
Carmel Cowboy Transformation Log

I'm not to e senstive. I got my E2 at 27 last cycle when I ran 800mg/wk of test. I was running aromasin 12.5mg ed but I had to skip every 5th day or I got too low. I know proviron lowered my E a fair bit when I added so I'm probably going to do 6.25mg eod for the first tier, 12.5mg e3d, then 12.5mg eod. Caber will run 0.25mg e3d. I could run it lower at the beginning but I like the some of the pluses of caber.

You should definetly run a log bro with your adjustments from bloodwork. That would be great info!!
Workout overview
Drop set- Feb 1-5 finished my final week of drop set during this week. I had already completed 2 weeks prior to contest. The focus was to stay heavy for 3 sets and after my 3rd set drop the weight to about 50% and go to failure. The purpose of this phase was to have a combination of the principle of overload as well as metabolic stress.
Heavy 6-8 reps. Feb 6-18 I used a weight that I could complete 6-8reps on most exercises. As most already know I don't go to heavy with chest and quads cause of previous injuries. The goal of this phase was to increase strength ultimately to increase the load I could use for hypertrophy rep range of 10 reps.
Deload week. Week of feb 26. Purpose of this phase is to give my body some rest and focus on weakness and allowing some nagging tweaks to heal. I stayed light to get blood flow and stay in 15-20 reps range. I incorporate deload weeks whenever I feel like my body needs it. I also use contrasting showers, cryotherapy and massage therapy during this phase to help the healing process! I also focus on stretching and chi gong exercises.
Heavy week- feb 26. I only completed two weeks of heavy before starting deload week so finished my third week at this time.
Hypertrophy- March 5-25. The goal for this phase was to progressively work towards hitting failure at rep 8 and 2 forced reps by week 3. So week 1 was working with a load that was fairly easy for 10 reps. Week 2 was a little heavier but still be able to complete 10 reps. Week 3 was a load that I could complete 8 reps and 2 forced reps. Again with exercises for my chest and quads I didn't hit failure. This phase just finished which leads to next week!
Hypertrophy- pre exhaust March 26-April 16. This phase my focus is pre exhausting a section of a body part with a single joint exercise prior to compound heavy movement. For example for upper chest I will do 3 sets of 15-20 reps with low to high cable crossovers with no more then 30 secs between sets. After 3rd set I will go incline db press and do 3 sets of 8 reps with 1-1.5 min rest between set. This phase will be 3 weeks and week 2 will be for middle chest and 3rd week will be lower pec using the example to show the progression over 3 weeks.
My main goal with my workouts is building lean muscle tissue so everything revolves around that goal and most of my time is spent in hypertrophy phase but use several training protocols that I have found to be effective for me.
Hope this make sense to anyone who is reading. If I need to further explain anything please ask. Thank you for reading!
After finishing the pre exhaust weeks on April 16 the final week I want to treat like a peak week for a bodybuilding show. I want to see how my body responds to a peak week protocol that I have used in the past. I know I won't be in contest shape but I can get an idea how my body will respond. If I decide to compete at some point this will be valuable info for me. Peak week will start April 19th-April 26th which will be the end of transformation contest.

Day 55- wake up 5:30am. 2 scoops of aminos. Today starts pre exhaust which was described above. Workout today is chest and calves. Nutrition for today is low carb day and will be at 75 grams of carbs. I have been consistently losing right around a point a week with my low days at 75 grams and high days at 145 grams so there is no need for a change in my nutrition. If I stay at a pound per week all the way to the end the my nutrition will stay the same until peak week. Will post my complete workout as well as meals. Thanks for reading!
Workout- chest and calves. Warm up was as usual joint rotations and 10 mins on the bike. Focus for pre exhaust was lower pec today.
1) external and internal rotation- 3 sets of 20 reps
2) face pulls- 3 sets of 20 reps
3) high to low cable crossover- (single joint exercise to isolate the lower pec) (20lbsx20) 40lbsx20 for 5 sets. The pump was crazy with doing this exercise first so did 5 sets.
4) decline barbell press- (95lbsx20,135lbsx15) 185lbsx10 reps for 3 sets
5) incline db press-(25lbsx20reps) 50lbsx15,65lbsx15,80lbsx12,90lbsx8
6) hammer strength flat bench- (25lbsx20reps) 225lbsx10reps for 3 sets
7) low to high cable crossover- 30lbs for 3 sets of 15
8) seated calf raise- (50lbsx20) 100lbsx20,150lbsx12,170lbsx12,170lbsx12
9) standing calf raise- did 5 sets of 20reps with 130lbs.
Cardio- eliptical 50 mins.
The pump and burn in my lower pecs from the high to low cable crossovers first was crazy!!! Focused on keeping that feeling through all sets of decline bench press. Pre exhaust is one of my favorite protocols cause the blood flow to a specific part of the muscle group is tremendous and the results are awesome!! Will post all my meals! Thanks for reading
Nice, what do you do for the external and internal rotation?

