Not sure where to post this at but I'm running another SARMs cycle. I'm 30yrs old and running pretty much what I ran before for 12 weeks. Everything is from Pure Essence (ISARMS).
LGD at 10mg a day
S4 50mg split between am and pm
Ostraine 25mg a day
Last time I added S4 for the last 4 weeks of the cycle. I had amazing results and I'm shooting for the same thing. My stars as of right now are: 5'11 at 203lbs, 12 percent body fat and I workout a min of 5 times a week.sometimes 6 depending on my schedule. I'm looking to gain between 10 to 15 lbs and of course continue to make gains in the strength department. I'm eating between 3500 and 4000 calories a day, however as my weight and size increases I'll increase my caloric intake.
I thought about adding Test E into the mix like 500mg a week. Any suggestions are always welcome and appreciated. Not sure where to post a log but I will post one as well to keep my progress updated.
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LGD at 10mg a day
S4 50mg split between am and pm
Ostraine 25mg a day
Last time I added S4 for the last 4 weeks of the cycle. I had amazing results and I'm shooting for the same thing. My stars as of right now are: 5'11 at 203lbs, 12 percent body fat and I workout a min of 5 times a week.sometimes 6 depending on my schedule. I'm looking to gain between 10 to 15 lbs and of course continue to make gains in the strength department. I'm eating between 3500 and 4000 calories a day, however as my weight and size increases I'll increase my caloric intake.
I thought about adding Test E into the mix like 500mg a week. Any suggestions are always welcome and appreciated. Not sure where to post a log but I will post one as well to keep my progress updated.
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