
not sure if anyone is aware, but googling pure essence sarms...

i wasn't sure the web address, so i googled pure essence sarms, and the very first result is a site with the logo from this forum called and when you go to buy a product it takes you to
Sarms1 is the new Pure Essence isnt it? I believe theres already a thread on this...

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The website does not go to sarms1. It goes to sarmsx, since pure essence changed the name from pure essence to sarmsx.

Please check and pay attention to detail before making false claims like this
Sarms1 is the new Pure Essence isnt it? I believe theres already a thread on this...

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Absolutely not! Sarmsx is the new site. Sarms1 you need to stay far clear of unless you want bunk products
Absolutely not! Sarmsx is the new site. Sarms1 you need to stay far clear of unless you want bunk products
Lol gotcha. I dont follow sarms too closely, ive just seen sarms1 get mentioned a few times, and i knew there was a big migration happening... my bad.
yes sir just post up your goals stats etc on here and someone will be glad to help set you up the best for your goals. I am on my 2nd stack of PE sarms and love it. my first stack was the triple stack gw, mk2866, and s4. loved it lost 40 lbs about 15% bf and 8 inches in my waist. currently running a Frankenstein super stack with rad, sr, s4, mk2866, and mk677, gw I have gained about 5 lbs of mostly lean mass in 2 weeks.
Yup. Im actually very interested in using sarms for my first cruise... ill have to do some research though. Good thing im already in the right place haha.
I can certainly help you set something up for a good sarms stack bro
i wasn't sure the web address, so i googled pure essence sarms, and the very first result is a site with the logo from this forum called and when you go to buy a product it takes you to
I'm not going to lie, this has happened to me once. I was tripping out. I read it like 5x. It did say sarms1. Now I know that I wasn't tripping. Maybe someone, somehow hacked it to redirect to sarms1? I really did see it redirect to sarms1

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