



Foods to pick from...

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One thing I make a ton of, chilli...lean ground beef, different types of beans...healthy, packed full of good macros and you're good to go..

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One thing I make a ton of, chilli...lean ground beef, different types of beans...healthy, packed full of good macros and you're good to go..

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Sounds like a good idea in a slow cooker... Lazy batchelor cooking
I'll say this too, some of the foods on the "bad" side, can still be a sweet potato, most beans, and fruit....

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Wow! So that's about twice as much as I'm doing now...

Yes but your going to be hard pressed to find many that do that much bro and im not implying you should do that much but more or less just answering the question
Yes but your going to be hard pressed to find many that do that much bro and im not implying you should do that much but more or less just answering the question
I agree... Everyone has different goals...
Yes but your going to be hard pressed to find many that do that much bro and im not implying you should do that much but more or less just answering the question

Ya but you a freak of nature. Lol. If i ate as little as you and did all that cardio i would be like a stick. Lol.

That partially explain why ur so shredded. Other parts being diet....

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Dylan is probably one of the most regimented people I've ever encountered in my life, and that is why he is so shredded. Yes, the cardio he does and his strict diet are the big factors, but the main thing is continued consistency. The man doesn't skip a beat. He will tell you that he has like one cheat meal a year on Thanksgiving. That says it all right there
Dylan is probably one of the most regimented people I've ever encountered in my life, and that is why he is so shredded. Yes, the cardio he does and his strict diet are the big factors, but the moan thing is continued consistency. The man doesn't skip a beat. He will tell you that he has like one cheat meal a year on Thanksgiving. That says it all right there
And his wedding... Lol
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