Thanks man! I run rad at 10mg per day and take it right after I get home with work. I take 50mg or s4 pre workout and the 25mg right before bed. I know s4 isn't a stimulant but I always feel like I have more energy when I do take it pre workout. How do you like mk 677? I haven't really read up on the effects it has I just know it takes some time to see the benefits from it. Gw is definitely going to be added soon though. Definitely do the full 12 weeks. Those last 4 weeks are definitely the best during the cycle in my opinion.
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Fair enough, I'm doing the recommended dosage which is 20mg 10mg is on the low side but I'm sure you will notice plus I'm keen to see how it goes cos I may have to drop it down cos as soon as I started my cycle I noticed my skin got bad all of a sudden.... I know I have heard that it doesn't effect your skin but all of a sudden it got bad must be due to the hormone elevate or something... Plus 20mg can be pretty costly lol... Yeah I tend to take all my sarms 1st thing in the morning to get it out of the way... With the mk677 it's only been like 5 days so haven't noticed much no sides as of yet... I saw Dylan was going to make a video on mk677 with in a week so I recommend you check it out...
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