I see your problem and I'm sure there is a solution, how old are you?
In general, with your stats, you're way better using SARMS over steroids.
Best sarms site is sarms1.com, and if you want to cut you should do a sarms triple stack. Osta 25mgs/ed - Cardarine 20mgs/ed - Andarine 25mgs/ed.
At 77kg why use steroids? You have a long way to grow IMO before steroids. Try SARMS to keep building your base - way less side effects.
Usual dose for anabolicum (LGD) is 10mgs/ed. For PCT use sarms/mini pct.
It sounds like you want to be an IFBB professional, but I hope you realize there is no money in that?
At 19, I wouldn't recommend you use any steroids, but since you're likely going to use something. Better you use something that's light and not strong, so you can go with ostabolic mk2866 from...
33mgs/ml of osta is fake ostarine, don't use it. That's a dose from a typical scammer lab. Osta should always be sold in 50mgs/ml dose, in liquid form.
If you get real ostabolic from sarms1, use 25mgs/ed.
Not sure if you want to "load up," but a doubling of testosterone dose to 400mgs and adding of ostabolic mk2866 @ 25mgs/ed would be a good idea.
If you discontinue to use clenbuterol, it doesn't mean you'll gain bodyfat. Now, reading your post, it seems you might have a thyroid/estrogen problem, when was the last time you did blood work for thyroid and hormone panels?
Before you start using steroids, you have to consider all the facts and do all the research. For guys in your situation, I always recommend using SARMS first before jumping into steroids. Less side effects and the same gains.
You shouldn't jump into HGH at 31, it's really unnecessary. You're abusing something meant for older guys. If you don't want too many sides from steroids, why not try SARMS? They give steroid-like results without the side effects.
If you want to do an oral only cycle, you should stack SARMS with Dbol, that will be much more effects. Dbol alone will just bloat you up.
Week 1-8
Dbol 50mgs/ed
Cardarine gw 20mgs/ed (sarms1.com)
andarine s4 25mgs/ed (s1)
aromasin 10mgs/eod
n2guard 7caps/ed
If you had cancer, anavar might be a good choice, but have you talked to your doctor? You have to be careful with your health and how you are managing everything. Doses should range from 20-30mgs/ed and no more than 6 weeks at a time. Make sure to use liver protection/organ protection like...
For PCT, you have the right choice, clomid and nolvadex is fine, add hcgenerate. Deca and Nolva isn't a good combination, so delay tamoxifen for 1st two weeks in pct.
For n2guard, use 7caps/ed.