
Ostarine cut cont

Hmmmm...this isn't good to hear, especially after learning last week that 3 members had posted bogus pics. I clearly don't think that is the case here, but mixed stories on different boards won't win any trust or friends here. Just keep it 100, no need to for bs cause then people won't know what to believe. Just my 2 cents..well, 1 cent after taxes.
Dude, I am talking about myself. What is your problem. I said absolutely nothing about you.

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Im tired of seeing these logs im tired of seeing ur bitch tits and ur fucking poses and ur countless photos all lookin the same. Ur crazy talk about losing bf in two days. Lying about being a seal and on and on and on.

It pisses me off to hear someone admit to running a fake log. Do you have any damn idea the amount of time, sweat and effort those of us who are serious put into a log when we do one.
You games discredit and rob from that. I can ignore it cause I know better, but not everyone does. Complete BS
So you admit to lying and making fake logs? Wtf. People come on here for support and to learn, not to be bullshitted and lied to. That's some really stupid shit you did. If you don't want to post a real log then don't post any log at all. I suspected this all along but gave you the benefit of doubt. Too bad you proved me wrong. I am done reading any of your posts ever on any forum.

ISYMFS. Be strong and CONQUER.
Unsubscibed. Came out with some real sorry for himself talk when pulled on the bs logs, fake life or watever he living. Like no one else here trains just as hard as him. I know for sure most who are training are definitely more dedicated, just by looking at results achieved let alone those taking gear.

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Making fake logs, that's some wierdo shit. You probably do it just so u can post 50 pics of ur self.

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Whenever he posts pics i show my gf and she says "he needs to stop posting he has tits". And thats a girl saying that who is hella buff. She surpassed him and she is just a short little latina.

Whenever he posts pics i show my gf and she says "he needs to stop posting he has tits". And thats a girl saying that who is hella buff. She surpassed him and she is just a short little latina.


Hahahahah. This was funny, thanks for sharing.

ISYMFS. Be strong and CONQUER.
You win! I am done with bodybuilding forums forever.

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Dude you still got supporters here big ups for trying and getting out there just focus on the diet more and not so much the Supps they're called supplements for a reason

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His body fat hasn't changed in a year. There's no way he's doing what he says he is. No discipline.

You don't have to post on his progress man... No need for Negativity guys come here for motivation and to share their daily experiences and advice not that

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If you read back you'll see where he says he runs fake logs bro. I'm no basher, but really?? The log isn't real. I'm unsubscribing now.
He got a solid base to be fair just his body fat is over 25 prolly

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Thats the point bro he lives in a fantasy land. Its probly cloelser to 30 yes he is all oh im 19% and i lost 2% bf in two days. Bullshit. Its all bullshit.

You don't have to post on his progress man... No need for Negativity guys come here for motivation and to share their daily experiences and advice not that

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And thise people we welcome because they listen and are committed and tell the truth and dont make a new thread every week titling it 3 week transformation 4 week etc etc. its a farce dont be sucked in he has done this on every forum he has ever been a member of. And i used to have compasion until he lied about being a navy seal. Thats a huge insult to many brave soldiers. Not acceptable.

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