Sorry for the lack of updates last week but I had a BILLION things going at once... I had a VERY productive week last week but today was HUGE for me... I was quite pissed off as my power went out today and I had other bull shit to deal with etc... So my plan was to take it out on the weights, which I most certainly did... Also, I started off the day at 195... So I am definitely getting there...
So, today I decided was going to be the day I hit 250 for ten on the bench... My first set of 225 is my warmup and I honestly didn't feel the best on that one but after that, I was in the zone... I get those thoughts in my head that nothing is going to stop me or get in my way and it certainly did not... I blasted that 250 out and probably could have gone up 5 more lbs but I want to do this the right way, not the stupid way... Then I did another huge PR getting 10 reps with 55lb. dumbbells on hammer curls... All lifts are increasing every session consistently... The only side I have been having has been night sweats with tren but other than that, I am feeling amazing and expect to only continue to get better... I will post pics this week, leg pics as well... Here is another bicep picture... I keep posting bicep pics to show the progress there which is very evident in this one... Thank you everyone for the ongoing support!
HECK YEAHHHHH!!! 250 for 10 at 195lb? now we're talking business
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