why would you need caber bro?? that makes no sense... you dont have elevated prolactin... i just want you to get the test done to ease your mind..
Well I did take DAA during my osta and s4 cycle so my prolactin could be high. But a guy on t nation suggested it, however I really don't think it's necessary, especially since it was just DAA. I think my best bet is to just countinue my nolva, and see if the breast swelling goes down. I was doing cardio on the treadmill, and noticed by the end, my left breast was in pain. Hopefully the sweeping and size goes down and is not permanent, with nolva.
If it not gyno, how long will my left breast to take to go down to normal size?
And if it is gyno, does it eventually stop growing or does it keep growing until it becomes real tits? So in other words if I did get gyno, will my breast countinue to get bigger and bigger until I get "surgery". Or will it not get much bigger if treated with nolva, and correct pct such?