
Carmel Cowboy Transformation Log

Interesting!! I have tried a version of keto in the past but even with my protein moderate I lost strength and became stringy looking! It's amazing how everybody responds so differently! My girl is a figure competitor and is afraid to try keto cause of how she feels low carb! Going to have her read this.
I did lose strength initially I noticed on leg day, but my chest day I was feeling great. I tried it once before but didn't have enough fats and I felt horrible...headaches no strength etc...I think with all the extra fats that's what has helped me. We all do respond differently and it may work for her. 😊
I did lose strength initially I noticed on leg day, but my chest day I was feeling great. I tried it once before but didn't have enough fats and I felt horrible...headaches no strength etc...I think with all the extra fats that's what has helped me. We all do respond differently and it may work for her. ��

Thank you for the info and keep killing it.
Shoulder workout- warm up as usual joint rotations and 10 mins on the bike
1) external rotations- 3 sets of 20 reps
2) internal rotation- 3 sets of 20 reps
3) face pulls- 3 sets of 20 reps
4) side laterals-(20lbsx20reps,25lbsx20reps) 50lbsx10reps,60lbsx10reps,65lbsx10reps
5) bar overhead press-(barx20reps,65lbsx20reps)125lbsx10reps,145lbsx10reps,145lbsx10reps
6) rev pec deck- 70lbsx15reps, 110lbsx10reps,120x10reps,120lbsx10reps
7) machine uni lateral overhead press(stayed light here) 70lbs for 3 sets of 10
8) barbell shrugs-225lbsx20reps,315lbsx15reps,405lbsx10reps
Cardio- 40 mins on eliptical. Next week will be a high intensity week for the exercises that don't pose a risk for injury. I will choose a weight that I will hit momentary muscular failure around 8 reps and 2 forced reps.
Nutrition for today-
Meal 1- 6egg whites
3 oz of turkey
1/4 cup of grits ( little switch from the oatmeal)
Meal 2- 2 scoops of whey
16oz of almond milk
Meal 3- (pre workout)6oz of turkey burger
1 cup of brown rice
1/2 cup of broccoli
Meal 4-(post workout) 2 scoops of whey
16oz of water
Meal 5- 6oz of turkey burger
1 cup of rice
Meal 6- 6oz turkey burger
1/2 cup of brown rice
Meal 7- 6 egg whites
3 oz of turkey
1 tbs of salsa.
I once tried to do egg whites. Wasn't a fan, maybe it was the brand. Maybe I'll try again soon though.

His consistency is awesome, I thought I was decent but he blows me out of the water haha.

