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  1. P

    Beginner Cycle Question

    Alright big daddy. New here. Just letting everybody know I'm the Voice of Reason.
  2. P

    Beginner Cycle Question

    Big words? Guess that's just a byproduct of being educated. I'm not sure what word I used that would be classified as "big", but I guess simplistic words can be big to some people - "big", after all, is relative. I'm not living in a fantasy. The conversation doesn't apply to me. As stated...
  3. P

    Beginner Cycle Question

    If you're referring to me, I'm 27
  4. P

    Beginner Cycle Question

    I was giving ONE scenario to emphasize the point that there are people from MANY different walks of life and the positive effects of steroids can EASILY outweigh the negatives. Everything is relative and based on perspective. Dylan, you should know better than anybody, everybody's body's and...
  5. P

    Beginner Cycle Question

    I was being advised on the dangers and "prerequisites" per se which entailed asking my stats/history. It wasn't relevant. I was running the cycle and the rest didn't matter. Simply asked for tips. Why is that difficult for you to understand?
  6. P

    Beginner Cycle Question

    You're being fallacious... how can you compare a drug being used for self-bettering to the taking of another human's life? In my opinion, the same justification for marijuana can be equivalently used to justify the use of testosterone. Using testosterone doesn't morph you into a kleptomaniac or...
  7. P

    Beginner Cycle Question

    Where are you getting these unqualified, arbitrary percentages from? Who's 20% BF that is relevant to my conversation? I never gave OP advice directly. I suggest someone exams your literacy. Steroids aren't effective at 20% BF? I beg to differ. Define effective and let's delve into some...
  8. P

    Beginner Cycle Question

    It's just baffling to me that you can deem a means to someone's happiness as blatantly "wrong". What in life matters other than happiness? Ya going to be making a thread soon with all that once I'm further into my Test/Tren cycle I bought off a source here. Wanted to be on topic - that wasn't...
  9. P

    Beginner Cycle Question

    Just curious. How can you exactly deem the use of steroids as "wrong"? Also, again, who is it that I'm "advising"? Care to refute some of my points or examples? Thanks.
  10. P

    Beginner Cycle Question

    There's an implicit accordance that happiness is the ultimate goal of life. It's their bodies, their lives, they can do what makes THEM happy. Everybody is different. Would you rather live 60 happy years or 80 mediocre years? It's all subjective. The happiness induced from the steroid results...
  11. P

    Beginner Cycle Question

    I believe the notion that nobody should run gear in their early ages is pretty close-minded. Yes, steroids at an early age can be detrimental to one's health, but so can other things. Steroids are commonly used as an "out" from other existing issues such as self esteem, depression, or whatever...
  12. P

    Thanks Phurious

    EOD? Pinning ED lol ;) 4th day ED tren ace/test prop already feeling pump. good sign. day 1 pinned right quad and had AWFUL PIP. Day 2 right quad, minimal PIP. Day 3 left quad, PIP is there, but not as bad as right quad. Day 4 (today) left quad, almost painless. Just need to get used to the prop
  13. P

    Thanks Phurious

    I'll put up with a little bit of PIP for great results any day :rolleyes:
  14. P

    Extremely Bad PIP Or Infection? Test Prop/Tren Ace

    Source is here on Isarms. Pretty sure it's good (Phurious Pharma) True that lol
  15. P

    Extremely Bad PIP Or Infection? Test Prop/Tren Ace

    Thanks for the reassurance bros
  16. P

    Thanks Phurious

    Pinned 2x in quad. Very minimal pain. Only felt it the next morning which is likely just lack of movement. So far so good, though. Can't wait for fun in the upcoming weeks. Any updates on the oral stock?
  17. P

    Extremely Bad PIP Or Infection? Test Prop/Tren Ace

    Well I planned on going to the doctor on Wednesday if the problem persisted and worsened, which would be a week instead of 3 days. I always thought icing helps reduce inflammation, but warmth reduces the pain. I'm assuming it's PIP too, but can never be too sure.
  18. P

    Thanks Phurious

    I don't pin delts often - which is the reason I think it's just PIP. Actually just made a thread about it. I don't think it's even an infection. Just the Prop pain.
  19. P

    Thanks Phurious

    Didn't mean to come off that way. Can get an infection many different ways as you already know (syringe, didn't clean skin, etc.). Bottles and such look very professionally done. Never crossed my mind. Sorry for confusion.
  20. P

    Thanks Phurious

    I know Tren Cough doesn't happen and obviously I do everything to avoid it. That's not how I determine the authenticity - which is why I said I'd post a progress report, for that very reason. ps: I think it's good stuff, just a confirmation is always nice. thanks again
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