
Upcoming cycle

With your goals of adding mass have you ought about adding in LGD here? I think it goes perfectly with your goals
With your goals of adding mass have you ought about adding in LGD here? I think it goes perfectly with your goals
Yea LGD would be awesome, and I'm def look at adding it. Right now I'm wanting to see what Test will do without the mass building SARMS. That way I can get a gauge for exactly how my body reacts before throwing more compounds into the mix. But I see where you're coming from with adding LGD.

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I love seeing these where somebody is doing the right thing. Good luck with your cycle bro, you should do well.
I love seeing these where somebody is doing the right thing. Good luck with your cycle bro, you should do well.
Appreciate it bro. I pretty much learned a lot from the guys on here who have been around and given really solid advice.

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