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So fucking classic. I told my wife once he's grown and done with college we should move to the Caribbean, or Panama and live like royalty. I feel your pain. Here's one for son and his longtime girlfriend wanna go to college together. She's a great girl thus far so when we were on a recruiting visit I talked to the recruiting coordinator and let them know it was a joint venture. If they wanted my son, they'd have to do something to help her out as well. Done deal, no strings attached. Both go to college together and he gets to play ball... exactly what you asked for courtesy of dad and a generous school. Well after the trip (we took his girlfriend too) they get back and say that they are willing to go to community college to be together because that's what she knows she can cover school cost wise. I just got you hooked up and shook hands on this and you wanna back out??? WTF. I told the both of them "NO". 1. his ability not only helped him, but her as well. 2. Who the fuck chooses community college over a 4 year school? 3. He needed to grow the hell up and realize that HE is the one making the sacrifice either way and that if she truly wants to be with him they will be together wherever it takes them. I bust my ass on both of their behalves. I pay for their tests, tutoring, school visits and all. We've all gone together like family with her so she is just as much a part of it as he is. Not like her folks would've taken her. I chewed their asses bro. She's a sweet girl, fine as hell, but guess what? In my house being a man means you make the decisions, if not then I guess he has the pussy in the relationship. End result, they're going where I allow. I am working 3 closer programs that want my boy, but she either shits, or gets off the pot.
unless its sports like yours is doing, I kinda want mine to go to the local college atleast the first 2 years cuz I need to be close enuff to get my hands around that neck if needed. but i think he will probably get a music scholarship plus he is smart as shit but like most has no fucking common sense but we shall see what happens.