
Question about Sarms Cycle and PCT


New member
Hey guys I recently joined this forum and came over from Sarms are my main focus and and I'm most interested in so this site seems like a perfect fit for me. Just want some of your guys opinions on my upcoming cutting cycle. My main question is do I need a SERM if I'm going to be running an OTC ai while on cycle and into my pct? For example I'll be taking Arimistane throughout my whole Sarms cycle and am curious what you guys think. Here's the cycle below:

Nutrobal = 24 weeks @ 25mg a day
Gw = 16 weeks @ 20mg a day, then 4 week break then take another 8 weeks
S4 = 8 weeks @ 50 mg a day l, then 4 week break then take 8 more weeks
ECA = 25mg a day for the whole cycle

For my support and Pct here's as followed, by the way j have a ton of this stuff on hand and sitting around so why not?
Revolution Pct
Pink Magic
Blue up
Liver Repair

Like I said these things are sitting around so why not add them in right? So what do you guys think? Can I get away without an AI or a SERM? Let me know thoughts and it's great to be a part of a new forum that's focused on stuff I truly love!!

Thanks again bros
Hey guys I recently joined this forum and came over from Sarms are my main focus and and I'm most interested in so this site seems like a perfect fit for me. Just want some of your guys opinions on my upcoming cutting cycle. My main question is do I need a SERM if I'm going to be running an OTC ai while on cycle and into my pct? For example I'll be taking Arimistane throughout my whole Sarms cycle and am curious what you guys think. Here's the cycle below:

Nutrobal = 24 weeks @ 25mg a day
Gw = 16 weeks @ 20mg a day, then 4 week break then take another 8 weeks
S4 = 8 weeks @ 50 mg a day l, then 4 week break then take 8 more weeks
ECA = 25mg a day for the whole cycle

For my support and Pct here's as followed, by the way j have a ton of this stuff on hand and sitting around so why not?
Revolution Pct
Pink Magic
Blue up
Liver Repair

Like I said these things are sitting around so why not add them in right? So what do you guys think? Can I get away without an AI or a SERM? Let me know thoughts and it's great to be a part of a new forum that's focused on stuff I truly love!!

Thanks again bros
So I would run Clomid 50/25/25/25 for a mini pct with GW as well for the 4 week mini pct. As far as your break down I would just run MK-677 (nutrabol), S4 and GW for 12 weeks all together and then run the mini pct I suggested. As far as ECA I don't know a ton about it and would ask one of the more seasoned bros here lol.

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Hey guys I recently joined this forum and came over from Sarms are my main focus and and I'm most interested in so this site seems like a perfect fit for me. Just want some of your guys opinions on my upcoming cutting cycle. My main question is do I need a SERM if I'm going to be running an OTC ai while on cycle and into my pct? For example I'll be taking Arimistane throughout my whole Sarms cycle and am curious what you guys think. Here's the cycle below:

Nutrobal = 24 weeks @ 25mg a day
Gw = 16 weeks @ 20mg a day, then 4 week break then take another 8 weeks
S4 = 8 weeks @ 50 mg a day l, then 4 week break then take 8 more weeks
ECA = 25mg a day for the whole cycle

For my support and Pct here's as followed, by the way j have a ton of this stuff on hand and sitting around so why not?
Revolution Pct
Pink Magic
Blue up
Liver Repair

Like I said these things are sitting around so why not add them in right? So what do you guys think? Can I get away without an AI or a SERM? Let me know thoughts and it's great to be a part of a new forum that's focused on stuff I truly love!!

Thanks again bros

Actually bro, you don't need an AI whatsoever with that stack. Sarms do not aromatize into estrogen, so it should not be needed.

For your goals, I would also recommend adding in SR9009 to that stack. You can get it from and dosing would be 5mg dosed 6 times per day every 2-3 hours

Your pct should include a serm at a low dose.

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Actually bro, you don't need an AI whatsoever with that stack. Sarms do not aromatize into estrogen, so it should not be needed.

For your goals, I would also recommend adding in SR9009 to that stack. You can get it from and dosing would be 5mg dosed 6 times per day every 2-3 hours

Your pct should include a serm at a low dose.

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)

Do you think a SERM would be absolutely necessary? I want to try and compete under the natural stage and wanted to avoid using Serms or Steroids in general.
ah ok that sounds good then. lol ya I was confused didn't know if you got some BS fed to you with an ECA pill
if your not wanting to run any sort of pct then you would need to only use s4 4 weeks... you can use GW-501516, SR9009 and MK677 with no pct requirement... so you could run this...

1-16 mk677 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-16 sr9009 30 mg day... 5 mg split doses 2-3 hours apart
13-16 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-16 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
Do you think a SERM would be absolutely necessary? I want to try and compete under the natural stage and wanted to avoid using Serms or Steroids in general.

A serm certainly helps recovery considerably, but if you don't want to use one I suggest doing what Dylan suggested by dropping the S4 down to 4 weeks, and you can get by without a PCT since MK-677, GW, and SR9009 do not require pct at all

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
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