
Beginner Cycle Question


New member
Hey guys i am just wondering if this is a good stack to start my beginner cycle. I am 21, 100kg(6ft2), around 20% body fat, been going to the gym for 4+ years. Doing as much research as i can, also watching all of Dylan's videos. Here is my stack and if you guys have any advice that would be greatly appreciated :). Also i was wondering when i should take the clomid and nolva in detail I.E clomid EOD and nolva ED ? thanks again ill read the comments when i wake up.

Wk 1-12 Testosterone Enanthate = 250mg twice/wk e3.5d
Wk 1-12 Aromasin 12.5mg ED MIN- monitor and adjust accordingly.
Wk 11-15 hCG = 250iu twice/wk - day before test injection.

Begins wk 15 to wk 19
Clomid 75/50/50/50
Nolva 40/20/20/20
You've done research and watched Dylan's video's and think it's a good move to run juice @ 21 years old with 20% body fat, eh?
You've done research and watched Dylan's video's and think it's a good move to run juice @ 21 years old with 20% body fat, eh?

I believe the notion that nobody should run gear in their early ages is pretty close-minded. Yes, steroids at an early age can be detrimental to one's health, but so can other things. Steroids are commonly used as an "out" from other existing issues such as self esteem, depression, or whatever they may be. If a 19 year old skinny kid is suffering from depression and contemplating suicide would utilizing steroids to improve his mental state and physical state be so awful if it thwarted suicide? Yes, there is a chance he'd deal with health problems for the rest of his life, but he'd still be living.

My point is I think everybody's situation is different and people shouldn't speak so broadly and categorize people.
I believe the notion that nobody should run gear in their early ages is pretty close-minded. Yes, steroids at an early age can be detrimental to one's health, but so can other things. Steroids are commonly used as an "out" from other existing issues such as self esteem, depression, or whatever they may be. If a 19 year old skinny kid is suffering from depression and contemplating suicide would utilizing steroids to improve his mental state and physical state be so awful if it thwarted suicide? Yes, there is a chance he'd deal with health problems for the rest of his life, but he'd still be living.

My point is I think everybody's situation is different and people shouldn't speak so broadly and categorize people.

Absolute nonsense... So go from one bad thing to another... Destroy yourself even worse from depression to the next thing... Your still ruining yourself... There is no logic there whatsoever... Great advice man... Not! 19 years old? There is no good argument for recking yourself... For you to justify that is mind blowing especially with that kind of argument... So fix an issue now only to make it worse later... Wow...
I believe the notion that nobody should run gear in their early ages is pretty close-minded. Yes, steroids at an early age can be detrimental to one's health, but so can other things. Steroids are commonly used as an "out" from other existing issues such as self esteem, depression, or whatever they may be. If a 19 year old skinny kid is suffering from depression and contemplating suicide would utilizing steroids to improve his mental state and physical state be so awful if it thwarted suicide? Yes, there is a chance he'd deal with health problems for the rest of his life, but he'd still be living.

My point is I think everybody's situation is different and people shouldn't speak so broadly and categorize people.

Excuse my French...but you are an ignorant fuck!

If you had an ounce of understanding of would understand despite the possibility of ruining his endocrine system (which you think is worth the price for him to achieve some imaginary goals of self esteem and depression)

IT WOULD NOT HELP HIS PHYSICAL or Mental STATE...on the contrary...It would do the exact opposite!
IT WOULD MAKE IT WORSE...thereby guaranteeing thwarting the goals you think (in your ignorance) AAS would help him with

Educate yourself before spouting off garbage
Absolute nonsense... So go from one bad thing to another... Destroy yourself even worse from depression to the next thing... Your still ruining yourself... There is no logic there whatsoever... Great advice man... Not! 19 years old? There is no good argument for recking yourself... For you to justify that is mind blowing especially with that kind of argument... So fix an issue now only to make it worse later... Wow...

