
Beginner Cycle Question

LOL...the op

DUDE...are you for are arguing that that steroids will improve his life..therefor giving him PSYCHOLOGICAL benefits don't have a clue how steroids work (PHYSIOLOGY)..because if you would know that they don't work on fat underdeveloped if they dont give him results

He will do great when hes even more fucking depressed because his life is ruined... Right???? Thats the logic
He will do great when hes even more fucking depressed because his life is ruined... Right???? Thats the logic

I was giving ONE scenario to emphasize the point that there are people from MANY different walks of life and the positive effects of steroids can EASILY outweigh the negatives. Everything is relative and based on perspective. Dylan, you should know better than anybody, everybody's body's and mind's react differently. Nothing is static.
I was giving ONE scenario to emphasize the point that there are people from MANY different walks of life and the positive effects of steroids can EASILY outweigh the negatives. Everything is relative and based on perspective. Dylan, you should know better than anybody, everybody's body's and mind's react differently. Nothing is static.

so running steroids when your far too undersized, to "boost your self esteem" only so you can be filled with injuries later in life from the damage you did to yourself from running them when your too undersized, that's beneficial... or completely fucking up your internal growth process, completely hurting you as you grow into a mature adult and causing many issues later in life, including the possibility of screwing around with your "manhood" etc. thats going to benefit.. YES, the one thing you are right about is different people react differently to things etc, yes, that's correct but one thing that is not going to change is that your ruining many parts of your life using them too early... so as i said, take one wrong and fix with another and you DO NOT have a right... you can try to break it down, reword, etc... im just a "little" too smart for that... you can go back and forth all day... your wrong... your not going to fix anyone by hurting them later... noone is going to be advising underrage fucking kids to use steroids at any time especially because you think it will make them "happy"... thats a crock of shit if i ever heard it
Dude, you are too fat and too young. Sorry...

Put in the damn work and get yourself a good base and foundation built naturally like you're supposed to.

I didn't touch juice til 35 bro. Stop trying to look for a shortcut and the easy way out. There's no replacement for hard fucking work

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
PS154658 when asking about cycle advice...dodged the ststs question when asked by Rick..not once but twice
Yep, I remember that. I knew he was avoiding the question for a reason. Not my first rodeo

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
I believe the notion that nobody should run gear in their early ages is pretty close-minded. Yes, steroids at an early age can be detrimental to one's health, but so can other things. Steroids are commonly used as an "out" from other existing issues such as self esteem, depression, or whatever they may be. If a 19 year old skinny kid is suffering from depression and contemplating suicide would utilizing steroids to improve his mental state and physical state be so awful if it thwarted suicide? Yes, there is a chance he'd deal with health problems for the rest of his life, but he'd still be living.

My point is I think everybody's situation is different and people shouldn't speak so broadly and categorize people.

He's PHYSICALLY not in a position to run juice.
btw OP, if you think they are being hard on you , don't be a pussy they are trying to help you so you don't ruin your life, so stop being so soft and defensive about it, if we didn't care about you we would tell you to go ahead and do it.

nobody underage should run steroids, period. (unless prescribed by a doctor for a serious medical condition)
btw OP, if you think they are being hard on you , don't be a pussy they are trying to help you so you don't ruin your life, so stop being so soft and defensive about it, if we didn't care about you we would tell you to go ahead and do it.

nobody underage should run steroids, period. (unless prescribed by a doctor for a serious medical condition)

right to the point and well said brother
Hey guys i am just wondering if this is a good stack to start my beginner cycle. I am 21, 100kg(6ft2), around 20% body fat, been going to the gym for 4+ years. Doing as much research as i can, also watching all of Dylan's videos. Here is my stack and if you guys have any advice that would be greatly appreciated :). Also i was wondering when i should take the clomid and nolva in detail I.E clomid EOD and nolva ED ? thanks again ill read the comments when i wake up.

Wk 1-12 Testosterone Enanthate = 250mg twice/wk e3.5d
Wk 1-12 Aromasin 12.5mg ED MIN- monitor and adjust accordingly.
Wk 11-15 hCG = 250iu twice/wk - day before test injection.

Begins wk 15 to wk 19
Clomid 75/50/50/50
Nolva 40/20/20/20

there's no way on earth you have truly been watching my videos... no way or you would clearly know your too young and your body fat is too high, far too high honestly... you would need to be closer to the 12-12% range... your diet and training are clearly off if you've been working out 4 years and your body fat is 20%... i think its awesome you have put in that amount of time but its clearly flawed in some way and im certain your diet is 80-85% of that... you need to focus on fixing that first... STEROIDS ARE NOT FAT BURNERS either, so if your expecting to drop drastic amounts of weight or wake up in shape all of a sudden, your completely off... your way too young as well.... your going to ruin your life in the longer term etc... look bro, its not what you want to hear but your a very very very long time away from steroid use... you will get there and you will achieve your goals but if you do this as you proposed, you certainly will not... i have other options for you but steroids are definitely not an option in any way, shape or form...
LOL...the op

DUDE...are you for are arguing that that steroids will improve his life..therefor giving him PSYCHOLOGICAL benefits don't have a clue how steroids work (PHYSIOLOGY)..because if you would know that they don't work on fat underdeveloped if they dont give him results

Don't even waste your time... as you have read, so have I, all his absurd posts with his attempts to use "big words" etc... Its quite funny honestly... You can't reason with the unreasonable... let him live in fantasy land and see where it takes him... We will stay on track here, helping people and saving lives daily as we do and let him even attempt to ruin one and see where it goes... I guarantee it won't go well... He can ruin himself or do whatever, at this point, i could care less because he's encouraging others to do the same, but don't waste your time anymore... Anyone reading this already see the complete idiocy and absurdity... so fuck it...
Don't even waste your time... as you have read, so have I, all his absurd posts with his attempts to use "big words" etc... Its quite funny honestly... You can't reason with the unreasonable... let him live in fantasy land and see where it takes him... We will stay on track here, helping people and saving lives daily as we do and let him even attempt to ruin one and see where it goes... I guarantee it won't go well... He can ruin himself or do whatever, at this point, i could care less because he's encouraging others to do the same, but don't waste your time anymore... Anyone reading this already see the complete idiocy and absurdity... so fuck it...

he will be back soon enough begging for help because he has a bunch of problems, and all of us will be thinking in our head "I told you so..."
EXACTLY... that's completely lost here and it's ridiculous to say the least...

Yes, we got of the topic. The points about the psychological pros and cons of training, juicing, etc. are a great topic of debate. I personally know TWO guys who would be dead or in jail today if they hadn't discovered the world of fitness. HOWEVER, juicing on top of that is another animal an a topic for another thread.

THIS thread is to help the OP make the right decisions from the point that he is at right now.
Sorry to intrude guys, but this is all in theory stage im not at all rushing this what so ever. Just getting all the education i possibly can :), im 21 turning 22 in a few months, I have been eating right for a while now been smashing gym for 4+ years and i would just like to know if that test e would be the best for a beginner and if all the compounds and serms, AI's, HcG, Are in the right order. Also any advice is considered for example if 22 is to young.

EDIT: Holy crap didn't see the other pages back to reading!
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