
Need real help


New member
I just started my first cycle ever , I saw many videos of yours , however I am new to steroids and didn't know that parabolan blend is trenbolone , once I saw your video I got really scared and had on ml of parabolan injection, what would be the best replacement for parabolan
This is my cycle

Thx a lot man for your videos they are very helpful , please if you can response asap as i will stop injecting parabolan .
Ps please excuse my English language
What are your stats? How many pins into the cycle are you? Dosages? There is absolutely no need for all those compounds for a first cycle. Your first cycle should have been test only. Why would you put something in your body without knowing what your using? There is nothing you need to replace it with. Just drop it. Honestly, the approach you are taking isn't smart man. You can hurt yourself by not knowing what you're doing. Are you taking an AI? Do you have PCT planned? Taking time to research and learn is absolutely needed. Let us know your stats (age, height, weight).

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Last edited:
I just started my first cycle ever , I saw many videos of yours , however I am new to steroids and didn't know that parabolan blend is trenbolone , once I saw your video I got really scared and had on ml of parabolan injection, what would be the best replacement for parabolan
This is my cycle

Thx a lot man for your videos they are very helpful , please if you can response asap as i will stop injecting parabolan .
Ps please excuse my English language

I think you are getting far too ahead of yourself here my friend. I would highly recommend taking in some more knowledge before starting a cycle, and you shouldn't be using anything more than test for a first cycle.

Also what is your stats and experience? There are also other alternatives to steroids out there that you should introduce yourself to first. Have you looked into sarms? This is probably a much better option for you at this point
I just started my first cycle ever , I saw many videos of yours , however I am new to steroids and didn't know that parabolan blend is trenbolone , once I saw your video I got really scared and had on ml of parabolan injection, what would be the best replacement for parabolan
This is my cycle

Thx a lot man for your videos they are very helpful , please if you can response asap as i will stop injecting parabolan .
Ps please excuse my English language

brother, you are going to severely hurt yourself going on the path your going... you don't run anywhere near this many compounds on a first cycle and ESPECIALLY not tren... primo is also not a good option for a first cycle... it needs to be ran longer than you should be going on a first cycle and not to mention its one of the more painful injections you can do... you should only be running test and perhaps and oral, so winstrol is fine and then you could add a few sarms to the the stack but on a first cycle, i generally only recommend test and sarms... you need to drop tren and primo NOW and get educated properly... i would honestly stop completely as you have no clue what your doing... why are you even talking about hgh at this point? bro, your going to SERIOUSLY hurt yourself if you just dont flat out stop right now and learn what your doing...
not trying to sound like an ass... but why/how in the world did you manage to purchase some the most expensive/potent gear on planet, and not even know what the hell you're taking?? This looks like one of Ronnie Coleman's elite bodybuilder.. on top of that, you aren't even running test. listen to Dylan and drop everything. Do some actual research on what you're doing.
The only thing I'll say here is to stop everything immediately and do way more research first. Tren is never used unless getting serious.
Please man. Listen to these guys. If you must do a cycle, go with test the first time. It should be included in all of your cycles so why not get used to it first. Everything else is basically derived from it. These guys are helping you. Hear them out and take the advice.

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Yup. Test only. Save all that mess for much later. You jumped in head first without doing enough research. It happens to the best of us but just correct your cycle and you'll be fine.

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155 pounds around 12% body fat 5.57743
i am doing 8 weeks cycle
primo 10ML
parabolan 10ML
winstrol 20ML
Boldenone 10ML
growth daily 10 in the insulin pin
4 anavar pills daily
i dont care about the side effects and the pain while i am injecting through the cycle i know its really pain the ass what is concern me is the long term side effects in the long term most imprtant thing is natural Test level and sex drive after finishing the cycle
i am doing this without Test because my goal not to go big just to get repped at the same wight or gain 3 KG of solid muscle
i am doing this cycle and i ma certain that i will not do this again i want to make the best out of it
many thx for all your reply i gave you all the information and now just started my third week
any one can advice me why without Test is just waste of time money
thx again
155 pounds around 12% body fat 5.57743
i am doing 8 weeks cycle
primo 10ML
parabolan 10ML
winstrol 20ML
Boldenone 10ML
growth daily 10 in the insulin pin
4 anavar pills daily
i dont care about the side effects and the pain while i am injecting through the cycle i know its really pain the ass what is concern me is the long term side effects in the long term most imprtant thing is natural Test level and sex drive after finishing the cycle
i am doing this without Test because my goal not to go big just to get repped at the same wight or gain 3 KG of solid muscle
i am doing this cycle and i ma certain that i will not do this again i want to make the best out of it
many thx for all your reply i gave you all the information and now just started my third week
any one can advice me why without Test is just waste of time money
thx again
I might be mistaken but 8 weeks of boldenone is a waste of money as well as primo but I'll leave it to the pros to give you good info

