
Cycle Log

I worked everything out based on all the information and input I got from everyone when I started talking about running my first cycle and here is what I'm running. Also my stats again just in case anyone didn't see my last post.

Stats: 5'10", 210lbs, 11% BF

375 mg Test E (1-12 weeks)
12.5 mg EOD Aromasian (1-16 weeks)

Clomid (50/50/25/25)
Nolvadex (40/40/20/20)
Aromasian (12.5 mg EOD)
MK-2866 (25mg 4 weeks)
GW- 501516 ( 20mg 4 weeks)

I'll post updated through here. I'm stoked to be running this and look forward to the results.

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good deal interested to see where this goes for you. ill be following, very nice to see you have fully researched and planned this out and have taken your time versus a lot of what we see here. is the train wreck after someone starts.
good deal interested to see where this goes for you. ill be following, very nice to see you have fully researched and planned this out and have taken your time versus a lot of what we see here. is the train wreck after someone starts.
Haha, yea I've read a lot of the posts and I'm like... Uhmmm... But I just laugh quietly and feel bad at the same time.

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Well thought out. Good dosage to start out with. Enough to see results without going overboard.

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Looks great brother. It's nice seeing everything planned and laid out so well

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Awesome! First pin ever? What did you think? Glute? Quad? Lol I remember my first pin.

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Yea first pin ever. I did the quad and I'm going to rotate between quads. Wasn't no where near as hard or as bad as I thought lol.

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I didn't get to lift yesterday due to everything being closed, however today I did chest with my squad. Nothing to fancy.

Bench press 4 x 12 @225lbs
Superset with 12 push ups
Incline dumbbell bench press 5x8 @80lb dumbells
Superset with 8 push ups
Pec dec 4x15 (honestly dont remember the weight)
Dumbell flyes 4x10 @40lbs

Overall I felt good. I felt like my recovery was better between sets, but I know I will really start feeling good in about the 4 week range.

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Going into week 2 this week. Feeling pretty good. I haven't seen any sides that I know of. I know week 4 I'll really start to feel good based on everything I've read and from those who have done Test E before.

Although I do have a question. If I were going to experience sides when would that start up? I mean really the only side I've felt is my sex drive going through the roof lol.

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