
Carmel Cowboy Transformation Log

Day 52- woke up 5:30am 2 scoops of aminos as usual. Workout for today is arms and abs. Will be shorting for a weight to do 8 reps and 2 forced. Cardio will be 45mins on eliptical. Nutrition for today is a low day and will be at 75 grams of carbs. Will post all my meals and workout. Tomorrow is official weigh in and will definetly be under 213.
Workout today was arms and abs. Warm up was normal joint rotations and 10 mins on bike.
1)external and internal rotation 3 sets of 20reps
2) face pulls 3 sets of 20 reps
3) barbell curls- (65lbsx20,85lbsx20reps)125lbsx15reps, 135lbsx10,140lbsx8+2,140lbsx6+2
4) incline db curls-(15lbsx20)30lbsx12,35lbsx10,40lbsx8+2
5) standing hammer curls-(25lbsx15) 40lbsx12,50lbsx10,55lbsx8+2,55lbsx8+2
6)tricep push downs-(95lbsx20) 130lbsx12,140lbsx8+2,140lbsx8+2
7) rope overhead extensions-(40lbsx20)80lbsx15,95lbsx10,115lbsx8+2
8) single arm underhand push downs-40lbs for 3 sets of 15
9) Decline crunch superset with Russian twist-body weight for 3 sets of 30reps each
Eliptical- 45 mins.bsince doing more steady state cardio knee has been feeling better. Have leg workout on Sunday with 8+2 and will be switching to pre-exhaust next week. Goal is to stay in the hypertrophy phase from now till the end of 12 weeks but will change to drop sets after 3 weeks of pre exhaust. Again always pending how I feel and response from workout will determine if I change plan! Thanks for reading!
Day 53- wake up 7:30am. Did blood draw this morning to check the progress of natural test production. Last blood draw was 5 weeks ago and TT was 150 so hopefully my test levels have come up since then. My weight this morning is 213.4lbs. So down 1.2lbs from last Saturday 3/18. Everything is going according to plan and maintaining a muscle preserving loss of a pound a week! Today is a day off from weights and cardio. My nutrition for today is a high day and will be at 145 grams of carbs. Will post all my meals. Some may be wondering why the hell is he always posting his meals if they are always the same? I post all my meals to see how my body is responding to the nutrients I give it and if I stay consistent with my meals and add a carb source like grits or a protein source like steak I can see how my body responds. If mid week my weight drops a little more then usual or increases a little more then usual I can check my log and see if its related to what I ate. For example earlier on I had the soup I posted about and the day after my weight was up a lb cause of the amounts of sodium. If I am not consistent with charting and consuming the same foods I am then just guessing why my weight is up a lb. lastly I would like to give a shout out to Angelo who has helped a tremendous amount with my blood work results. Not only in info but also with helping to ease my mind!! Thank you brother you kindness and help is greatly appreciated. Thank you for reading!
Makes complete sense. With a log as detailed as yours you'll definitely be able to break down exactly what you react to and how you react to it

