
Ostarine cut cont

Im not being mean. Im saying based on what i see from ur pics u cant be 16%. Did he use calipers on 6 spots on ur body or an electronic machine

Ahh well there u go those are severly inaccurate. Its based electrical impulses and how easily they flow thru ur body. Not accurate at all.

Ya dude those electronic machines that you hold or stand on are inaccurate. It's bioelectrical impedence analysis which basically sends electric current through your body from your hands or feet. It doesn't take into account water, food, body comp, etc and just gives a number based on how easy the current flows through your body hence why it's not accurate. They also have new electrical impedence myography devices that measure target spots on your body which look to be slightly more accurate since you have to physically press the device to each spot to measure. Then you have other ways such a bodpod, dexa, hydrostatic, etc. It's always going to vary but the simplest, and cheapest way to measure is calipers and the mirror which is what most of us do.
Honestly, I am still in the 20's. I mean look.
I have lost a lot of weight. There is no doubt about it. But I have many months to go![emoji16]

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Are u sure its not 26%?


Sorry to be the bad guy but there is no way in hell you are 16% body fat. 26% would be much closer. You are a big dude but don't kid yourself. Just keep up the hard work and stay focused on your goal.

ISYMFS. Be strong and CONQUER.
Ya man, in all honesty you are probably mid to high twenties on bodyfat at best. Just keeping it real

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
brother I was the same way legs were fine stomach and chest different story a year ago and I got the same feedback, don't take it personal take it as a challenge to get that shit down I did I thought I was around 25 they said from my pic 35 now im below 20 close to 15 so it can be done brother just use it as a fire deep inside you burn and guide you in the right way
Thanks big bro.. I will keep busting my ass. Eventually I will get to 20% bf in their eyes... lol

one day at a time big boy you will get there and if you see progress in the mirror that's really what matters, believe me it hurt me a little but I knew I had let myself go but honestly it ended up being the best thing they could have ever said to me cuz it started that fire deep inside me to show them I wasn't that fat kid anymore you know we got your back and sometimes it aint sugar coated. I think you are already making tremendous progress just keep tweaking your workouts diet etc and find out what works the best
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