
Beginner Cycle Question

there's no way on earth you have truly been watching my videos... no way or you would clearly know your too young and your body fat is too high, far too high honestly... you would need to be closer to the 12-12% range... your diet and training are clearly off if you've been working out 4 years and your body fat is 20%... i think its awesome you have put in that amount of time but its clearly flawed in some way and im certain your diet is 80-85% of that... you need to focus on fixing that first... STEROIDS ARE NOT FAT BURNERS either, so if your expecting to drop drastic amounts of weight or wake up in shape all of a sudden, your completely off... your way too young as well.... your going to ruin your life in the longer term etc... look bro, its not what you want to hear but your a very very very long time away from steroid use... you will get there and you will achieve your goals but if you do this as you proposed, you certainly will not... i have other options for you but steroids are definitely not an option in any way, shape or form...

Thank you for the time i appreciate it greatly! Thats the only reason i came on here. Yeah my diets hasn't been the best but i have been working on it. My training is on point how ever. What would you recommend in order to assist dropping weight other then a few things im changing like, Dropping my maintenance calories by 1000 per day, Doing cardio more often then weights. Also what body fat percentage and age would you recommend i consider continuing the research :). again thanks for the reply.

Also i am not saying i watched all of them just a the ones that i thought were related to what i was researching, and i won't lie they helped a great deal. I think its a really good thing you do as it brang me here to ask all these questions :)
ohh and also could someone please give me advice on my stack if everything is in order and when i should take the nolva and clomid exactly and if everything is right. Then i can start at an appropriate age and bodyfat.
I am currently trying
40% protein, 30% carbs, 10% fats for my dieting.

Also intense cardio for a change :)
The cycle is moot right now.

Diet, training, etc. are all 110% specific to the individual. THERE IS NO COOKIE CUTTER ANSWER. No one on the internet can give you an answer because no one KNOWS you.

Bets course of action would be to find a QUALIFIED nutrition/training expert. This could take some time because every jackass thinks he's an "expert" today. But everything in this game takes time.....and patience.
The cycle is moot right now.

Diet, training, etc. are all 110% specific to the individual. THERE IS NO COOKIE CUTTER ANSWER. No one on the internet can give you an answer because no one KNOWS you.

Bets course of action would be to find a QUALIFIED nutrition/training expert. This could take some time because every jackass thinks he's an "expert" today. But everything in this game takes time.....and patience.

Okay thank you for the reply ill further my options and find nutrition advice.
Thank you for the time i appreciate it greatly! Thats the only reason i came on here. Yeah my diets hasn't been the best but i have been working on it. My training is on point how ever. What would you recommend in order to assist dropping weight other then a few things im changing like, Dropping my maintenance calories by 1000 per day, Doing cardio more often then weights. Also what body fat percentage and age would you recommend i consider continuing the research :). again thanks for the reply.

Also i am not saying i watched all of them just a the ones that i thought were related to what i was researching, and i won't lie they helped a great deal. I think its a really good thing you do as it brang me here to ask all these questions :)

im really happy the videos have helped you... thats why i put them out brother... i want to help as much as possible..

eating 1000 calories below maintenance will actually hurt you, not help.. you will slow your metabolism by under eating that much... 500 below is a good starting point...

you need to be 12-13% body fat and in your later 20's to consider steroids... you can run sarms at this point... they will help you cut, build muscle, etc...
I am currently trying
40% protein, 30% carbs, 10% fats for my dieting.

Also intense cardio for a change :)

brother, im not sure where you learned your math but this is only an equivalent to 80%... your WAY off...

it should be 55-60% protein, 30-35% carbs and 10-15% fats...
Don't even waste your time... as you have read, so have I, all his absurd posts with his attempts to use "big words" etc... Its quite funny honestly... You can't reason with the unreasonable... let him live in fantasy land and see where it takes him... We will stay on track here, helping people and saving lives daily as we do and let him even attempt to ruin one and see where it goes... I guarantee it won't go well... He can ruin himself or do whatever, at this point, i could care less because he's encouraging others to do the same, but don't waste your time anymore... Anyone reading this already see the complete idiocy and absurdity... so fuck it...

Big words? Guess that's just a byproduct of being educated. I'm not sure what word I used that would be classified as "big", but I guess simplistic words can be big to some people - "big", after all, is relative. I'm not living in a fantasy. The conversation doesn't apply to me. As stated earlier, I'm not a teen and I'm nearly a decade past that. I'm not encouraging anyone to anything except be considerate and logical. I'd like you to tell Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ronnie Coleman, or Mark Wahlberg how they were ruining their lives taking steroids at a young age. I'm not trying to justify the use of steroids by listing off people who used them at a young age and are happy, successful, and breathing today because I know it doesn't work that way for everybody. The use of steroids as almost a designer drug is increasing rapidly in the society we live in today and there are millions of teens and once adults who have/still use steroids and are perfectly fine. Do whatever makes you happy. Doing steroids to help you reach happiness VIA achieving goals such as confidence, incentive, and whatever with the possibility of damages to the body that can be medicinally treated? Hmmm

Yep, I remember that. I knew he was avoiding the question for a reason. Not my first rodeo

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)