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Not to mention injectable winstrol supposedly hurts, you aren't capable of preparing a well thought out first cycle so u likely won't benefit at all ,simply end up hurting yourself

Sent from my SM-G360P using Tapatalk
155 pounds around 12% body fat 5.57743
i am doing 8 weeks cycle
primo 10ML
parabolan 10ML
winstrol 20ML
Boldenone 10ML
growth daily 10 in the insulin pin
4 anavar pills daily
i dont care about the side effects and the pain while i am injecting through the cycle i know its really pain the ass what is concern me is the long term side effects in the long term most imprtant thing is natural Test level and sex drive after finishing the cycle
i am doing this without Test because my goal not to go big just to get repped at the same wight or gain 3 KG of solid muscle
i am doing this cycle and i ma certain that i will not do this again i want to make the best out of it
many thx for all your reply i gave you all the information and now just started my third week
any one can advice me why without Test is just waste of time money
thx again

You will have zero testosterone in your system during and after your cycle, making it physiologically impossible to maintain muscle tissue without the presence of external androgens. After the cycle, you will lose everything you gained and then some. Always use Test as your base. This is steroids 101. You will find this out the hard way.
Last edited:
155 pounds around 12% body fat 5.57743
i am doing 8 weeks cycle
primo 10ML
parabolan 10ML
winstrol 20ML
Boldenone 10ML
growth daily 10 in the insulin pin
4 anavar pills daily
i dont care about the side effects and the pain while i am injecting through the cycle i know its really pain the ass what is concern me is the long term side effects in the long term most imprtant thing is natural Test level and sex drive after finishing the cycle
i am doing this without Test because my goal not to go big just to get repped at the same wight or gain 3 KG of solid muscle
i am doing this cycle and i ma certain that i will not do this again i want to make the best out of it
many thx for all your reply i gave you all the information and now just started my third week
any one can advice me why without Test is just waste of time money
thx again

Testosterone should ALWAYS be a staple in any AAS cycle as it helps regulate normality and increases efficiency while using ANY other AAS compounds. Especially with 19nor (Nandrolone) compounds (such as tren) which also tends to carry the dreaded "DecaDick" which causes loss of libido along with other adverse effects. Incorporating Testosterone into ALL cycles will help counter many of the side effects that other compounds may exhibit, and should always be the foundation to any AAS cycles whatsoever
Man you are going to trash yourself.
You are running a pretty major cycle for you're stats. Honestly you have no business really even touching any steroid with where you currently are.

I don't even know where to begin. Your just gonna find out the hard way obviously. If I were you Id shut this shit down now.

If you don't have the ability to research why you need test I don't have the ability to tell you why. That's pretty basic shit you should know before injecting yourself.
Not trying to be a dick either I just don't think you realize the impact of your choices here. and your taking gear just to get "ripped" seriously dude?!

Look you want help? You want a solution? Stop what you are doing. PCT and do not cycle until you have collected all your facts.
155 pounds around 12% body fat 5.57743
i am doing 8 weeks cycle
primo 10ML
parabolan 10ML
winstrol 20ML
Boldenone 10ML
growth daily 10 in the insulin pin
4 anavar pills daily
i dont care about the side effects and the pain while i am injecting through the cycle i know its really pain the ass what is concern me is the long term side effects in the long term most imprtant thing is natural Test level and sex drive after finishing the cycle
i am doing this without Test because my goal not to go big just to get repped at the same wight or gain 3 KG of solid muscle
i am doing this cycle and i ma certain that i will not do this again i want to make the best out of it
many thx for all your reply i gave you all the information and now just started my third week
any one can advice me why without Test is just waste of time money
thx again
Wow bro....seriously. this whole cycle is a train wreck with disaster written all over it. You're going to really fuck yourself up. You have no idea what you are doing, and you are in no condition to be running steroids at all.

Please stop all of this right now, and don't go any further. Nobody here is going to recommend you head down the path you're headed, and it seems you are completely unaware of the consequences. We are trying to help you from hurting yourself bro
Wow bro....seriously. this whole cycle is a train wreck with disaster written all over it. You're going to really fuck yourself up. You have no idea what you are doing, and you are in no condition to be running steroids at all.

Please stop all of this right now, and don't go any further. Nobody here is going to recommend you head down the path you're headed, and it seems you are completely unaware of the consequences. We are trying to help you from hurting yourself bro

I agree 100%, there lies nothing but a path that will lead to only one outcome once the point of no return has been benefit will be seen...pain, misery, and nothing but harmful, uncontrolled outcomes soon to follow in it's wake..

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