There's an implicit accordance that happiness is the ultimate goal of life. It's their bodies, their lives, they can do what makes THEM happy. Everybody is different. Would you rather live 60 happy years or 80 mediocre years? It's all subjective. The happiness induced from the steroid results may easily justify the health burdens perpetuated on their bodies in the future. Why is it so difficult to think that a compound as testosterone would be used to increase one's quality of life VIA self esteem, ego, and motivation?

"Great advice man".. I wasn't directing device at anybody; rather, I was articulating why I believe the silly notion that steroids at a relatively young, but not an absurd age, can easily be justified. If steroids improved your life in such a manner that you'd be happy for the rest of your life - surely the side effects of the steroids can be coped with.

tl;dr people should be considerate of all scenarios instead of broadly categorizing. As long as they're happy, who gives a fuck? That's all that matters. Let them worry about longevity and quality of life. After all, it's their lives; however, if it's going to be done it should be done correctly despite the age variable not being in accordance.
There's an implicit accordance that happiness is the ultimate goal of life. It's their bodies, their lives, they can do what makes THEM happy. Everybody is different. Would you rather live 60 happy years or 80 mediocre years? It's all subjective. The happiness induced from the steroid results may easily justify the health burdens perpetuated on their bodies in the future. Why is it so difficult to think that a compound as testosterone would be used to increase one's quality of life VIA self esteem, ego, and motivation?

"Great advice man".. I wasn't directing device at anybody; rather, I was articulating why I believe the silly notion that steroids at a relatively young, but not an absurd age, can easily be justified. If steroids improved your life in such a manner that you'd be happy for the rest of your life - surely the side effects of the steroids can be coped with.

tl;dr people should be considerate of all scenarios instead of broadly categorizing. As long as they're happy, who gives a fuck? That's all that matters. Let them worry about longevity and quality of life. After all, it's their lives; however, if it's going to be done it should be done correctly despite the age variable not being in accordance.

That is the worst justification ive ever heard... You are flat out of line... Your entitled to your opinion but doing one wrong to compensate for another somehow does not equal a right... You live in a different world, which is fine, and if you think its ok to advise someone to ruin their life then i guess i feel more sorry for you than anyone
Hey OP

I'm 52 years old...I have had 3 friends that could have written what you just wrote about happiness.
one is.....dead
the second one is not alive
the 3rd one is in a wheel chair and wishes he was dead..
food for thought
That is the worst justification ive ever heard... You are flat out of line... Your entitled to your opinion but doing one wrong to compensate for another somehow does not equal a right... You live in a different world, which is fine, and if you think its ok to advise someone to ruin their life then i guess i feel more sorry for you than anyone

Just curious. How can you exactly deem the use of steroids as "wrong"? Also, again, who is it that I'm "advising"? Care to refute some of my points or examples? Thanks.
Just curious. How can you exactly deem the use of steroids as "wrong"? Also, again, who is it that I'm "advising"? Care to refute some of my points or examples? Thanks.

For a 19 year old, yeah man its fucking wrong... If i need to refute that then you dont belong here
For a 19 year old, yeah man its fucking wrong... If i need to refute that then you dont belong here

It's just baffling to me that you can deem a means to someone's happiness as blatantly "wrong". What in life matters other than happiness?

PS154658 when asking about cycle advice...dodged the ststs question when asked by Rick..not once but twice

Ya going to be making a thread soon with all that once I'm further into my Test/Tren cycle I bought off a source here. Wanted to be on topic - that wasn't pertinent.
The happiness induced from the steroid results may easily justify the health burdens perpetuated on their bodies in the future. Why is it so difficult to think that a compound as testosterone would be used to increase one's quality of life VIA self esteem, ego, and motivation?


because you dumb 20% bodyfat and and undeveloped body....STERIODS ARE NOT your justifications are MOOT
IT ABSOLUTELY WILL NOT IMPROVE HIS QUALITY OF need an education in physiology!
It's just baffling to me that you can deem a means to someone's happiness as blatantly "wrong". What in life matters other than happiness?