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Meal 1- 6 egg whites
3 oz of turkey
1/4 cup of grits
Meal 2- 2 scoops of whey
16oz of almond milk
Meal 3- 6oz of 99%ff ground turkey
2 tbs of taco seasoning
2 tbs of salsa
2 Joseph's pitas
Meal 4- 6oz chicken
1/2 cup of rice
Meal 5- 6oz steak
1/2 cup of rice
Mushrooms, onions
Meal 6- 2 scoops of whey
16oz of water.
Meal 7- 6 egg whites
3oz turkey
Onions mushrooms
Day 54- wake up 8:30am 2 scoops of aminos. Today workout is legs and will be my last workout with 8+2 reps scheme. As always start with a complete warm up including adduction and abduction. Will post my complete workout and meals. I will also post my workout plan for next 3 or so weeks. Thanks for reading.
Workout today was legs. Warm up was joint rotations and arc trainer for 10 mins
1) adduction and abduction for 3 sets of 20 reps
2)seated leg curl- (70lbsx20,90x20)130lbsx12,150lbsx10,170lbs9+1,170lbsx8+2
3) prone leg curl- (70lbsx20)130lbsx10,150lbsx10,155lbsx8+2
4) standing single leg curl-60lbsx15,70lbsx12,80lbsx10,80lbsx10
5) leg extensions-(70lbsx30) 100lbs for 5 sets of 30reps
6) jack squat- 135lbs for 3 sets of 20reps
7) leg press- (225lbsx30) 315lbsx25,495lbsx25reps, 495lbsx25 reps
8) went back to leg ententions and did 2 sets of 50reps with 80lbs
Cardio-arc trainer for 45 mins. Will post meals later tonight. Thank you for reading.
Workout today was legs. Warm up was joint rotations and arc trainer for 10 mins
1) adduction and abduction for 3 sets of 20 reps
2)seated leg curl- (70lbsx20,90x20)130lbsx12,150lbsx10,170lbs9+1,170lbsx8+2
3) prone leg curl- (70lbsx20)130lbsx10,150lbsx10,155lbsx8+2
4) standing single leg curl-60lbsx15,70lbsx12,80lbsx10,80lbsx10
5) leg extensions-(70lbsx30) 100lbs for 5 sets of 30reps
6) jack squat- 135lbs for 3 sets of 20reps
7) leg press- (225lbsx30) 315lbsx25,495lbsx25reps, 495lbsx25 reps
8) went back to leg ententions and did 2 sets of 50reps with 80lbs
Cardio-arc trainer for 45 mins. Will post meals later tonight. Thank you for reading.

Do you feel that #1 assists with quad sweep in any way? Just curious.

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Do you feel that #1 assists with quad sweep in any way? Just curious.

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No I don't. The hip abductors are made up of the glute medius, glute minimus and tensor fascia lata. I use add and abd as stabilizing exercises just like I use external and internal rotation for shoulders stabilizations. The sweep is the vastus lateralis muscle in the quad which I feel the most when I close stance hack squat.
No I don't. The hip abductors are made up of the glute medius, glute minimus and tensor fascia lata. I use add and abd as stabilizing exercises just like I use external and internal rotation for shoulders stabilizations. The sweep is the vastus lateralis muscle in the quad which I feel the most when I close stance hack squat.

I ask as I train mine as well but I find that it seems to pronounce my quad fullness as it ties into my hips and glutes. Perhaps it's the weight I use that cause it. I'm pretty aware of the functionality of the muscles involved simply inquiring about the end result bro. Perhaps I should've worded my question more specifically.

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I ask as I train mine as well but I find that it seems to pronounce my quad fullness as it ties into my hips and glutes. Perhaps it's the weight I use that cause it. I'm pretty aware of the functionality of the muscles involved simply inquiring about the end result bro. Perhaps I should've worded my question more specifically.

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Ok I go light and use it as a stabilizing exercise.
My quad sweep kinda sucks. Got a relatively nice hamstring drop. Most of my quad development is in the femoris and medialis. I squat pretty widestance, I wonder if I included some hack squats I could develop that some.

That's what I have noticed works best for me! Close stance hack squats.
Continuing to bulk slowly is the plan. Unfortunately I'm going on vacation the week before the contest ends. Not lifting for a week is going to make me look soft haha. On the upside I'm starting my cycle when I get back.

Vacation is always good!! What's your cycle look like?
Test, EQ, deca and proviron. Planning to try tiering up the doses, thinking maybe week 8 and 14. Also will be starting the cycle with my pharma test cyp for the first 4 weeks then switch over to BGS T400 at the same weekly dose.
Test deca eq is a great cycle! What's your dosage?
Actually upon thinking about it I might want to tier it at 6 and 12 due to the long esters. Dosages probably be something along these lines.

Test 600/800/1000
Deca 250/350/450
EQ 800/950/1100
Proviron 50mg ED

Will be running GW as well.

Damn!!!!!!! Is your goal lean bulk?
Actually upon thinking about it I might want to tier it at 6 and 12 due to the long esters. Dosages probably be something along these lines.

Test 600/800/1000
Deca 250/350/450
EQ 800/950/1100
Proviron 50mg ED

Will be running GW as well.

How much aromasin you going to run to keep E within range? How much caber for prolactin?
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