
CC's Next Level Log

Day 9 nutrition-
Meal 1- 1.5 cups of egg whites
1/2 cup of oatmeal
1/4 cup of strawberries
Meal 2- 2 scoops of whey
16oz of almond milk
1 medium apple
Meal 3- 7oz chicken breast
1 cup of brown rice
2 tbs of guacamole
Meal 4- 2 scoops of whey
16oz of water
Meal 5- 7oz chicken breast
1 cup of brown rice
Meal 6- 7oz chicken breast
1 cup of brown rice
1/2 cup of broccoli
Meal 7- 1 cup of egg whites
1 plain rice cake
2 tbs of natural peanut butter.
added about 20 grams of carbs. Protein- 340 grams, carbs-182 grams, fat-57 grams. Sodium-1,930mg potassium- 3,988mg. Thank you for reading!
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Week 2 day 10 wake up 5:30am. BP 127/83 and I took it two times to make sure! Today's workout is back and calves! Will be shooting to hit failure around rep 10 and 2 forced reps! No cardio today. Will post complete workout after completed as well as meals. Still feel really focused and motivated. Noticing some visible water retention as I am sure there was some intracellular water retention before but now I can see a little under the skin! Not worried about the water at all as is normal especially with upping my carbs a little and drol just wanted to point out what I notice. Thanks for reading
Day 10 back and calves workout- warm up joint rotations and bike 10 mins.
1) lat pulldowns- (100lbsx20,130lbsx15) 205lbsx15, 225lbsx10+2, 235lbsx9+2, 235lbsx8+2
2) head supported bent over row- (used the incline bench to rest forehead on to take some pressure off lower back)(95lbsx20) 185lbsx15,225lbsx12, 225lbsx15. Could have done more but wanted to protect my lower back. Will definetly go up next time through this phase.
3) hammer strength low row-(45lbsx20) 135lbsx15, 225lbsx12+1, 235lbsx10+2
4) seated row-(100lbsx20) 200lbsx15,220lbsx12+2,235lbsx10+2, 245lbsx10+2 (took a little longer break for this set)
5) wide grip cable pullover- 65lbsx20,75lbsx12,85lbsx10+2,85lbsx8+2
6) rack pulls- 135lbsx20,225lbsx15,315lbsx15,315lbsx15
7) chin ups- bwx15,bwx12,bwx10+2,bwx8+2. Have to be careful with chins. That's where the pec attaches to the humerus and for me the most vulnerable especially from the stretched position.
8) standing calf raise- 120lbsx20, 180lbsx12, 195lbsx10+2, 210lbsx8+2
Trying to add in new exercises that I have stayed away from cause of previous injuries. Everything today felt good with no issues! Lat pump during cable pullover was insane!!! Feeling really focused and determined!! Thank you for reading!
Day 10 nutrition-
Meal 1- 11/2 cups of egg whites
1/2 cup of oatmeal
1/4 cup of blueberries
Meal 2- 2 scoops of whey
16oz of almond milk
1 medium apple
Meal 3- 7oz chicken breast
1 cup of brown rice
2 tbs of guacamole
1/2 cup of broccoli
Meal 4- 2 scoops of whey
16oz water
Meal 5- 7oz of chicken breast
1 cup of brown rice
3 spears of asparagus
Meal 6- 7oz chicken breast
1/2 cup of brown rice
Meal 7- 6oz of steak
1/2 cup of brown rice
1/2 cup of broccoli
Appetite is still good and get hungry every 2 hours. Thank you for reading!!
Your meals are looking great man. I have to find a way to fix my diet with work and everything. It's rough as you know. But yours is looking good. And nice lifts happening here.

Robolics Representative. PM for details.
Your meals are looking great man. I have to find a way to fix my diet with work and everything. It's rough as you know. But yours is looking good. And nice lifts happening here.

Robolics Representative. PM for details.

