
Possible gyno, please help

yes atleast 15 ed until it goes away then drop it to 12.5 eod

Ok, just ordered some arom, and I'll get on it. Thanks a bunch guys for the adavice.

It may be nothing. There is deffinitely a very tiny lump there, but no other symptoms really. No redness, no itchyness, my libido and mental state are fine. It could be nothing, but i want to be proactive if it is something.

Thanks again.
8 weeks into the 12 week cycle of:

10mg lgd
20mg rad10
10mg gw
15mg s4


Should i drop the cycle or continue using the liquifem/Liquiaro?

I don't get it tho what is causing the gyno? It's definitely not the GW, LGD or S4 I've ran those many times with no AI, no bloating nothing but goodness. It would be really helpful for you to get blood work there is a chance your estrogen could be normal and the gyno was always there. Unless it's being caused by a different mechanism.
So sarms can give you gyno

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Well its not really supposed to. I have never done anything else, been all natural until about a year ago. I did a 12 week run of the recomp stack from 'pure essence'. I saw great results, did a proper pct, and bloodwork came back fine. So, I thought i would do another of the same cycle almost 7 months later from sarmsx. There were some inconsistencies that i saw in the RAD, s4, and gw (taste/visual).. mostly in the RAD the taste was much worse this time around, and color slightly different. 6 weeks in and i'm thinking i notice some puffiness in the nipples, but thought it was just in my head. 8 weeks now and there is a small lump.

I'll get the bloodwork back in a few days and post the results, then draw your own conclusions.
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