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  1. S

    Do y'all even buy those trendy supplements?

    I spend a good amount on sups, but nothing trendy. I stick with bcaa, creatine, whey, casein (night), and usually a pwo (got to have my massive caffeine for morning gym).
  2. S

    The 10 Best Foods For Muscle Growth: A new video by Dylan Gemelli

    How do you feel about high GI carbs immediately after workout (white rice, white potatoes, ect)? I have even seen some suggest sugar during this 3-hour window to spike insulin to shuttle nutrients into muscle cells. Any thoughts on this?
  3. S

    Blood Results - help

    Yes the results are awesome. It's the main reason why I'm doing this stack the second time around. I put on about 8lbs lean the last time after 12 weeks, but I didn't seem to have the lethargic sides I have now. Also getting some puffiness around the nipples that I didn't get last time. The...
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    Blood Results - help

    Think I might drop the lgd and rad for now, and stick with the s4 and gw, as I was going to start cutting soon anyway. I have a doctor appointment Monday and he may start me on a trt after he sees my blood work. If any of this is not a good idea, let me know.
  5. S

    Blood Results - help

    Yes, all from sarmsx. It was the 12 recomp stack
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    Blood Results - help

    Sorry, i should have been more specific about the cycle. I'm 8 weeks into a 12 week cycle with 4 weeks remaining. I did a 12 week cycle almost a year ago with a full pct, but i dont recall having the low T sides that im having now. I guess i should have done bloods before starting this cycle...
  7. S

    Blood Results - help

    So i got my results back and it looks like my test is very low. Based on some of the other levels, im wondering if i should continue the 4 week cycle of (Rad,lgd,gw) or drop the cycle and start pct. If i continue, should i start Aromasin based off of Estrogen lvls. Below are the results...
  8. S

    Possible gyno, please help

    Well its not really supposed to. I have never done anything else, been all natural until about a year ago. I did a 12 week run of the recomp stack from 'pure essence'. I saw great results, did a proper pct, and bloodwork came back fine. So, I thought i would do another of the same cycle...
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    Possible gyno, please help

    Blood work tomorrow. Results should be quick, so I'll post an update once I get them.
  10. S

    Possible gyno, please help

    Ok, just ordered some arom, and I'll get on it. Thanks a bunch guys for the adavice. It may be nothing. There is deffinitely a very tiny lump there, but no other symptoms really. No redness, no itchyness, my libido and mental state are fine. It could be nothing, but i want to be proactive...
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    Possible gyno, please help

    I have about 4 weeks left. Should i arom 15mg ed for the remainder of the cycle then switch to clom for the pct?
  12. S

    Possible gyno, please help

    Yeah sarmsx, i had started split dose 10mg (recommended), then upped it a couple weeks ago.
  13. S

    Possible gyno, please help

    I'd prefer to treat the gyno and continue cycle if possible, but I'm open to recommendations.
  14. S

    Possible gyno, please help

    8 weeks into the 12 week cycle of: 10mg lgd 20mg rad10 10mg gw 15mg s4 Sarmsx/Everyday Should i drop the cycle or continue using the liquifem/Liquiaro?
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    Possible gyno, please help

    I have liquiClomid on hand. Should I start on that or order something else? Also have Olympic labs pct.
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    Possible gyno, please help

    So I'm about 8 weeks into the 12 week recomp stack and I have some symptoms. There is a small, sensitive, bb sized lump under one of my nipples, and they appear slightly puffy. If I touch them , they harden up and look completely normal. I would prefer to finish the 12 week cycle, but I think...
  17. S

    Any promo code for return customer? Looking to buy the ultra recomp stack 12w

    Hey guys, I'm looking to purchase the Ultra recomp stack (12w). I made significant progress on my last run, and I'm looking to give it another go. I know sometimes there are promo codes for slight discounts on purchases, so i was hoping to maybe get a code before purchase. Any discount would...
  18. S

    TrippleX dosing

    Bedroom. Is it good for a pwo?
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    TrippleX dosing

    I did a quick search but couldn't find any info on the subject. Whats the recommended dosing for the TrippleX stack, at least for starting off?
  20. S

    surprise in today's mail box + dosing question

    The droppers have measures on them, and the bottle will tell you how many MG per ML. One full dropper is 1.0 ML. So a full dropper of GW is 20MG, and S4 50MG. Because the SR is 20mg per ML, if you want 5mg then you would fill the dropper to .25 or 1/4 full.
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