Hello Everyone! Probably should have posted on here for my first cycle but better late than never!
I am looking at shredding down. Currently 170lbs and 20% Bodyfat. I am a fitness coach of 5 years and pursuing my master's in Strength and Conditioning so I feel like I have the "basics" down as far as training and nutrition go... However, I am a novice when it comes to PED's.
I hired a coach for my 1st two cycles but I am not sure how happy I am with the advice and stack. I liked that he wanted to be more conservative with dosing in the beginning but was confused about his diet and training protocols. I am coming here for a second opinion regarding my next stack.
I have just relocated to New Zealand and have put on some weight due to quitting my job, moving out of my place, starting my business, and exploring the country the last few weeks. I am hoping to ACP 105, Vasculine, GW 501516 Cardarine, and MK 2866 Ostarine. I am asking about these purely because they are available in gel form from Umbrella labs and I really enjoyed the Ostarine I got in gel form from them on my first cycle. Maybe it was because that was my first experience with Sarms but I strangely "felt" it more than I did with the much larger stack below. I only used 20mg a day along with 20mg of Cardarine and felt amazing compared to the massive stack attached in the image below. Maybe I should have ran the larger stack with a test base because my bloodwork toward the end was no bueno.
What is your suggested use with ACP 105, Vasculine, GW 501516 Cardarine, and MK 2866 Ostarine as far as shredding? Does anyone know if Umbrella delivers to New Zealand or if I should try another company?
My previous coach annoyingly preached KETO while I am on SARMS. This really goes against my nutrition beliefs as carbs are anabolic af. Am I missing something and I should be listening to this advice? Do PEDS really affect metabolic pathways that much? I also heard that the SARMS can increase my protein synthesis and I can eat 1.5 grams per pound of lean body mass instead of 1g/lb. Is this true? Thank you all so much!
I am very open to all suggestions.
I plan on running an aggressive cut at 1,600 - 1,800 calories at 160-180 grams of protein. I'll auto-regulate as I measure my progress.
Push/Pull/Legs for 6 days a week. Semi-Sedentary the rest of the day as I continue to launch my online coaching business and earn my master's degree.
I'll do my best to fill out a Sarms Log this time around.

I am looking at shredding down. Currently 170lbs and 20% Bodyfat. I am a fitness coach of 5 years and pursuing my master's in Strength and Conditioning so I feel like I have the "basics" down as far as training and nutrition go... However, I am a novice when it comes to PED's.
I hired a coach for my 1st two cycles but I am not sure how happy I am with the advice and stack. I liked that he wanted to be more conservative with dosing in the beginning but was confused about his diet and training protocols. I am coming here for a second opinion regarding my next stack.
I have just relocated to New Zealand and have put on some weight due to quitting my job, moving out of my place, starting my business, and exploring the country the last few weeks. I am hoping to ACP 105, Vasculine, GW 501516 Cardarine, and MK 2866 Ostarine. I am asking about these purely because they are available in gel form from Umbrella labs and I really enjoyed the Ostarine I got in gel form from them on my first cycle. Maybe it was because that was my first experience with Sarms but I strangely "felt" it more than I did with the much larger stack below. I only used 20mg a day along with 20mg of Cardarine and felt amazing compared to the massive stack attached in the image below. Maybe I should have ran the larger stack with a test base because my bloodwork toward the end was no bueno.
What is your suggested use with ACP 105, Vasculine, GW 501516 Cardarine, and MK 2866 Ostarine as far as shredding? Does anyone know if Umbrella delivers to New Zealand or if I should try another company?
My previous coach annoyingly preached KETO while I am on SARMS. This really goes against my nutrition beliefs as carbs are anabolic af. Am I missing something and I should be listening to this advice? Do PEDS really affect metabolic pathways that much? I also heard that the SARMS can increase my protein synthesis and I can eat 1.5 grams per pound of lean body mass instead of 1g/lb. Is this true? Thank you all so much!
I am very open to all suggestions.
I plan on running an aggressive cut at 1,600 - 1,800 calories at 160-180 grams of protein. I'll auto-regulate as I measure my progress.
Push/Pull/Legs for 6 days a week. Semi-Sedentary the rest of the day as I continue to launch my online coaching business and earn my master's degree.
I'll do my best to fill out a Sarms Log this time around.