Do you hold any weights or do an exercise band or something? I am assuming this is to get the rotator cuffs nice and warm before chest?

I use the cables! I adjust the handle so my elbow is at a 90 degree angle! I don't like it with dumbells or plates cause I don't get the continuous tension. Yes I do it to warm up my rotator cuff and keep the muscle in the shoulder girdle strong and stabile!
Meal 1- 6 egg whites
3oz of turkey
Mushrooms and onions
1/4 cup of oatmeal
1/4 cup of blueberries
Meal 2-(pre workout) 6oz chicken breast
1/2 cup of rice
Meal 3- (post workout)2 scoops of whey
16oz of almond milk
Meal 4- 6oz chicken breast
1/2 cup of rice
Meal 5- 6oz steak
1/4 cup of rice
Meal 6- 6 egg whites
3oz of turkey
Mushrooms and onions
Meal 7- 2 scoops of whey
16oz of water
1/2 tbs of peanut butter
Blended with ice.
Went to the gym a little earlier so had my second shake as my lat meal. Carbs are approx 75 grams!
Day 56- wake up 5:30am 2 scoops of aminos. Today's workout is back and abs and will be doing pre exhaust. There is one only single joint exercise that incorporates the lats as the prime move so I always use pullovers to starts with as my pre exhaust exercise. It depends on what section of the back I want to pre exhaust which will determine what hand position I will use for pullovers. For example the rope pullovers will incorporate more of the lower lat and mid back when finishing the exercise, as opposed to straight bar pullovers with a wide grip incorporating more of the upper lat. will post my whole workout as well as nutrition. Thanks for reading!
Back and abs workout- warm up was as usual joint rotations and 10 mins on the bike. The pre exhaust today was focused on lower lat and mid back.
1) rope pullovers- I do these a little different when trying to use my lower lat. I focused on the bottom of the movement. So I don't actually stretch my arms overhead I stop when my hands reach chest height and squeez my shoulder blade together to get my hands back down to hips. Did 3 sets of 15 reps and got a crazy pump going
2)hammer strength uni lateral row- I use a neutral grip to incorporate more lower lat and mid back. (45lbsx20)135lbsx12, 160lbsx10,160lbx10,160lbsx8
3)seated row-(100lbsx20) 200lbsx10,220lbsx10,220lbsx10
4)smith machine bent over shrug- (work mid trap)135lbsx20reps,225lbsx15,225lbsx15,225lbsx15
5) db one arm row-60lbsx20,100lbsx15,125lbsx10,125lbsx10
6)hyper extension holds- body weight for 3 sets and 30sec holds.
7) machine ab crunch- 4 sets of 30reps with 90lbs
Cardio- eliptical for 40 mins.
Overall great workout and good pump in my back especially going from the rope pullovers to uni lateral row.
Nutrition- low day 75 grams of carbs
Meal 1- 6egg whites
3oz of turkey
1.5 protein pancakes
Meal 2- 2 scoops of whey
16oz of almond milk
Meal 3-(pre workout)6oz of chicken
1/2 cup rice
Meal 4-2 scoops of whey
16oz of water
Meal 5- 6oz of chicken
1/2 cup of rice
1/4 cup of broccoli
Meal 6- 6oz turkey burgers
1/4 cup rice
Meal 7- 6egg whites
3oz of turkey
Onions, mushrooms, green peppers.
Thank you for reading!
Day 57- wake up 6:30am. Today is a day off from weights and will be only doing cardio. Plan to do 50 mins on eliptical.
Nutrition today is a low day and will be at 75 grams of carbs.
Meal 1-6 egg whites
3oz turkey
Onions and mushrooms
1/4 cup of oatmeal
1/4 cup of blueberries
Meal 2- 2 scoops of whey
16oz of almond milk
Meal 3-(pre cardio) 6oz of steak
1/2 cup of rice
Onions and mushrooms
Will post rest of meals at end of day. Thank you for reading!
Meal 4- 2 scoops of whey
16oz water
Meal 5- 6oz chicken
1/2 cup rice
Meal 6- 6oz turkey burger
1/4 cup of rice
Meal 7- 6egg whites
3oz turkey
Mushrooms and onions
Cardio was 55 mins on the eliptical and will do 20 mins on back after meal 7 and will have 2 scoops of isopure after bike. Thanks for reading.
Day 58 wake up 5:30am. Today is shoulders and calves. Nutrition for today is a high day and will be at 145 grams a day.
Will post my complete workout and meals.
Meal 1- 3 protein pancakes
6egg whites
Meal 2- 2 scoops of whey
16oz of almond milk
Meal 3-(pre workout) 6oz of chicken
1 cup of rice
3 spears of asparagus
Meal 4-(post workout) 2 scoops of whey
16oz of water
Will post rest of meals. Thanks for reading!
Workout overview
Drop set- Feb 1-5 finished my final week of drop set during this week. I had already completed 2 weeks prior to contest. The focus was to stay heavy for 3 sets and after my 3rd set drop the weight to about 50% and go to failure. The purpose of this phase was to have a combination of the principle of overload as well as metabolic stress.
Heavy 6-8 reps. Feb 6-18 I used a weight that I could complete 6-8reps on most exercises. As most already know I don't go to heavy with chest and quads cause of previous injuries. The goal of this phase was to increase strength ultimately to increase the load I could use for hypertrophy rep range of 10 reps.
Deload week. Week of feb 26. Purpose of this phase is to give my body some rest and focus on weakness and allowing some nagging tweaks to heal. I stayed light to get blood flow and stay in 15-20 reps range. I incorporate deload weeks whenever I feel like my body needs it. I also use contrasting showers, cryotherapy and massage therapy during this phase to help the healing process! I also focus on stretching and chi gong exercises.
Heavy week- feb 26. I only completed two weeks of heavy before starting deload week so finished my third week at this time.
Hypertrophy- March 5-25. The goal for this phase was to progressively work towards hitting failure at rep 8 and 2 forced reps by week 3. So week 1 was working with a load that was fairly easy for 10 reps. Week 2 was a little heavier but still be able to complete 10 reps. Week 3 was a load that I could complete 8 reps and 2 forced reps. Again with exercises for my chest and quads I didn't hit failure. This phase just finished which leads to next week!
Hypertrophy- pre exhaust March 26-April 16. This phase my focus is pre exhausting a section of a body part with a single joint exercise prior to compound heavy movement. For example for upper chest I will do 3 sets of 15-20 reps with low to high cable crossovers with no more then 30 secs between sets. After 3rd set I will go incline db press and do 3 sets of 8 reps with 1-1.5 min rest between set. This phase will be 3 weeks and week 2 will be for middle chest and 3rd week will be lower pec using the example to show the progression over 3 weeks.
My main goal with my workouts is building lean muscle tissue so everything revolves around that goal and most of my time is spent in hypertrophy phase but use several training protocols that I have found to be effective for me.
Hope this make sense to anyone who is reading. If I need to further explain anything please ask. Thank you for reading!