Oh yeah ruining your life will make you happy or what anout someone that gets off on stealing or murder but hey they are happy so its ok... You dont make any sense whatsoever
because you dumb 20% bodyfat and and undeveloped body....STERIODS ARE NOT your justifications are MOOT
IT ABSOLUTELY WILL NOT IMPROVE HIS QUALITY OF need an education in physiology!

Where are you getting these unqualified, arbitrary percentages from? Who's 20% BF that is relevant to my conversation? I never gave OP advice directly. I suggest someone exams your literacy. Steroids aren't effective at 20% BF? I beg to differ. Define effective and let's delve into some scientific studies, yes?

Also, you seem to be stuck on physiology... is that a new word you recently learned? I've been speaking of the PSYCHOLOGICAL benefits, not physiological. They're not the same thing, sorry friend.
Ya going to be making a thread soon with all that once I'm further into my Test/Tren cycle I bought off a source here. Wanted to be on topic - that wasn't pertinent. was your thread and you were asked a DIRECT question!!! It related to giving you the advice you were seeking about your cycle is that not pertinent???
You're too much man
Oh yeah ruining your life will make you happy or what anout someone that gets off on stealing or murder but hey they are happy so its ok... You dont make any sense whatsoever

You're being fallacious... how can you compare a drug being used for self-bettering to the taking of another human's life? In my opinion, the same justification for marijuana can be equivalently used to justify the use of testosterone. Using testosterone doesn't morph you into a kleptomaniac or a murderer.
This is getting pretty hostile and turning into something I rather it not. I like this forum and most of its users.
You're being fallacious... how can you compare a drug being used for self-bettering to the taking of another human's life? In my opinion, the same justification for marijuana can be equivalently used to justify the use of testosterone. Using testosterone doesn't morph you into a kleptomaniac or a murderer.
This is getting pretty hostile and turning into something I rather it not. I like this forum and most of its users. was your thread and you were asked a DIRECT question!!! It related to giving you the advice you were seeking about your cycle is that not pertinent???
You're too much man

I was being advised on the dangers and "prerequisites" per se which entailed asking my stats/history. It wasn't relevant. I was running the cycle and the rest didn't matter. Simply asked for tips. Why is that difficult for you to understand?
You're being fallacious... how can you compare a drug being used for self-bettering to the taking of another human's life? In my opinion, the same justification for marijuana can be equivalently used to justify the use of testosterone. Using testosterone doesn't morph you into a kleptomaniac or a murderer.
This is getting pretty hostile and turning into something I rather it not. I like this forum and most of its users.

Enjoy your sunday im done... Your not going to be on here encouraging a 19 year old or underrage users, guaranteed
Where are you getting these unqualified, arbitrary percentages from? Who's 20% BF that is relevant to my conversation? I never gave OP advice directly. I suggest someone exams your literacy. Steroids aren't effective at 20% BF? I beg to differ. Define effective and let's delve into some scientific studies, yes?

Also, you seem to be stuck on physiology... is that a new word you recently learned? I've been speaking of the PSYCHOLOGICAL benefits, not physiological. They're not the same thing, sorry friend.

LOL...the op

Hey guys i am just wondering if this is a good stack to start my beginner cycle. I am 21, 100kg(6ft2), around 20% body fat, been going to the gym for 4+ years. Doing as much research as i can, also watching all of Dylan's videos. Here is my stack and if you guys have any advice that would be greatly appreciated :). Also i was wondering when i should take the clomid and nolva in detail I.E clomid EOD and nolva ED ? thanks again ill read the comments when i wake up.

Wk 1-12 Testosterone Enanthate = 250mg twice/wk e3.5d
Wk 1-12 Aromasin 12.5mg ED MIN- monitor and adjust accordingly.
Wk 11-15 hCG = 250iu twice/wk - day before test injection.

Begins wk 15 to wk 19
Clomid 75/50/50/50
Nolva 40/20/20/20

DUDE...are you for are arguing that that steroids will improve his life..therefor giving him PSYCHOLOGICAL benefits don't have a clue how steroids work (PHYSIOLOGY)..because if you would know that they don't work on fat underdeveloped if they dont give him results
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