
Carmel Cowboy Transformation Log

So I can't post a visible picture so here are my recent results
Total test- 351
Free test- 64.2
Psa- .8
IGF-1- 115
Estradiol- 8
Total cholesterol- 176
Hdl- 64
So with 4 more weeks test went from 150 to 351 and believe it will continue to climb.
Day 59- wake up 6:30am. 2 scoops of aminos as usual. Today is arms and abs at the gym. Nutrition for today is a high day so will be at 145 grams of carbs. Will post complete workout as well as meals. Thanks for reading!
Workout overview
Drop set- Feb 1-5 finished my final week of drop set during this week. I had already completed 2 weeks prior to contest. The focus was to stay heavy for 3 sets and after my 3rd set drop the weight to about 50% and go to failure. The purpose of this phase was to have a combination of the principle of overload as well as metabolic stress.
Heavy 6-8 reps. Feb 6-18 I used a weight that I could complete 6-8reps on most exercises. As most already know I don't go to heavy with chest and quads cause of previous injuries. The goal of this phase was to increase strength ultimately to increase the load I could use for hypertrophy rep range of 10 reps.
Deload week. Week of feb 26. Purpose of this phase is to give my body some rest and focus on weakness and allowing some nagging tweaks to heal. I stayed light to get blood flow and stay in 15-20 reps range. I incorporate deload weeks whenever I feel like my body needs it. I also use contrasting showers, cryotherapy and massage therapy during this phase to help the healing process! I also focus on stretching and chi gong exercises.
Heavy week- feb 26. I only completed two weeks of heavy before starting deload week so finished my third week at this time.
Hypertrophy- March 5-25. The goal for this phase was to progressively work towards hitting failure at rep 8 and 2 forced reps by week 3. So week 1 was working with a load that was fairly easy for 10 reps. Week 2 was a little heavier but still be able to complete 10 reps. Week 3 was a load that I could complete 8 reps and 2 forced reps. Again with exercises for my chest and quads I didn't hit failure. This phase just finished which leads to next week!
Hypertrophy- pre exhaust March 26-April 16. This phase my focus is pre exhausting a section of a body part with a single joint exercise prior to compound heavy movement. For example for upper chest I will do 3 sets of 15-20 reps with low to high cable crossovers with no more then 30 secs between sets. After 3rd set I will go incline db press and do 3 sets of 8 reps with 1-1.5 min rest between set. This phase will be 3 weeks and week 2 will be for middle chest and 3rd week will be lower pec using the example to show the progression over 3 weeks.
My main goal with my workouts is building lean muscle tissue so everything revolves around that goal and most of my time is spent in hypertrophy phase but use several training protocols that I have found to be effective for me.
Hope this make sense to anyone who is reading. If I need to further explain anything please ask. Thank you for reading!

As always, very interesting. This sounds like a method of periodization, correct? I was telling Red M that I am still in the process of learning how to vary volume and intensity, when to push and when to back off. Having said that, I find this read very informative and useful.
That's awesome. Angelo knows his shit. He's my go to guy for a lot of this stuff.

Can you noticeable feel different than you did 4 weeks ago?

Yes about two weeks ago Angelo asked how I was feeling and I can feel a difference in my body. What I mean by feel is how my body felt to touch. I noticed I feeling like I was getting tighter more nitrogen rentention is what I summed it up to. I also noticed my libido picking up and a little more energy especially at night! Angelo has a tremendous amount of knowledge and more then that he is a good person who really cares!! I can say how much I appreciate him even listening to me and giving me sound advice!!
As always, very interesting. This sounds like a method of periodization, correct? I was telling Red M that I am still in the process of learning how to vary volume and intensity, when to push and when to back off. Having said that, I find this read very informative and useful.

Yes sir it a hybrid of linear and undulating periodization. If I can help in trying to explain my philosophy in greater detail just let me know and I will break down how I go about laying out a plan. I remember reading that you have read about periodization and it didn't make much sense to you. If I can help with my little bit of knowledge let me know.
Yes sir it a hybrid of linear and undulating periodization. If I can help in trying to explain my philosophy in greater detail just let me know and I will break down how I go about laying out a plan. I remember reading that you have read about periodization and it didn't make much sense to you. If I can help with my little bit of knowledge let me know.