Just got to reading this. Definitely going to revisit this post at some point and try and build a workout routine around it. I'm still new to BB so my body is still responding well to basic hypertrophy workouts but down the line i will be looking to incorporate parts of this into my routine. Excellent post man!

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Just got to reading this. Definitely going to revisit this post at some point and try and build a workout routine around it. I'm still new to BB so my body is still responding well to basic hypertrophy workouts but down the line i will be looking to incorporate parts of this into my routine. Excellent post man!

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Thank you! Yes if you are new to bb then the stress is new to your body and it will respond and you will get results, but you are absolutely right that when you get more experienced you have to know how to strategically place stress on the body to keep getting results!!
Shoulder workout- warm up was joint rotations and 10 mins on bike. For my shoulder workout today I thought I would do a super set to start the workout since most of the time I start with side laterals to pre exhaust the side delt to add more width and roundness to my shoulders. This week is a pre exhaust week but switched it up for shoulders.
1) external and internal rotation- 3 sets of 20 reps
2)db side laterals super set with seated barbell overhead press- (db laterals 15lbsx20, bar 65lbsx20)db 30lbsx15 ss 105lbsx15, db 40lbsx15 ss 125lbsx12, db 40lbsx15 ss 145lbsx10, db 40lbsx15 ss 145lbsx8+2
3) rev peck deck-(70lbsx20) 90lbsx15, 110lbsx15,130lbsx12,
4)cable front raise-(20lbsx20)30lbsx15,40lbsx15,50lbsx12
5)db overhead press-(light 15-20reps) 40lbsx20,45lbsx20,50lbsx15
6)db shrugs superset with barbell shrugs-db 50lbsx20rep bar 225lbsx20reps,db 70lbsx15 bar 315lbsx15,db 80lbsx15 bar 315lbsx15,
7) standing calf raise- 5 sets of 20 reps with 150lbs.
Eliptical- 45 mins.
Meal 5- 6 oz of chicken
1 cup of rice
Meal 6 -6oz chicken
1/4 cup rice
Meal 7-6 egg whites
3 oz turkey
1 Joseph's pita
Will do 20 mins on the bike after meal 7 and have aminos after. Thank you for reading!
So just wanted to update everyone and mabe help with expressing the importance of bloodwork! So my last cycle was test deca and eq. I did a 8 week pct. my last day of pct was jan 5th and got blood who done 6 weeks after pct on feb 25th. Here are my results from that blood work.
After seeing 150 for total test after 6 weeks post pct I thought for sure I was going to need trt and started to prepare myself mentally. I started talking more with Angelo and he shared some valuable info with me about how long it actually take to recover. He actually sent me studies to read which lead me on my own journey of researching this topic. After talking with Angelo he convinced me to give it a little more time. Which brings me to my current test which was done March 25th and got results back today.
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