
How do you do it?

It comes with the territory of the lifestyle, and that's just the way it is it seems. When bulking it see,s like always forcing more food than you're comfortable with, and while cutting you're constantly hungry.

Just have to put in the effort and do what needs to be done to hit your numbers. Your body eventually adapts to your habits and things do become easier, but you have to fight through it at first
It comes with the territory of the lifestyle, and that's just the way it is it seems. When bulking it see,s like always forcing more food than you're comfortable with, and while cutting you're constantly hungry.

Just have to put in the effort and do what needs to be done to hit your numbers. Your body eventually adapts to your habits and things do become easier, but you have to fight through it at first

I think you hit the nail on the's a struggle alright. But gotta do what ya gotta do.
It comes with the territory of the lifestyle, and that's just the way it is it seems. When bulking it see,s like always forcing more food than you're comfortable with, and while cutting you're constantly hungry.

Just have to put in the effort and do what needs to be done to hit your numbers. Your body eventually adapts to your habits and things do become easier, but you have to fight through it at first

Exactly. I get it done because i have to, but no pleasure in it. Not hungry when I'm always full, so no appetite. I shovel that shit when needed. But as far as cutting or losing weight goes and eating less calories, I have no issues with.
I feel you man. Can be difficult to hit those cals with good quality foods, especially when only 15% of them coming from fats haha. I was going to suggest protein shake with oats+a couple servings of peanut butter here and there, but i assume youre trying to keep gains ALAP (as lean as possible)... Weed can do wonders in terms of poor appetite, but probably not a good idea to smoke it so often, shit will make you feel like a zombie after a few days, at least for me it does. Hang in there.

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I feel you man. Can be difficult to hit those cals with good quality foods, especially when only 15% of them coming from fats haha. I was going to suggest protein shake with oats+a couple servings of peanut butter here and there, but i assume youre trying to keep gains ALAP (as lean as possible)... Weed can do wonders in terms of poor appetite, but probably not a good idea to smoke it so often, shit will make you feel like a zombie after a few days, at least for me it does. Hang in there.

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Yep, I don't have any problems with eating enough to hit my calories requirements I've been doing it for so long now. I just do not get any pleasure from it, wish I enjoyed it more.
oh man 3500... I remember when I thought that was tough. Not quite 7k like TX lol but my intake is around mid 5k right now. Like Rick said, it's just part of the lifestyle. Just like training increases, your food intake increases. Your body will adapt bud. Best advice is slow, small increases in increments. Eventually you'll be stuffing food down..
I'm a total of three pounds of meat today. Lol 2 pounds turkey and one prime rib.

Sent from the NY ROBO house of GAINZZZZ

Looks good container is just as full of chicken.
Lol saw this one the other day. That kid is a world champion professional eater. I'm sure the only gains he received was the Pringles can sized log coming out of his ass the next day

LOL. I dont follow competitive eating, but I watch his videos now and again. Just saw that he beat Joey C in the Nathans hot dog competition last year. After first and second place (62 and 60 hot dogs, respectively) the third guy was at like 30 something. Damn.
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