trying to inject into? I want to start pinning my delts once i start cruising, for the sake of ease. Ive got 1.5" needles (i typically pin my quads), so i was wondering if theyre too long for...
  4. Hyena_

    Sore injection sites & mild fever

    Monitor your fever. If it persists, it could be a possible infection/abscess. Thats when you go to the docs lol... also Rick, he's pinning 900mg of the blend every week, which means he's getting 300mg of Test, Mast, and Tren every week. PIP means "post injection pain". Sent from my SM-G920P...
  5. Hyena_


    Privatemdlabs is what i see posted around here most frequently. However, there are a couple of states that are ineligible for discounted labs, in which case you'll have to go to LabCorp directly for labs and pay full price... Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
  6. Hyena_

    Need real help

    This!! ^^^^
  7. Hyena_

    Need real help

    You will have zero testosterone in your system during and after your cycle, making it physiologically impossible to maintain muscle tissue without the presence of external androgens. After the cycle, you will lose everything you gained and then some. Always use Test as your base. This is...
  8. Hyena_

    Trt and "cruise". What's the difference?

    From what i understand, "cruise" doses and compounds are subjective. Ex: an experienced user might "cruise" on 300mg Test and 100mg deca for a year, whereas a newer user might cruise on just 200mg of Test or less, which would also be considered a trt dose. When people say TRT, i imagine theyre...
  9. Hyena_

    Need real help

    not trying to sound like an ass... but why/how in the world did you manage to purchase some the most expensive/potent gear on planet, and not even know what the hell you're taking?? This looks like one of Ronnie Coleman's elite bodybuilder.. on top of that, you aren't even running...
  10. Hyena_


    I think the question is: What do you want to use sarms for? Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
  11. Hyena_

    not sure if anyone is aware, but googling pure essence sarms...

    I would appreciate it. May be better in a PM so we dont bump/hijack this thread to hell lol.
  12. Hyena_

    not sure if anyone is aware, but googling pure essence sarms...

    Yup. Im actually very interested in using sarms for my first cruise... ill have to do some research though. Good thing im already in the right place haha.
  13. Hyena_

    not sure if anyone is aware, but googling pure essence sarms...

    Lol gotcha. I dont follow sarms too closely, ive just seen sarms1 get mentioned a few times, and i knew there was a big migration happening... my bad.
  14. Hyena_

    not sure if anyone is aware, but googling pure essence sarms...

    Ah yeah sarmsx Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
  15. Hyena_

    not sure if anyone is aware, but googling pure essence sarms...

    Sarms1 is the new Pure Essence isnt it? I believe theres already a thread on this... Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
  16. Hyena_

    How do you do it?

    I feel you man. Can be difficult to hit those cals with good quality foods, especially when only 15% of them coming from fats haha. I was going to suggest protein shake with oats+a couple servings of peanut butter here and there, but i assume youre trying to keep gains ALAP (as lean as...
  17. Hyena_

    Winstrol and explosiveness

    Haha, Ive only got 3 weeks left for this cycle, so i dont want to add any more compounds. I dont plan on using any nandrolones until the distant future where i can properly plan out what ancillaries ill need... Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
  18. Hyena_

    Winstrol and explosiveness

    At the moment im running aromasin 12.5mg e2d. That seems to be my sweet spot. I started this cycle doing 12.5 eod but i felt that it brought my e2 too low (started getting achy knees and elbows). I did know about winstrol's AI-like properties, but i wasnt aware that it was significant enough to...
  19. Hyena_

    Winstrol and explosiveness

    I definitely stay hydrated (easily drink 3+ litres of water everyday) and also take fish oil, but ill have to admit im not sure where my dietary omega 3's stand... i eat natty peanut butter, almonds and eggs on a near daily basis. Also use eevo in my cooking... i could probably do with adding...
  20. Hyena_

    Winstrol and explosiveness

    I rarely use caffeine. Sometimes ill start using a preworkout, but only intermittently, like for 2 weeks tops. Not a fan of dependence and withdrawal, haha. But Ive decided to drop the winny for a couple days to try and troubleshoot my problem. Hopefully it isnt anything potentially serious. I...
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