
Mega Recomp Cycle Time! A new log by Dylan Gemelli

I will say that I am pretty tired right now... I let it all out today at the gym... any sort of built up aggression i had came out in a major way... i have never been able to incline 225 for 10 but i did it today.... not just one set but two... i would love to be able to get 250 for 10 on incline and im going to push it until i can... i blasted biceps today as well, increasing weights on everything in a big way... im so pleased with how i feel and the size that is coming in... more progress and updates to come! i can't tell you guys how much i appreciate the support and encouragement...
Love the pics bro, it's like a sculpter adding more clay every couple days! I wanted to know how many days into it did it take for you to feel the drol working? You do a lot of sets of ten, i wondered why you don't drop to fewer reps higher weight at times? Thanks, keep pushing!

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Love the pics bro, it's like a sculpter adding more clay every couple days! I wanted to know how many days into it did it take for you to feel the drol working? You do a lot of sets of ten, i wondered why you don't drop to fewer reps higher weight at times? Thanks, keep pushing!

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I appreciate it bro... Just so you know, I am a major responder, especially to orals, so I respond far quicker to many compounds than most... I felt it rather quickly, within the first week...

I train in the hypertrophy stage, not the power stage... The power stage is NOT the optimal way to put on the most size... In training for hypertrophy, the method is to for sets of 8-10 at 85% of your max... Its extremely difficult and I mentally force myself to get to ten or I feel like I failed at the set... Every set is equally important to me and I never cut it "one short" etc... I count every rep as equally important...
I appreciate it bro... Just so you know, I am a major responder, especially to orals, so I respond far quicker to many compounds than most... I felt it rather quickly, within the first week...

I train in the hypertrophy stage, not the power stage... The power stage is NOT the optimal way to put on the most size... In training for hypertrophy, the method is to for sets of 8-10 at 85% of your max... Its extremely difficult and I mentally force myself to get to ten or I feel like I failed at the set... Every set is equally important to me and I never cut it "one short" etc... I count every rep as equally important...
Thanks for the info. I mix it back and forth but will do what you suggest. I don't want to waste a day, a rep or a workout. Starting to feel drol now, starting to like it. (End of week 2 just upped from 50 to 75 ed) thanks bro!

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Thanks for the info. I mix it back and forth but will do what you suggest. I don't want to waste a day, a rep or a workout. Starting to feel drol now, starting to like it. (End of week 2 just upped from 50 to 75 ed) thanks bro!

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absolutely bro... trust me, thats the range for maximum muscle growth... its the most difficult but when its harder to do the benefit tends to be much larger!
Another excellent week... 4 weeks in, up 10.5 pounds, feeling extremely strong, energized and ready for more! There is a clear change in size everywhere but unlike other times i have put on size quickly, i still feel light and that has always been a barrier to me mentally, feeling heavy etc... my diet is so fucking clean, like never before and my training is as dialed in as its every been... I will accept nothing less than what i want and then i want more... This should be a very very effective week for me... Here is a picture from Friday...

Another excellent week... 4 weeks in, up 10.5 pounds, feeling extremely strong, energized and ready for more! There is a clear change in size everywhere but unlike other times i have put on size quickly, i still feel light and that has always been a barrier to me mentally, feeling heavy etc... my diet is so fucking clean, like never before and my training is as dialed in as its every been... I will accept nothing less than what i want and then i want more... This should be a very very effective week for me... Here is a picture from Friday...


bro easy exposing those guns, gonna get thrown in Jail for open carry
how come i'm just seeing this thread now , omg... so following

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Worldwide Pharmacom Labs Official Distributor since 2008
190 and counting...

Today's weight was right at 190 lbs... I cant be more pleased with the increases... Numbers were great today on bench.. Although I did not go for more than 240, which i made last time, this time I did it twice for 10... I started much heavier at 225 for 10 the first set, then 235 for 10 followed by two sets of 240... i feel like i could max around 300 which i have never even come close to... my best ever was 260... i could definitely surpass.. i would love to get to 315 at least... 3 plates one each side is a must... I beat the shit out of my chest today and also my biceps... i had a huge pump today on biceps... my weights on biceps have gone up in a major way and its showing... Here's a quick picture of the bicep progress...

Today's weight was right at 190 lbs... I cant be more pleased with the increases... Numbers were great today on bench.. Although I did not go for more than 240, which i made last time, this time I did it twice for 10... I started much heavier at 225 for 10 the first set, then 235 for 10 followed by two sets of 240... i feel like i could max around 300 which i have never even come close to... my best ever was 260... i could definitely surpass.. i would love to get to 315 at least... 3 plates one each side is a must... I beat the shit out of my chest today and also my biceps... i had a huge pump today on biceps... my weights on biceps have gone up in a major way and its showing... Here's a quick picture of the bicep progress...


nice bro keep at it
Dylan, have you ever been at 200lbs? The way you're going you'll be 205 in no time. Ready to take on some light heavyweight MMA fights.

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i notice that the winny youre gooing with is injectable..hows that treatin ya' D.G.? is that the route you usually go with winny?
Just an honest question- given the sheer number of compounds involved, would it not be entirely possible to achieve what you are after with far less gear if you were to cut down your cardio a bit? I would think that a very lean 10lbs and then some could be had and then some if your diet and training is dialed in just right.

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Not sure why part of my question repeated itself at the end there. Almost like I typed with a stutter 😂

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Just an honest question- given the sheer number of compounds involved, would it not be entirely possible to achieve what you are after with far less gear if you were to cut down your cardio a bit? I would think that a very lean 10lbs and then some could be had and then some if your diet and training is dialed in just right.

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your not going to get your diet and training more dialed in that i have it now and im not willing to cut down on my cardio whatsoever... so that would be off the table as well...
i notice that the winny youre gooing with is injectable..hows that treatin ya' D.G.? is that the route you usually go with winny?

no i just wanted to try it... i prefer oral but i love this winstrol quality but i hate the pinning... i dont like to pin so its not for me in the future... i'll stick with oral...
Dylan, have you ever been at 200lbs? The way you're going you'll be 205 in no time. Ready to take on some light heavyweight MMA fights.

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i have but not the quality i want... this is drawn out to be pure quality the entire time.... so if i get to 200 with my body fat staying where its at, then fuck yeah bro... im all for it...
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