
Blood Results - help


New member
So i got my results back and it looks like my test is very low. Based on some of the other levels, im wondering if i should continue the 4 week cycle of (Rad,lgd,gw) or drop the cycle and start pct. If i continue, should i start Aromasin based off of Estrogen lvls. Below are the results:

Testosterone, Serum
Testosterone, Serum 136

Luteinizing Hormone(LH), S
LH 1.7

FSH, Serum
FSH 5.4
1 of 2

Estradiol <5.0 LOW 7.6-42.6 pg/mL 01
A cycle is 12w, not 4.

You can expect somelevel of suppression running lgd and rad. Thats what PCT is for.

Personally, I run clomid(@20) during cycle, then 4week pct of clomid AND Nolva.

My next cycle, I'll start DAA at week 9 prior to PCT.
A cycle is 12w, not 4.

You can expect somelevel of suppression running lgd and rad. Thats what PCT is for.

Personally, I run clomid(@20) during cycle, then 4week pct of clomid AND Nolva.

My next cycle, I'll start DAA at week 9 prior to PCT.

Sorry, i should have been more specific about the cycle. I'm 8 weeks into a 12 week cycle with 4 weeks remaining. I did a 12 week cycle almost a year ago with a full pct, but i dont recall having the low T sides that im having now. I guess i should have done bloods before starting this cycle as i was probably low to start. 136 is extremely low, so another 4 weeks would push that number even further down, so I'm wondering if it's too low to continue the remaining 4 weeks.
Sorry, i should have been more specific about the cycle. I'm 8 weeks into a 12 week cycle with 4 weeks remaining. I did a 12 week cycle almost a year ago with a full pct, but i dont recall having the low T sides that im having now. I guess i should have done bloods before starting this cycle as i was probably low to start. 136 is extremely low, so another 4 weeks would push that number even further down, so I'm wondering if it's too low to continue the remaining 4 weeks.
If your symptoms are that bad, then you can come off and pct but at this point I'd consider finishing the cycle otherwise.

I'm curious if you wasn't a little on the low side before the cycle which contributed to these low levels now

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Think I might drop the lgd and rad for now, and stick with the s4 and gw, as I was going to start cutting soon anyway.

I have a doctor appointment Monday and he may start me on a trt after he sees my blood work.

If any of this is not a good idea, let me know.
Think I might drop the lgd and rad for now, and stick with the s4 and gw, as I was going to start cutting soon anyway.

I have a doctor appointment Monday and he may start me on a trt after he sees my blood work.

If any of this is not a good idea, let me know.
I would strongly suggest attempting to see where you can get your natural levels to before resorting to trt. Get bloodwork done after completing pct and see where you are at

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
for 4 more weeks, and you got the stuff from Sarmsx, you are just getting suppressed, possibly as much as I did (like 50%).

I'd keep it up, get bloods, and go from there. Like I said above, when I got hit, added 20mg clomid daily, and for PCT, was 4 weeks with both clomid and Nolva.

I would also in weeks 9-12 add DAA. I didnt do that (didnt really know). I will do that for my next cycle
Yes the results are awesome. It's the main reason why I'm doing this stack the second time around. I put on about 8lbs lean the last time after 12 weeks, but I didn't seem to have the lethargic sides I have now. Also getting some puffiness around the nipples that I didn't get last time.

The lethargy I can deal with, and I'm not having any libido issues, but the gyno symptoms have me uneasy.
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