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  1. mycrosstobare

    Cycle Log

    I worked everything out based on all the information and input I got from everyone when I started talking about running my first cycle and here is what I'm running. Also my stats again just in case anyone didn't see my last post. Stats: 5'10", 210lbs, 11% BF Cycle: 375 mg Test E (1-12 weeks)...
  2. mycrosstobare

    Upcoming cycle

    Appreciate it bro. I pretty much learned a lot from the guys on here who have been around and given really solid advice. Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk
  3. mycrosstobare

    Upcoming cycle

    Yea LGD would be awesome, and I'm def look at adding it. Right now I'm wanting to see what Test will do without the mass building SARMS. That way I can get a gauge for exactly how my body reacts before throwing more compounds into the mix. But I see where you're coming from with adding LGD...
  4. mycrosstobare

    Upcoming cycle

    That's one of the many reasons I stay on the board and ask away before jumping into stuff lol Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk
  5. mycrosstobare

    Upcoming cycle

    Got ya bro. I'll def do that. You're right, one step at a time. Thanks as always. I really appreciate it. Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk
  6. mycrosstobare

    Upcoming cycle

    I like the way that looks. I already got what I need for the cycle with the added tweaks so far. However, do you think taking the cycle you recommended and bumping to 500mg test cyp with everything else for a second cycle solid? Thank you in advance for sending your knowledge in advance bro...
  7. mycrosstobare

    Upcoming cycle

    I have S4 on standby so I'll def throw that in through the PCT. I definitely love the harden and vascular look I get when on it. I was actually thinking of that this morning. Thanks bro! Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk
  8. mycrosstobare

    Upcoming cycle

    I'm really only using the scale to see where I fit for competition. But I understand what you mean and completely agree. Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk
  9. mycrosstobare

    Upcoming cycle

    That's why I always ask before jumping straight in lol. Thanks for the advice bro. Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk
  10. mycrosstobare

    Upcoming cycle

    I'll look into the SR9009 and getting some to through into the mix. Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk
  11. mycrosstobare

    Upcoming cycle

    15 being higher end lol. I know I may not get that and it's a lot to ask for lol. Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk
  12. mycrosstobare

    Upcoming cycle

    Got ya. Then that's wil what I'll do. Appreciate the advice. Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk
  13. mycrosstobare

    Upcoming cycle

    Sup bros and ladies, I've been on the forum for almost a year now, though I'm usually quiet lol. I've run a few SARM cycles with amazing success, of course all SARMS were from Anyways I'm going to move up to AAS. I have done a lot of research, talked to some of the guys on here...
  14. mycrosstobare

    SARMS Cycle

    Here's a 4 week update since starting my SARMs cycle. I've gained 2 lbs so I'm up to 205, still around the same bf percentage. I've started eating much healthier this time with much less processed food in my diet. I did not add Test E into the cycle this time around due to some personal issues...
  15. mycrosstobare

    Question about Sarms Cycle and PCT

    So I would run Clomid 50/25/25/25 for a mini pct with GW as well for the 4 week mini pct. As far as your break down I would just run MK-677 (nutrabol), S4 and GW for 12 weeks all together and then run the mini pct I suggested. As far as ECA I don't know a ton about it and would ask one of the...
  16. mycrosstobare

    SARMS Cycle

    Sweet deal. I'm pretty stoked bro. Thanks for all the help and advice. Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk
  17. mycrosstobare

    SARMS Cycle

    Before pictures before starting this cycle. Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk
  18. mycrosstobare

    SARMS Cycle

    Sounds good. I was thinking Sun and Wed, but I see what you're saying Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk
  19. mycrosstobare

    SARMS Cycle

    Ok. Sounds good. Still pin twice a week? Like 175mg twice a week? Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk
  20. mycrosstobare

    SARMS Cycle

    This would be my first AAS cycle of I added any. Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk
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