ibleedoranbla said:
Angelo said:
"ibleedoranbla" said:
"Angelo" said:
"ibleedoranbla" said:
Here are some progress pics the first set was taken at the beginning of June the second one was taken about 3 weeks ago and the last one was taken tonight.
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Thats some dam good shit right there bro, nice work my friend !
Thanks, man. I just wanted to show everyone that I have indeed made progress it's just my strength isn't where I thought it would be and I'm starting to learn that I probably just had my expectations set too high. I'm adding in winny for the last 6 weeks next week, so hopefully that'll give me a nice boost.
Sent from my HTC6525LVW using Tapatalk
Youre definitely looking alot fuller for sure, look strong as hell ! i notice more vascularity as well..
And therein lies the problem, lol. I look like I could move a mountain and compared to the average Joe, I am Peru strong but for someone my size of 275# my lifts aren't very impressive. I just have to keep working at it. I can definitely feel the fullness. To be honest most of the day I feel like if I got any fuller and tight I would explode. I'm perfectly pleased with everything from this cycle except for the strength aspect and I'm just learning that my expectations were probably too high.
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Well think of it like this bro, it looks like your able to put on ample size and if you only have to lift lighter weights to get there,more power to you. Because the way i see it, you are doing yourself a favor in the long run by not destroying your joints and tendons and what not, and still getting all the benefit and size. Unless your main goal is to become some form of strong man or power lifter, I would opt for size and aesthetics over strength any day. But thats just me, and to each their own.. You mind me asking if your goals are more strength oriented or aesthetics ?