Try egg whites international. They are shipped frozen and are pasteurized. You don't even have to cook them they can be mixed in a smoothie or just drank as is (that's how I do it). They are flavorless and odorless.
Day 45- wake up 5:30am. My morning routine was as normal. Nutrition for today is low day and will be at 75 grams of carbs for the day. Workout today is arms and abs. Next week will be interesting for to see where my strength is for 10 rep range. This week showed that I am projected to be a little stronger then my previous 10 rep max prior to transformation contest and that's with being in a caloric deficit. This is why I believe recording your workouts is a big piece in achieving your goals. It motivates me to make improvements in each phase. If I work hard during my strength phase 6-8 reps, I know I can improve during my hypertrophy phase which lead me to my goal of sculpting the physique that I have invisioned in my mind.
Meal 1- 6egg whites
3oz of turkey
Mushrooms and onions
1/4 cup of oatmeal
Meal 2- 2 scoops of whey
16oz water
Meal 3- 6oz pork loin
1/2 cup of rice
Meal 4- 2 scoops of whey
16oz of water
Meal 5- 6oz of chicken
1/2 cup rice
5 spears of asparagus
Meal 6- 6oz of pork loin
1/4 cup rice
1/2 cup broccoli
2 spears of asparagus
Meal 7- 6 egg whites
3oz turkey
Mushrooms and onions
1tbs of salsa
Arm workout- warm up as usual joint rotations and 10 mins on the bike
1) external rotation 3 sets of 20
2) internal rotation 3 sets of 20
3) face pulls 3 sets of 20
4) straight bar curls- (barx20 65lbsx20) 95lbsx15reps, 115lbsx12reps,135lbsx10reps,
5) v bar push downs-(80lbsx20reps) 110lbsx15reps,130lbsx10reps, 130lbsx10
6) preacher curls-95lbsx10reps,110lbsx10reps,110lbsx10reps
7)standing dumbell curls- 40lbsx15reps,50lbsx10reps,50lbsx10reps
8) single arm underhand push downs-40lbsx15,50lbsx10,50lbsx10
Abs- hanging leg raises 20reps superset with decline crunch bodyweight for 30 reps.
Day 46 wake up 8:30am today my weight is 214.6 so exactly 1lb loss from last week. Nutrition- today is a low day and will be at 75 grams of carbs. Workout- no weight just cardio and will decide if I do HIIT or steady state after my warm up. Will post my meals and cardio.
Cardio- 45 mins on arc trainer. Core stabilizing exercises- bird dog, curlup,side plank.
Meal 1-2 protein pancakes
4 egg white
3 oz turkey
Meal 2- 2 scoops of whey
16oz of water
Meal 3- 6oz turkey burger
1/2 cup of rice
Will update the rest of meals.
Day 47- wake up 8:30am. 2 scoops of aminos as usual. Nutrition plan for the day is another low day and will be getting 75 grams of carbs. Today workout is legs and will start with hamstrings as usual. Will post all of my meals and workout once completed. Like I have mentioned in previous post I am using this log as if it was my own personal journal. One thing I like to do is post anything I have learned about my body at some point during the journey of whatever goal I am trying to accomplish. So I thought the half way point would be a good time to record some things I have learned over the last 6 weeks.
1) at 43 years old I can't eat as many carbs and still drop body fat. I won't bore you with the actual numbers but its a significant difference. I know most of you who are probably reading this are thinking no shit CC but I thought I would mention it as it is one of the most significant and important aspect for me cutting body fat.
2) my second one is something I have always known but seems to be more apparent now. THIS IS ALL MENTAL!!! I have studied martial arts since the age of 6 and have worked with sports psychologist while playing baseball and have always known about the power and influence of our intentions but it just seems to be getting higher on the scale of importance to attain anything.
3) steady state cardio seems to be the cardio I will be using most of the time. HIIT puts a lot of strain on my body and is starting to alter my performance with weight training. For example if I did HIIT training any sooner the 3 days prior to a leg workout my knee is bothering me and sets my leg workout back even further.
4) I can do more with less calories now. I think this has to do with how my body is assimalting nutrients now but it is very noticeable. I would be weak, heavy, lack focus and get headaches during a tuff workout with less then 100 grams of carbs. Now I get none of those symptoms at 75 grams of carbs and only start to feel a little heavier after 3rd exercise with 50 grams of carbs.
5) more sensitive to sodium. I could have a high sodium meal and it not effect my next morning weigh in but now i am up around 1.5lbs the following day.
I know most of these could have a lot of reasons as to why and they all relate to one another but I just thought I would record the differences I noticed! Thanks for reading and following!
Leg workout- warm up was joint rotations and 10 mins on arc trainer.
1)adduction and abduction 3 sets of 20 reps
2) seated leg curl- (90x20,110x20reps) 130lbsx10reps, 150lbsx10reps,150lbsx10reps
3) prone leg curl-(70lbsx20reps) 130lbsx10reps,130lbsx10reps,130lbsx10reps
4)standing single leg curl-(50lbsx20reps)80lbsx10reps,85lbsx10reps,90lbsx10reps
5) leg emtention- 6 sets at 70lbsx25reps
6) db front squats-(40lbsx20reps)60lbsx15,70lbsx15reps,80lbsx10reps,
7) bar back squats- 135lbs for 3 sets of 20reps
8) leg extensions- 1 sets of 35reps at 70lbs.
Arc trainer -30mins.
Meal 1- 6egg whites
3oz of turkey
Mushrooms and onions
1/4 cup oatmeal
Meal 2- 2 scoops of whey
16oz of water
Meal 3- 6oz of chicken
1/2 cup rice
Will post rest of meals.
I love that you are using this as your journal! I like the detail in everything and how you compare your results to previous experiences. I'd have to agree it is all mental. If your mind isn't in it and focused you will not achieve your goals. Your mind is also one thing that can set you back!! Keep it up CC!!

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I love that you are using this as your journal! I like the detail in everything and how you compare your results to previous experiences. I'd have to agree it is all mental. If your mind isn't in it and focused you will not achieve your goals. Your mind is also one thing that can set you back!! Keep it up CC!!

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I agree completely!! Thanks for reading!!
I had just got done posting how it's more mental than physical on my thread haha. So I completely agree. The interesting thing about sodium, the less you take it in the more sensitive you become to it. It's rather ironic. Your body is actually very good at balancing potassium to sodium assuming you have enough water/potassium/sodium in diet, but big swings your body isn't used to will make it react slower and thus hold more water. This is part of the salt manipulation some body builders and other athletes do before weigh ins and shows. It's quite interesting.

I agree very interesting!! I think all of intricate interactions in the human body is mind blowing!! Red how many cycles have you run?
Thanks! I have some scientific background and I always found biochemistry to be very interesting. I tend to go on long research tangents as I come across new things. I literally have a list next to my computer of stuff I want to research more into. I can be kind of a nerd with certain things haha.

We have a lot in common!! I love to do research and read periodicals! I have a decent understanding of the compounds and there effect in the body and still need more personal experience to see how they directly effect me. My most recent interest is blood work!! I think Dylan, Rick, Angelo and buen are very knowledgeable!!!
Thanks! I have some scientific background and I always found biochemistry to be very interesting. I tend to go on long research tangents as I come across new things. I literally have a list next to my computer of stuff I want to research more into. I can be kind of a nerd with certain things haha.
I do the same shit!! Hahaha I become in tangled with it. I absolutely love reading cool shit...or at least what I think is

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We have a lot in common!! I love to do research and read periodicals! I have a decent understanding of the compounds and there effect in the body and still need more personal experience to see how they directly effect me. My most recent interest is blood work!! I think Dylan, Rick, Angelo and buen are very knowledgeable!!!
Blood work tells all bro!! It's best to get blood work done fairly often. That way you know what works for you.... what's fucking you up...exactly how much AI you need....the list goes on!!!

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Blood work tells all bro!! It's best to get blood work done fairly often. That way you know what works for you.... what's fucking you up...exactly how much AI you need....the list goes on!!!

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I agree brother!! my interest has always been finding how my body responds to different training protocols, nutrition and compounds!! It intrigues me to say the least!! My ultimate goal is to bring my mind and body to next level and see how far I can take it while being healthy!!!
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