
How do you do it?

Lol saw this one the other day. That kid is a world champion professional eater. I'm sure the only gains he received was the Pringles can sized log coming out of his ass the next day

That's fuckn hell of a visual.I just watched that
Holy shit.....I just started my first cycle, basically I've been cutting for over a year now 2500 that I'm on cycle I want to grow...I upped my cals to 3500 50/35/15.'s like I'm always fckn eating. It's seems like an endless task. I have more food packed than i know what to fo with and I'm still falling short 500 cals.....BRUTAL

Haha yup, working out is the easy part...
Same here, like Angelo mentioned:
"One thing that helps me alot with getting it all down is that i try to eat my food as fast as possible as soon as i take my first bite. This way i can shovel it down before my stomach tells my brain that im full and no longer able to eat "

It has been helping me for years.
its all about WHAT your eating.. trust me, i can't eat huge and abundant amounts but ive figured out the proper foods that will deliver the results without overreating, or having to use dirtier type calories to make the amount necessary... its all about customization and finding the right formula for what you need... it takes a lot of number crunching etc but trust me, i do this for a living with all my clients and there are ratios and numbers that will equate to deliver you the results without feeling like you cannot do it, because you most certainly can...
its all about WHAT your eating.. trust me, i can't eat huge and abundant amounts but ive figured out the proper foods that will deliver the results without overreating, or having to use dirtier type calories to make the amount necessary... its all about customization and finding the right formula for what you need... it takes a lot of number crunching etc but trust me, i do this for a living with all my clients and there are ratios and numbers that will equate to deliver you the results without feeling like you cannot do it, because you most certainly can...

I'm getting it done...I think my biggest issue was when I was losing weight over the last year and a half, I was always in a deficit. Now that I'm lean and wanna grow the amount of food has increased and I'm not used to it. I will say I'm almost A week down on cycle, and now that Ive been eating 3500 a day, it's getting easier and I'm still hungry. I'm gonna guess that the test is helping with my appetite also.
I'm getting it done...I think my biggest issue was when I was losing weight over the last year and a half, I was always in a deficit. Now that I'm lean and wanna grow the amount of food has increased and I'm not used to it. I will say I'm almost A week down on cycle, and now that Ive been eating 3500 a day, it's getting easier and I'm still hungry. I'm gonna guess that the test is helping with my appetite also.

it will continue to get easier.. your body just have to get accustomed to it
This is true right here.

its just like anything else... you get past the first few weeks threshold and you can literally do anything... its all about overcoming the mind at first, implementing and then staying disciplined and consistent...
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