
CC's Next Level Log

Day 7 cardio- warm up joint rotations and 10 mins on arc trainer.
15 rounds of jump rope at 30 sec on sec off! Average jumps per 30 secs was 90 today! Cool down on treadmill for 10 mins.
Next week the plan is to do 45 sec on with 30 secs off. Thank you for reading!
Great log CC! You have every base covered.

Just posted my bloods, so check it out when you get the chance.

Never give up.....
WEEK 2 day 8- wake up 9am. BP 135/83. 3rd pin today right glute! This is the second week of hypertrophy phase and the focus this week is 3 set in the 8-12 rep range and hitting failure around rep 10 and 2 forced reps. Today is legs and will post my complete workout and nutrition for the day. Thank you for reading!
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Day 8 leg workout. Warm up- joint rotation and 10 mins on arc trainer
1) abduction and addiction- 3 sets of 20 reps
2) prone leg curl- (70x20,90lbsx20) 140lbsx12, 150lbsx10+2, 150lbsx9+2
3) seated leg curl- no forced reps on this exercise to protect knee and lower back-(90lbsx20) 130lbsx12,130lbsx10,130lbsx10
4) standing single leg curl- (45lbsx20) 90lbsx12, 100lbsx10+2, 100lbsx8+2
5) leg extensions- did more volume and did not hit failure to protect knee. (70lbsx30) 100lbsx30, 115lbsx30, 130lbsx20, 115lbsx30
6) smith squats- 3 sets of 20 reps 135x20,225x20,225x20
7) leg press- (225x20) 405lbsx20, 495lbsx20, 585lbsx20
Bike for cool down for 10 mins! Some pain in my knee after workout but nothing unusual! Thanks for reading!
You're gonna be a fuckin beast by the end of this my man. I appreciate you making such a detailed log. It really helps me critique the stuff I do in my routine.
You're gonna be a fuckin beast by the end of this my man. I appreciate you making such a detailed log. It really helps me critique the stuff I do in my routine.

Thank you!!! That is much appreciated!! I will do everything in my power to get most out of these 16 weeks! If you something that is missing don't hesitate to call me out bro!!
Day 8 nutrition-
Meal 1- 11/4 cups of egg whites
1/2 cup of oatmeal
1/4 cup of blueberries
Meal 2- 2 scoops of whey isolate
16oz of water
Meal 3- 7oz chicken breast
1 cup of brown rice
4 spears of asparagus
Meal 4- 7oz chicken breast
1 cup of brown rice
2tbs of guacamole
Meal 5- 1 cup of egg whites
4oz of turkey
1/2 cup of brown rice
1 Joseph's pita
Meal 6- 2 scoops of whey isolate
2 tbs of natural peanut butter
Thank you for reading!
Week 2 day 9- wake up 6:30am. BP 130/85. Today's workout is chest and abs. Again the focus for this week is to hit failure around rep 10 and 2 forced reps! I am going to switch h up my cardio a little this week to give my back and knee a little break. This week I will be doing 4 HIIT cardio sessions using jump rope or bike. The plan is to do the HIIT after my last meal and have just protein after session on Mon, wed, fri, sat.
Started mk 2866 on Sunday at 25mg/day. Weight this morning was 209.8!! Still gaining weight in a deficit. I can't say enough about Robo liquid anadrol it is by far my favorite oral!! Thank you for reading!
Damn, your shoulder is almost the size of my head bro. Looking good CC. This detailed log is extremely educating and valuable. No parameter or detail left out.

Thank you ironlifter!! I appreciate you reading my log bro and your feedback!!! Bro honestly there is so much more I could add to this log but don't want to be overboard if that makes sense!
Day 9 chest ab workout. Warm up joint rotations and 10 mins on bike. As I have wrote in the past I train with more volume for chest and don't push to the point of failure because of previous injures. I focus on form and making a connection to get the most amount of stimulation.
1) internal and external rotations- 3 sets of 20 reps
2) machine chest press- (50lbsx20,65lbsx20) 110lbsx15, 125lbsxx15,140lbsx12, 140lbsx12
3) incline db press-(30lbsx20) 50lbsx15,60lbsx15,70lbsx12,75lbsx12
4) decline close grip barbell-(95lbsx20) 135lbsx20,155lbsx15,185lbsx12
5) peck deck- 90lbsx20,110lbsx20,120lbsx15, 120lbsx15
6) high to low cable crossover- 25lbsx20, 30lbsx15, 30lbsx15
7) push-ups- bwx20, bwx15, bwx15
8) ab crunch machines- bwx50,bwx50,bwx50
Hanging leg raises- bwx25,bwx25,bwx25
Cardio- bike sprints level 5, 30 sec sprints and 1 min rest, sprint speed 160rpm, max heart rate after sprints 165bpm. Total of 7 sprints. Bike always kicks my ass to do sprints on! Thank you for reading!
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