

Not sure where to post this at but I'm running another SARMs cycle. I'm 30yrs old and running pretty much what I ran before for 12 weeks. Everything is from Pure Essence (ISARMS).

LGD at 10mg a day
S4 50mg split between am and pm
Ostraine 25mg a day

Last time I added S4 for the last 4 weeks of the cycle. I had amazing results and I'm shooting for the same thing. My stars as of right now are: 5'11 at 203lbs, 12 percent body fat and I workout a min of 5 times a week.sometimes 6 depending on my schedule. I'm looking to gain between 10 to 15 lbs and of course continue to make gains in the strength department. I'm eating between 3500 and 4000 calories a day, however as my weight and size increases I'll increase my caloric intake.

I thought about adding Test E into the mix like 500mg a week. Any suggestions are always welcome and appreciated. Not sure where to post a log but I will post one as well to keep my progress updated.

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Not sure where to post this at but I'm running another SARMs cycle. I'm 30yrs old and running pretty much what I ran before for 12 weeks. Everything is from Pure Essence (ISARMS).

LGD at 10mg a day
S4 50mg split between am and pm
Ostraine 25mg a day

Last time I added S4 for the last 4 weeks of the cycle. I had amazing results and I'm shooting for the same thing. My stars as of right now are: 5'11 at 203lbs, 12 percent body fat and I workout a min of 5 times a week.sometimes 6 depending on my schedule. I'm looking to gain between 10 to 15 lbs and of course continue to make gains in the strength department. I'm eating between 3500 and 4000 calories a day, however as my weight and size increases I'll increase my caloric intake.

I thought about adding Test E into the mix like 500mg a week. Any suggestions are always welcome and appreciated. Not sure where to post a log but I will post one as well to keep my progress updated.

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Looks pretty good brother. I think adding in test would be a good option if you are looking for size, and another great addition to your stack would be RAD-140 which would really compliment the other Sarms really well to give you even better results

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Looks pretty good brother. I think adding in test would be a good option if you are looking for size, and another great addition to your stack would be RAD-140 which would really compliment the other Sarms really well to give you even better results

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Sounds good brother.

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I think you'll like that cycle quite a bit. How many AAS cycle's have you ran before?

If you added like 350mg of test e and an AI like aromasin you'll have a kick ass cycle. Rick's recommendation of RAD would add some serious strength to the equation, I was pretty impressed with RAD which I ran a couple months ago.
I think you'll like that cycle quite a bit. How many AAS cycle's have you ran before?

If you added like 350mg of test e and an AI like aromasin you'll have a kick ass cycle. Rick's recommendation of RAD would add some serious strength to the equation, I was pretty impressed with RAD which I ran a couple months ago.
This would be my first AAS cycle of I added any.

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This would be my first AAS cycle of I added any.

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since it would be your first cycle you wouldn't need to run 500mg of test to feel on top of the world. 350mg of test stacked with sarms will bare some great results. The first time on test is awesome
since it would be your first cycle you wouldn't need to run 500mg of test to feel on top of the world. 350mg of test stacked with sarms will bare some great results. The first time on test is awesome
Ok. Sounds good. Still pin twice a week? Like 175mg twice a week?

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Before pictures before starting this cycle.

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Here's a 4 week update since starting my SARMs cycle. I've gained 2 lbs so I'm up to 205, still around the same bf percentage. I've started eating much healthier this time with much less processed food in my diet. I did not add Test E into the cycle this time around due to some personal issues requiring money in that direction.

I'm obtaining all the pct and things needed while on my first AAS cycle before ordering and.starting as well.

I'm still get progressively stronger in the gym finally hitting 315 on bench. I can do 4x4 at 405 in deadlift and my squat is maxed at 405, however I've slowed down on progressing in making mad gains in the weight department to allow my joints to catch up with the muscle increase.

I am wanting to put on more size though. Any suggestions would be awesome. I'm still eating 3500 to 4000 cals a day still, splitting my meals up to about 6 a day. My take in over my body weight in protein roughly 240 g of protein on avg, roughly 500 g carbs and avg of 100 g of fat.

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