
CC's Next Level Log

What's up CC did first pin today, trying to configure everything together, starting right now at 375 test/Deca 600 Eq ,opinion??? Ohh & the tb at 60,,

What's up SV!! How are you healing? How you feel? In my first run with EQ I started at 600mg/wk and then bumped to 800mg/wk. after bumping to 800mg/wk I noticed a significant difference in vascularity and endurance especially muscular endurance! That was my experience and decided to start this run at 800mg/wk! I used tbol at 60mg/day and had to go down to 40mg/day cause of the gas and indigestion. Here is the crazy thing with a more potent oral in Drol at this point have had no sides!! That's my opinion!
This is a great log CC. Knew you'd love the drol. Keep it up bro.

Robolics Representative. PM for details.
Thank you for all your help brother!!! It's much appreciated!!! Robo drol is the shit to say the least!!!! Will be contacting you again bro!!!
Thank you for all your help brother!!! It's much appreciated!!! Robo drol is the shit to say the least!!!! Will be contacting you again bro!!!

Sounds like a plan to me. You know I'm always here.

Robolics Representative. PM for details.
Thanks for that CC.I haven't had single digit BF ever I think.The lowest I ever got it was 12%.

Welcome brother! Hope it helps!! Can't hurt to get body fat down and while your doing cardio to drop fat your heart benefits!! If I was you I would make that my focus in your time leading up to your run!! Kill it bro!!
1) body fat in single digits. As you may the high the body fat more aromatization. Yes drol is is a dht but in some undetermined way could cause estrogenic side effects. Another thing I learned from a post by gymjunkie 38 is nolvadex can help if estrogen is controlled with AI but still getting symptoms of estrogen. So something to keep on hand.
2) sodium control. People with high blood pressure are recommended to eat around 1,500mg/day. I try to keep my sodium around 2,000mg/day.
3) cardiovascular conditioning. The better your heart is conditioned improves stroke volume. Stroke volume is the amount of blood your heart beats per beat! The better condition your heart is in the less pressure at the artieral wall.
4) water. The more water you drink the more you will excrete and keep things moving especially while controlling sodium! If you become dehydrated you body will hold water to maintain homeostasis and the more water you hold the higher your blood pressure!
5) start cycle support and tudca 3 days prior to start or orals and continue tudca a week after discontinue use!
Sent you a pm as well!
Anadrol is NOT a DHT. Anadrol is a DHN. It's the sub-analog nandrolone of DHT. Anadrol, deca, tren are all DHN. Eq, primo, are DHB. Tbol, test, winstrol, etc are DHT.

Sent from my LGLS992 using Tapatalk
Anadrol is NOT a DHT. Anadrol is a DHN. It's the sub-analog nandrolone of DHT. Anadrol, deca, tren are all DHN. Eq, primo, are DHB. Tbol, test, winstrol, etc are DHT.