Thank you brother!! I prepare every meal the night before! if I wait till the morning I always run out of time and missing something! Always the night before!
Day 11- wake up 5:30am. BP 132/73, weight 210.2lbs. Today is off from weights and only cardio. Will be doing HIIT with the jump rope! Will post my workout. Shoot for 90-95 jumps per 30 secs! Thanks for reading
Thank you brother!! I prepare every meal the night before! if I wait till the morning I always run out of time and missing something! Always the night before!

Smart, most days 2-3 of my meals are already prepped from earlier. It makes it much easier IMO.
Smart, most days 2-3 of my meals are already prepped from earlier. It makes it much easier IMO.

I agree! Have to prepare the night before!! No matter how tired I am I cook 28oz of chicken, pork loin or steak at night and my rice. My girl is a huge help with this so I don't do it on my own!!
Day 11 cardio HIIT with jump rope. 15 rounds 30 secs on 30 sec off. Average jumps per 30 secs today was 92 jumps per round!! Each time getting faster and faster!! Need to hit an average of 95 jumps on Saturday!! I also did 3 sets of machine crunches with body weight and 50 reps per set! Thank you for reading!!
Hey CC ?? I see youre going strong, what's your total macros at now... And how's that with gains.. I'm at 2000, stuck. Not good at gaining, don't want to be putting on fat. Thinking plus 100 weekly with clean carbs ??? Sorry for the bother, I know you're really focused right now... Keep going, I'm following !!
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Hey CC ?? I see youre going strong, what's your total macros at now... And how's that with gains.. I'm at 2000, stuck. Not good at gaining, don't want to be putting on fat. Thinking plus 100 weekly with clean carbs ??? Sorry for the bother, I know you're really focused right now... Keep going, I'm following !!

Bro first off your never a bother!! My macros from yesterday day 10 are; Protein- 369 grams, Carbs-188 grams, Fat-50 grams. Total calories approx 2,498. My maintenance before starting run was 2,530 calories. Macros before starting run Protein-345 grams, carbs-220 grams, fat-30 grams. I wanted to start the cycle at a slight deficit and bumped my protein up dropped some carbs and added a little fat. Still at a deficit of just under a hundred calories and have gained 3.2lbs in 11 days! What's your weight? What's your macros right now?
Day 11 nutrition-
Meal 1- 4 protein pancakes (little switch up)
1 cup of egg whites
1/4 cup of blueberries
Meal 2- 2 scoops of whey isolate
16oz of almond milk
1 medium apple
Meal 3- 7oz of chicken breast
1 cup of brown rice
1/2 cup of broccoli
Meal 4- 7oz of steak
1 cup of brown rice
Meal 5- 7oz of steak
1 cup of brown rice
Meal 6- 7oz chicken breast
1/2 cup of brown rice
3 spears of asparagus
Meal 7- 1 scoop of whey isolate
16oz of almond milk
1 plain rice cake
2 tbs of natural peanut butter
Overall feeling really good!! Can't wait for shoulder workout tomorrow! Thank you for reading!
Right now I'm 180-185. Pro @ 250+ Carb @ 100, Fat @ 40-50. Just around < 2000. !!! Starting cardio again tomorrow, after break from surgery, I think it may be a good time to increase at 100-150 per week 10 % in each.
Can anyone tell me after running tren and anadrol how long of a rest do i need to give my liver before i can take some more is a month ok?
Yes, I'm running the same as you. Just tb as the jump....But no Mast ,Dec...

Here is what I would do! First I wouldn't add too many calories if I wasn't able to push at 100% at gym! I know you mentioned about no direct core work yet but don't know where your at as far as other workouts. If your able to work fairly hard at the gym then I would up the protein to be at 1.5 grams for the 185lbs which would be appro 277 grams per day. I would also slowly start to up the carbs and would make the biggest change here slowly over a 3-4 weeks period. 100 grams of carbs seems really low for any building of muscle! I would keep fat where it is. I would set a goal of gaining about 1lbs every 2 weeks and adjust my carb intake to attain that goal. With coming back from surgery the most important aspect is patience!
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