
Ostarine cut cont

Thanks big bro.. I will keep busting my ass. Eventually I will get to 20% bf in their eyes... lol

"Their eyes" ? U gotta be kidding bro. Plz listen. We all know what certain bf percentages look like we all been doing this 20-30 years now. If you dont want proper honest advice then dont make threads. But please dont walk around telling people you are 16% bf. If you were you would look much different.

Ill show you.

Thats me at 12-13% bf. Do you actually think you are even close to that? At 16% u would be pretty close. You are way off. Minimum 25% bf.

Sometimes the truth hurts. But you have to accept it and work harder.

"Their eyes" ? U gotta be kidding bro. Plz listen. We all know what certain bf percentages look like we all been doing this 20-30 years now. If you dont want proper honest advice then dont make threads. But please dont walk around telling people you are 16% bf. If you were you would look much different.

Ill show you.

Thats me at 12-13% bf. Do you actually think you are even close to that? At 16% u would be pretty close. You are way off. Minimum 25% bf.

Sometimes the truth hurts. But you have to accept it and work harder.


Listen to this. You are not even close to 16%. You will believe what you want but it is what it is.

ISYMFS. Be strong and CONQUER.
What are you talking about? I have been busting my ass. It is 16.6% bf.

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Electronic machine

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Keep up the good work with the weight loss but please ignore any biometric impedance machines as they are useless, normally people say that you can track fat loss but for me last year bio had me at 21% and a bodpod had me at 14.4% at 180lbs then at 170lbs I was just under 20% and 8.5% respectively, neither were correct in my opinion I would have thought 12% ish, pic below at 170

End of week 4
Down a total of 4 lbs this week.
Total weight loss is 19lbs
Still working
I would like to thank Phurious and Rockmfh for continuing to motivate me to get my chunk butt into shape. Everyone at ISARM the cut is mother fucking on!!![emoji35]

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Keep working man...I'm down 76 pounds since 2/28/15.....non stop cut since....I won't stop until I get to my goal...get on my coattails and come along for the ride.....Ain't nothin but time and work.....
End of week 4
Down a total of 4 lbs this week.
Total weight loss is 19lbs
Still working
I would like to thank Phurious and Rockmfh for continuing to motivate me to get my chunk butt into shape. Everyone at ISARM the cut is mother fucking on!!![emoji35]

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You're doing very well my friend. Keep up the good work

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
You'll get there bud. I was 240lb in March of 2014 at 33%BF and I'm now 183lbs at 18.57% BF per my last Dexa Scan. Keep grinding away and it will come off.
Keep up the good work bro. You are making progress and that is what counts. I invested in some fat calipers to get a ball park on my bf%. It wasn't the number I was interested in at first, but rather the weekly trend of decreasing bf%. IE PROGRESS. Unfortunately, we all distribute fat differently not mention we have no control over where the fat comes off first. Due to my body structure - long legs with a short torso/rib cage- I had veins in my forearms and biceps popping out, but didn't really start seeing the full outline of abs & obliques until below 13%. I started at 190LBS / 20%BF and ended at 170LBS / 10%BF. I would never have guessed I had 20LBS to loose. Stay on your grind and keep us posted!
Week 5 summary
Lost some decent fat but I gained some good muscle. I went down in inches around my waist but actually gained 2 lbs this week. I am not going to make excuses. I am just going to have to adjust my diet. Will keep up the fight!

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Last post for this week... Boss is teaching new technical support for my engineering program and I need to study.
Here is a progress pic.

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Week 6 summary
Down to 265 lbs after taking calories down to 2000 a day. When to my local clinic to get my bf% checked... I am at an even 23.0%. You can not see this in the shitty pics I posted recently but I am slowly coming down. I can still bench 315 for 8-10 and shoulder press 275 for 8. The cut is still on amigos!!!

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