Sent from my LGLS992 using Tapatalk

Thank you for clearing that up! There is a lot of debate on the side effects of Anadrol and a lot of speculation.
Day 6- wake up 5:30am. BP 123/75. Today workout is arms, abs and for cardio will be doing intervals with the jump rope. Again this week my focus is on drop sets after my 3rd heavy set. Will post my complete workout once completed. Thank you for reading!
Day 6 workout- arms and abs. Warm up joint rotations and 10 mins on the bike
1) external and internal rotations- 3 sets of 20 reps.
2) barbell curls-(barx20,65lbsx20) 85lbsx15, 125lbsx12, 145lbsx8, 145lbsx7 ds 85lbsx20
3) single arm cable curls-(20lbsx20) 35lbsx15,45lbsx12,55lbsx8,55lbsx8 ds 30lbsx20
4) incline db curls- 25lbsx15, 35lbsx12, 40lbsx8, 40lbsx8 ds 20lbsx20
5) tricep pushdowns- (50lbsx20) stackx15,stack+10lbsx12, stack+10lbsx10 ds 85lbsx20
6) ez bar skull crushers- (60lbsx20) 100lbsx15, 120lbsx10, 120lbsx10, 120lbsx10 do 80lbsx15
7) single arm underhand grip pushdowns- 40lbsx15 for 3 sets no drop set feel more in elbows.
8) ab crunches super set with leg raises- 3 sets of crunches bwx50, leg raises bwx25
Cardio- jump rope- 15 rounds of 30 secs. today only took 30 sec rest between rounds. Average jumps was 90!! Felt a little tired when workout started but once I got going energy was good! Didn't sleep good last night so will be in bed by 10pm tonight!! Thank you for reading!
What's up SV!! How are you healing? How you feel? In my first run with EQ I started at 600mg/wk and then bumped to 800mg/wk. after bumping to 800mg/wk I noticed a significant difference in vascularity and endurance especially muscular endurance! That was my experience and decided to start this run at 800mg/wk! I used tbol at 60mg/day and had to go down to 40mg/day cause of the gas and indigestion. Here is the crazy thing with a more potent oral in Drol at this point have had no sides!! That's my opinion!
Thanks CC, just the beginning. Back at the weights but nothing to do with core as of yet, couple more weeks of healing... Will take the advice after a couple weeks jumping to 800 & sticking to 60tb right now. Good to hear the liquid treating you well !!! Looking good ,
Day 6 nutrition
Meal 1- 1-1/4 cup of egg whites
1/2 cup of oatmeal
1/4 cup of blueberries
Meal 2- 2 scoops of whey
12oz almond milk
Meal 3- (pre workout) 7oz turkey burger
1/2 cup of broccoli
1 cup of brown rice
Meal 4- (post workout) 2 scoops of whey
16oz of water
Meal 5- 7oz of turkey burger
green peppers, onions, red peppers in turkey burger
1 cup of white rice
Meal 6- 7oz turkey burger
green peppers, onions, red peppers
1 cup of brown rice
Meal 7- 6oz ground turkey
6 romaine lettuce leafs
1 tbs of guacamole
Overall good day! Thank you for reading.
Thanks CC, just the beginning. Back at the weights but nothing to do with core as of yet, couple more weeks of healing... Will take the advice after a couple weeks jumping to 800 & sticking to 60tb right now. Good to hear the liquid treating you well !!! Looking good ,

Thank you brother! Go slow go slow at the gym!!!
Day 7- wake up 7:30am BP 136/82 Upped drol dose to 50mg/day on day 5. Still feel really good and can feel the added dose. I feel a little warmer and flush with added 25mg.
Weight- 208.8lbs up 1.8lbs
Skin fold 3 site- chest 4mm, abs 9mm, quad 5mm. No change
Nutrition- protein was upped to 7oz on day 3 and have been getting 360 grams per day
Carbs has been 160 grams per day
Fat has been 40 grams per day.
Calories- maintainence calories 2,530 current calories 2,440.
Cardio- added 3 HIIT sessions this week using the jump rope. Steady state time was increased to 45 min 4 days a week.
To be at a deficit of approx 100 calories/day, increasing cardio and maintain skin fold measurements and add 1.8lbs in one week is a great start!!!! Today's workout is just cardio and will be doing HIIT with the jump rope! Thanks for reading!
Great log CC. I like how you recapped Week 1 with weight, skin folds and nutrition. Overtime, it will make following your progress easier for the reader.

BP gone up a little, though this is to be expected.

With the increase in drol i predict a 2lb-3lb gain in week 2.
Great log CC. I like how you recapped Week 1 with weight, skin folds and nutrition. Overtime, it will make following your progress easier for the reader.

BP gone up a little, though this is to be expected.

With the increase in drol i predict a 2lb-3lb gain in week 2.

Thanks bro! Like to hear your predictions!
Day 7 cardio- warm up joint rotations and 10 mins on arc trainer.
15 rounds of jump rope at 30 sec on sec off! Average jumps per 30 secs was 90 today! Cool down on treadmill for 10 mins.
Next week the plan is to do 45 sec on with 30 secs off. Thank you for reading!
Great log CC! You have every base covered.

Just posted my bloods, so check it out when you get the chance.

Never give up.....
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