Haven't commented in awhile, but i do pin pecs and delta now for an extra spot. I use 30x 5/8 insulin sur and push deep. I feel pecs during workout and they do grow larger I'm convinced. CBBRAM try it. If you're going to Pin various spots inject spots were size needed it does work.
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If I may add , Note : most first contacts are associated with someone you are familiar with. In this deceptive greeting it allows newcomer to be excepted as and associated friendship. Normally this will secure your feelings in association. WRONG Always remember rule one. Loose lips sink ships...
At 56 years of age , here we go. Manage senior health by maintaining or exceeding normal body functions. This in return manages a sturdy mast in order to support full sails. How about all the rest of the senior citizens. ⛵️
Sent From Sail7seas
Thanks rickrock and redmorkai. I have an advantage that I can use will take awhile though. I think I'll continue with HGH and bloods. Then do mk677 n see what test conclude for benefits of combined. And maybe for a break just MK for two mo. But at least I have some insight on direction. Thank...
Switch days and weeks , one of those moments[emoji362] Might be a benefit with savings. It has been stated one suppresses and one supports pituitary. So one can see my interests. Much appreciation for your help.
Sent From Sail7seas
While researching through forum information on both HGH benefits , and the benefits of MK677 my search has resulted in no findings of possible benefits of the use of both. I have both and am interested in possible benefit , or may this combination be a detriment to one another. My conclusion is...
Y'all don't here from me often, But I follow all. Information here appears to be mature and to the point. This is hard to find looking other places.
Sent From Sail7seas