
Winstrol and explosiveness

How much AI are you using on cycle, since you are using test? This can also be contributing to your problems. Possibly too much AI along with Winstrol which has AI properties can crush your estrogen and really dry those joints
At the moment im running aromasin 12.5mg e2d. That seems to be my sweet spot. I started this cycle doing 12.5 eod but i felt that it brought my e2 too low (started getting achy knees and elbows). I did know about winstrol's AI-like properties, but i wasnt aware that it was significant enough to compound with an actual AI. But like i said, im gonna drop it for a few days to assess whether or not winny is the culprit.
You could run some NPP and that will take some of those winny issues and make them much about nothing.
Haha, Ive only got 3 weeks left for this cycle, so i dont want to add any more compounds. I dont plan on using any nandrolones until the distant future where i can properly plan out what ancillaries ill need...

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I wouldn't consider myself a powerlifter. Most of my exercises are in the higher rep range, but I like to be explosive with my main compounds.

And yeah, sluggish is a good way to put it. Like earlier this week when I went to bench, each rep was very slow, but I wasn't sticking at any point. Normally I get the weight up very quickly. Each set probably took an extra 10-15 seconds to complete. Basically it was like I was benching in slow motion.

Could be joints; sometimes I get a mild stiffness the morning after training. Which sucks because I'm actually taking supps for joints... I might just lower the weight and increase volume for now.
When you say explosive power... I would think Winstrol would be great for that... When Ben Johnson set a world record in the 100 meter sprint at the Olympics, they caught him w Winstrol. I personally would correlate the type of training those sprinters do w power. You see long distance runners are almost always very thin...but sprinters are usually jacked. The bodies they have are for sure in large part to weight training...this is really all just my opinion, but the dryness sounds like a possibility...I'll be running Winny for the last 7 weeks of my next cycle. Definitely post something when you have answers for this...very interested

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At the moment im running aromasin 12.5mg e2d. That seems to be my sweet spot. I started this cycle doing 12.5 eod but i felt that it brought my e2 too low (started getting achy knees and elbows). I did know about winstrol's AI-like properties, but i wasnt aware that it was significant enough to compound with an actual AI. But like i said, im gonna drop it for a few days to assess whether or not winny is the culprit.

That's good that you found your sweet spot for Aromasin and got it dialed in, but that was BEFORE adding winstrol. I think the combination of the two was just enough to take you to a lower level in estrogen. I would lower that Aromasin dose a bit more to bring your estrogen up more into range. Possibly go to 6.25mg EOD every other day and see how that treats you and adjust from there.

It seems to me that you are a lot like me, and are not sensitive to estrogen sides at all. A little bit of AI goes a long way when you are like that

Dam that looks good ,gonna have to pick that up

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im sorry but there's a misconception if anyone thinks any oral is good for runners... flat out not true... when you run an oral, chances are very high your getting excruciating pumps, one of the reasons no runner should ever consider anavar use if that's your main sport... winstrol was used in the 80's and 90's by sprinters to increase power and explosiveness, yes, and while more conducive to a sprinter, a long distance runner is setting themselves up for big issue with a methylated oral... winstrol obviously dries you out to a far higher degree than most, and that only adds to the probability of pain while running... you SHOULD be seeing an increase in strength, absolutely and definitely in aesthetics and muscle hardening, which at times could cause pain, but should not... the toxicity in winstrol, which is very high, can definitely cause lethargy... the ONLY issue i have ever had with winstrol is the lethargy and that is a clear indication your liver cannot handle it at that dose... you need to lower the dose to help with this... drink plenty of water, add some taurine and make sure you get enough carbs throughout the day... other than that, you should be feeling quite good with it... i often recommend MK2866 with it to combat all the drying and joint pain and GW-501516 for the damage done to your cholesterol... ive used winstrol extensively, so have a great deal of experience with it... its my favorite oral and i know a lot of things to go along with it and what to definitely expect... i find that 25mg per day is extremely effective...
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