5'11 198 14%
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Big words? Guess that's just a byproduct of being educated. I'm not sure what word I used that would be classified as "big", but I guess simplistic words can be big to some people - "big", after all, is relative. I'm not living in a fantasy. The conversation doesn't apply to me. As stated earlier, I'm not a teen and I'm nearly a decade past that. I'm not encouraging anyone to anything except be considerate and logical. I'd like you to tell Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ronnie Coleman, or Mark Wahlberg how they were ruining their lives taking steroids at a young age. I'm not trying to justify the use of steroids by listing off people who used them at a young age and are happy, successful, and breathing today because I know it doesn't work that way for everybody. The use of steroids as almost a designer drug is increasing rapidly in the society we live in today and there are millions of teens and adults once who have/still use steroids and are perfectly fine. Do whatever makes you happy. Doing steroids to help you reach happiness VIA achieving goals such as confidence, incentive, and whatever with the possibility of damages to the body that can be medicinally treated? Hmmm

5'11 198 14%

wow give it a rest man, your not Arnold or Ronnie , they make millions off their body, just drop it man we arnt here to argue with you, you are way too sensitive and acting like a bitch
wow give it a rest man, your not Arnold or Ronnie , they make millions off their body, just drop it man we arnt here to argue with you, you are way too sensitive and acting like a bitch

Alright big daddy. New here. Just letting everybody know I'm the Voice of Reason.
Big words? Guess that's just a byproduct of being educated. I'm not sure what word I used that would be classified as "big", but I guess simplistic words can be big to some people - "big", after all, is relative. I'm not living in a fantasy. The conversation doesn't apply to me. As stated earlier, I'm not a teen and I'm nearly a decade past that. I'm not encouraging anyone to anything except be considerate and logical. I'd like you to tell Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ronnie Coleman, or Mark Wahlberg how they were ruining their lives taking steroids at a young age. I'm not trying to justify the use of steroids by listing off people who used them at a young age and are happy, successful, and breathing today because I know it doesn't work that way for everybody. The use of steroids as almost a designer drug is increasing rapidly in the society we live in today and there are millions of teens and once adults who have/still use steroids and are perfectly fine. Do whatever makes you happy. Doing steroids to help you reach happiness VIA achieving goals such as confidence, incentive, and whatever with the possibility of damages to the body that can be medicinally treated? Hmmm

5'11 198 14%

your far from highly educated my friend, thats evident... even if you were, its not showing... not at all... i certainly would not sending my children to whatever schooling you received with your logic... also, your not fucking arnold, nor ronnie and IM JUST SURE they share with you and everyone else all the issues they have gone through... ... do whatever makes you happy,, nice logic... whatever it is... drugs make you happy, go for it.. etc... your fucking clueless... your time here is done... your not going to encourage people to do shit that is harmful... not a chance... you can do that elsewhere im sure... i've never said this to anyone since we started the forum, but you flat out don't belong here...
as i see, our friend with the "voice of reason" is a fucking student... no wonder hes trying to tell people its okay for younger generations to use steroids... fucking clown
your far from highly educated my friend, thats evident... even if you were, its not showing... not at all... i certainly would not sending my children to whatever schooling you received with your logic... also, your not fucking arnold, nor ronnie and IM JUST SURE they share with you and everyone else all the issues they have gone through... ... do whatever makes you happy,, nice logic... whatever it is... drugs make you happy, go for it.. etc... your fucking clueless... your time here is done... your not going to encourage people to do shit that is harmful... not a chance... you can do that elsewhere im sure... i've never said this to anyone since we started the forum, but you flat out don't belong here...

he doesn't Dylan, and you did the right thing all he did from the start was argue and if a noob looks up this thread and sees his comments it could potentially ruin their life, we don't need those types of people like him in our family here on the forums
he doesn't Dylan, and you did the right thing all he did from the start was argue and if a noob looks up this thread and sees his comments it could potentially ruin their life, we don't need those types of people like him in our family here on the forums

i agree and i hate doing that and i tried as did you and others... fuck this guy seriously... he is a huge trouble maker and there's no room for that here whatsoever... if someone disagrees with me or something, i could care less, thats what the forum is about, to speak whatever but in this circumstance, he was way out of line and basically encouraging others to hurt themselves... not happening here...
im really happy the videos have helped you... thats why i put them out brother... i want to help as much as possible..

eating 1000 calories below maintenance will actually hurt you, not help.. you will slow your metabolism by under eating that much... 500 below is a good starting point...

you need to be 12-13% body fat and in your later 20's to consider steroids... you can run sarms at this point... they will help you cut, build muscle, etc...

Thanks for the reply again helps a lot! Ill wait till im around 25 and healthy body fat percentage. Now when you say i can run Sarms i will look further into this :). Thanks again
Thanks for the reply again helps a lot! Ill wait till im around 25 and healthy body fat percentage. Now when you say i can run Sarms i will look further into this :). Thanks again

please do look further into them, they are an amazing alternative and have very minimal to no side effects.

the purest quality ones on the market are at
Thanks for the reply again helps a lot! Ill wait till im around 25 and healthy body fat percentage. Now when you say i can run Sarms i will look further into this :). Thanks again

anytime brother... here is a stack that is perfect for you... here is a link to buy it and the full layout..

1-12 rad140 20 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 sr9009 30 mg day... 5 mg split doses 2-3 hours apart
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg 4-6 hours later
1-12 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout and non workout days, all at once in the a.m.
9-12 d aspartic acid

Mini pct 13-16

clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day
anytime brother... here is a stack that is perfect for you... here is a link to buy it and the full layout..

1-12 rad140 20 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 sr9009 30 mg day... 5 mg split doses 2-3 hours apart
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg 4-6 hours later
1-12 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout and non workout days, all at once in the a.m.
9-12 d aspartic acid

Mini pct 13-16

clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day

Thank you very much ill look into it and sure to get going once im not busy :) again thanks for your help!
All I can say about this thread is WOW !!!

These young kids have zero clue .. I could have been one of them , thankfully I waiting until I was 35 to start cycling , this was after years of research & reaching my natural potiental ..
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