Actually I may very well take you up on that offer. I am traveling again next week, but will PM you when I return. Perhaps you can help me put together a program. Similar structure to what I am doing now, but with periodization built in.
Arm workout- warm up was joint rotations and 10 mins on the bike.
1) external and internal rotations- 3 sets of 20 reps
2) incline db curl- (15lbsx20) 25lbsx15,30lbsx15,35lbsx15
3) barbell curl- (65lbsx20)105lbsx15, 125lbsx12,135lbsx10
4) rope hammer curls-40lbsx20,65lbsx15,70lbsx15,70lbsx15
5) v bar push downs-(50lbsx20) 90lbsx15,110lbsx15,120lbsx12,120lbsx12
6) ez curl bar skull crushers- (50lbsx20)100lbsx15,120lbsx15,130lbsx12
7) single arm underhand push downs-40lbs for 3 sets of 15.
8) ab crunch 30reps super set with leg raises 30reps
Cardio eliptical 45 mins.
Day 60- wake up 6:30am weight this morning was 212.4 so down exactly 1lb. Today's weight in is after two high carb days and still able to maintain the 1lb loss after my low days. Today is a day off from weights and will be doing cardio on arc trainer for 50 mins. Nutrition for today is a low day and will be at 75 grams of carbs! Will post all my meals! Thank you for reading.
Carbon copy. It's an email term. In other words I wouldn't mind reading what you have to say about periodization in your discussion with Ironlifter.

Got you!! No problem! I think I am going to post in my log my concepts on periodization and that way you guys can adapt to your workout!!
I'd appreciate that. I'm sure there are a number of people that could benefit from reading about that. I've played a little with it before, and my current program does use it to a degree, but I'm definitely a noob at it.
Glad to help and hope my theory makes sense!
Day 60 nutrition
Meal 1- 6 egg whites
3oz turkey
Onions and peppers
1/4 cup of grits
Meal 2- 2 scooos of whey
16oz water
Meal 3- 6oz of chicken
1/2 cup of rice
Meal 4- 3oz of chicken, 3oz of steak
Salad with spinach, romain, ice burg, peppers, onions, cilantro
Meal 5- 6 egg whites
3oz turkey
1 josheps wrap
Meal 6- 2 scoops of whey
16oz almond milk
Arm workout- warm up was joint rotations and 10 mins on the bike.
1) external and internal rotations- 3 sets of 20 reps
2) incline db curl- (15lbsx20) 25lbsx15,30lbsx15,35lbsx15
3) barbell curl- (65lbsx20)105lbsx15, 125lbsx12,135lbsx10
4) rope hammer curls-40lbsx20,65lbsx15,70lbsx15,70lbsx15
5) v bar push downs-(50lbsx20) 90lbsx15,110lbsx15,120lbsx12,120lbsx12
6) ez curl bar skull crushers- (50lbsx20)100lbsx15,120lbsx15,130lbsx12
7) single arm underhand push downs-40lbs for 3 sets of 15.
8) ab crunch 30reps super set with leg raises 30reps
Cardio eliptical 45 mins.

That's an intriguing arm workout.I really like the variations.Barbell curl @ 135lbsx10 in an ending is very impressive.I can't do that

Great log brother.I been following & liking what I'm seeing.Ya can't have too many pics in a log though,just sayin(unless you're!)
That's an intriguing arm workout.I really like the variations.Barbell curl @ 135lbsx10 in an ending is very impressive.I can't do that

Great log brother.I been following & liking what I'm seeing.Ya can't have too many pics in a log though,just sayin(unless you're!)

Thank you for reading my log and the compliments brother!! I will post another pic before the final pic!!
Day 61- wake up 7:30am. Today's workout is legs and will post complete workout. Today is a low day and will be eating 75 grams of carbs. Will post all my meals! Thank you for reading!
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