
The things I love and hate about the gym I go to...

we have a mystery masturbater at our gym, someone is JO-ing in the bathroom toilet and not flushing -.-

Dunno what this person gets out of this, but what is funny is the trainers and people acting like fucking scooby doo and the gang trying to solve the mystery. LOL

Ummm, Sorry bro.
they serve no purpose whatsoever other than helping keep the gym open with their dues... its just pathetic to say the least

True, just like the flying roundhouse guy I pissed off a while back. Shits cute until I knock out their teeth, stand on his hand and kick his elbows out and break the puny thing. Everybody is a MMA fighter in their mind nowadays lol. Between shadow boxers, singers and dancers I might just trade the gym in for a life time supply of Oreo cookies lol.
True, just like the flying roundhouse guy I pissed off a while back. Shits cute until I knock out their teeth, stand on his hand and kick his elbows out and break the puny thing. Everybody is a MMA fighter in their mind nowadays lol. Between shadow boxers, singers and dancers I might just trade the gym in for a life time supply of Oreo cookies lol.

I'll join you.

Phurious Pharma Rep
Email me at [email protected]
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True, just like the flying roundhouse guy I pissed off a while back. Shits cute until I knock out their teeth, stand on his hand and kick his elbows out and break the puny thing. Everybody is a MMA fighter in their mind nowadays lol. Between shadow boxers, singers and dancers I might just trade the gym in for a life time supply of Oreo cookies lol.

FUCK, its crazy how people that go to the gym are like clark kent going into the phone booth and they they TRANSFORM! except now they are BADASS fighters... LOLLLL FUCK that shit makes me cringe...
definitely can't stand seeing people with no idea how to workout in the age of the Internet. Fucking ask someone or google it. YouTube for Christ sake!

Phurious Pharma Rep
Email me at [email protected]
Code 'JS5' for 5% off
I actually prefer training at home, infact my last 3 back workouts have been at home. Only problem is people are fucking weird. I've got a pullup bar outside and you know when neighbours see someone training they get all excited. The guy across my street literally opens his door and stands outside staring at me like wtf?
I actually prefer training at home, infact my last 3 back workouts have been at home. Only problem is people are fucking weird. I've got a pullup bar outside and you know when neighbours see someone training they get all excited. The guy across my street literally opens his door and stands outside staring at me like wtf?

Bet you he wants to slip you some sausage roll in your potato buns lol... just watching your sweaty body go up and down, up and down like a stripper with lats.
Put your phone down!!! Just put it the f**k down!!! Either use the equipment or get off!!!!
I want to yell this everyday day at the gym!!
i agree and disagree.. i use it for tracking training, but looks like texting. but luckily most arent dumb enough to say anything to me. lol

Fuck around and get ROBO'd in that bitch...
I just hate the assholes who sit there and have a conversation on the phone before they do shit, or tie up the machine for duration, then start working out again. Or the do a set, listen to a whole song then do a set bunch...
I also hate that my sister in law from houston stopped by last night and spent the night AND IS STILL HERE at 7am! I was planning on being in the gym by now, but am stuck waiting on this bitch to get the fuck up and leave. I don't want to leave and something random come up missing. My wife left all her damn jewelry out for some reason... fucking up my timeline!
I've got a guy at my gym that literally walks up to the door smoking a cig, takes a break halfway through his routing to smoke a cig, and I can only assume he has one right after as well. I mean it doesn't really affect me so who gives a shit, but in my mind I'm thinking if you have the discipline to go to the gym 4-5 times a week you should be able to quit smoking.
I've got a guy at my gym that literally walks up to the door smoking a cig, takes a break halfway through his routing to smoke a cig, and I can only assume he has one right after as well. I mean it doesn't really affect me so who gives a shit, but in my mind I'm thinking if you have the discipline to go to the gym 4-5 times a week you should be able to quit smoking.

I used to smoke... it's really a psych thing depending on how deep you're in. I used to smoke before and after workouts and ppl would be like 'You smoke? I thought you were too healthy for that.' Yeah smoking is a hard bitch, I vape now. Have been for a few years now... hate the smell of cigarettes, can appreciate the aroma of a cigar and partake here and there rarely, miss the cannibus, but don't wanna smell like a smoker.
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Put your phone down!!! Just put it the f**k down!!! Either use the equipment or get off!!!!
I want to yell this everyday day at the gym!!

Well thats ridiculous. If I want to be in contact with someone or my dog is sick or my friend needs someone to talk to I'm not going to ignore them because I'm working out. I dont lift less weight because Im txting between sets. And also sometimes Im just changing music or writing down my new PR or something.
Maybe that was too generic. I am an asshole to those that require it. Which is a good portion of the human race. Those without common sense, respect or manners. IF you dont fit that mold Im one of the nicest most reliable people you would ever meet, but when it comes to 24 hour fitness.... I have a zero tolorence policy lol.
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