
Possible gyno, please help


New member
So I'm about 8 weeks into the 12 week recomp stack and I have some symptoms. There is a small, sensitive, bb sized lump under one of my nipples, and they appear slightly puffy. If I touch them , they harden up and look completely normal. I would prefer to finish the 12 week cycle, but I think at this point I should take some preventative measures.. any and all suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Although rare, if you are prone to Gyno, (which most won't know until actually getting it in some form I guess), it is possible with the heavier anabolic sarms, they always recommend having and AI on hand in case you get symptoms to combat right away. Not sure if you have something on hand, but I see they usually always recommend aromasin.
I believe clomid is used to enhance sperm production and bring test production back up, if gyno I believe that is estro related and would need an AI to treat, I'll let someone more familiar answer that one.
I'd either run Aromasin 12.5mg eod, or Letrozole at 2.5mg ed for a week then .25mg ed till it subsides. Letrozole aka liquifem is available from SARMSX, so is Aromasin / Liquiaro. I'd use the letrozole myself.
Correct, if he wants to come off cycle he needs to pct, clomid included. If he wants to treat the gyno directly he can use something like letro, if he wants to just lower e2 and see if it clears up on it's own or he could just do aroma. It's unclear if OP is intending to stop cycle or just treat the gyno.

I'd prefer to treat the gyno and continue cycle if possible, but I'm open to recommendations.
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