

Thanks brother... I guess I'm a little frustrated as I've seem to hit a road block. I'm going to lower my carbs a little bit and up my cardio and maybe even change it up a bit. That's why I was seeking advice.

3 day tuna run! It'll work
Here's my updated diet I started this week...

I don't track my macros yet which is something I need to learn how to do... Or at least put the effort into figuring it out...

5am - Starbucks Expresso- 140 cal

8am - Chicken / Rice / veggies - 350 cal

11am - Salmon / Couscous / veggies - 500 cal

Mid day - Starbucks Expresso - 140 cal

2pm - Chicken / Rice / veggies - 350 cal

6pm - Chicken Black Bean Bowl (El Pollo Loco) - 500 cal

1980 cal

5'9 170 lbs 45 years old

18-20% bf - - - - goal is 12%

Also easy way to track your macros is yo download myfitnesspal. It's a free app on your phone. You can track all your food,cals and macros. It works very well.
It tracks calories and macros, as well as how much of each you should be consuming to meet ur goal

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It tracks calories and macros, as well as how much of each you should be consuming to meet ur goal

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I generally eat the same thing ed so it should be fairly easy to figure out
I also have started back doing cardio every day I work out ( 5 days a week ) in an effort to get more lean and vascular, I started doing 15 min on a elliptical machine ( gets my heart rate up higher then cycling or treadmill ) then went to 20 min, now up to 25 minutes before I work out as well,, gets the blood flowing and build a sweat, I really would rather be lifting then doing cardio as I don't like doing cardio but the benefits are worth the boredom lol
Yup twice....on the average I drop 8-10 pounds...the trick is keeping the weight off. You have to ease back into your diet.

Basically take your body weight x1.5= a minimum amount of protein. I use low sodium pouches which have 17gms protein per pouch. By dividing that into the first number this will tell you how many cans/pouches. I usually eat around 18-20 a day. Divide into 6 meals and enjoy. Also alot of water. Tuna is all protein,no carbs. This will put you in ketosis and your body will use your body fat for energy.
I also have started back doing cardio every day I work out ( 5 days a week ) in an effort to get more lean and vascular, I started doing 15 min on a elliptical machine ( gets my heart rate up higher then cycling or treadmill ) then went to 20 min, now up to 25 minutes before I work out as well,, gets the blood flowing and build a sweat, I really would rather be lifting then doing cardio as I don't like doing cardio but the benefits are worth the boredom lol
I agree but I actually enjoy it now... I have a really good Playlist especially for cardio
Basically take your body weight x1.5= a minimum amount of protein. I use low sodium pouches which have 17gms protein per pouch. By dividing that into the first number this will tell you how many cans/pouches. I usually eat around 18-20 a day. Divide into 6 meals and enjoy. Also alot of water. Tuna is all protein,no carbs. This will put you in ketosis and your body will use your body fat for energy.
Did you run out of energy?
I agree but I actually enjoy it now... I have a really good Playlist especially for cardio

I REALLY should bring my own tunes as well,, the gym I go to plays a LOT of J Bieber and that kind of crap,, I hear the same 15-20 bubble gum songs every time I go there,, drives me crazy !!
I REALLY should bring my own tunes as well,, the gym I go to plays a LOT of J Bieber and that kind of crap,, I hear the same 15-20 bubble gum songs every time I go there,, drives me crazy !!
Bro bring your own tunes... It helps tremendously
I think I'm the same way... What are low GI carbs?

Low gi carbs don't spike your blood sugar which in turn doesn't spike your insulin levels...they keep everything nice and steady and provided sustained energy rather than the peak and valleys of high gi carbs..
If you're a visual learner this will help..

A sharp increase in glucose in the blood triggers the pancreas to release a rush of the hormone insulin, which removes any excess glucose. Insulin removes the surplus glucose from the blood and lowers the speed at which the body burns fat. A large surge in insulin, caused by eating high-GI foods, will start reactions in the body that leave you feeling lethargic, hungry and craving more sugar.
Eating low-GI carbohydrate foods causes a steady rise in the level of glucose in the blood, which in turn leads to a small and gentle rise in insulin. Small increases in insulin keep you feeling full and energised for hours after eating and also encourage the body to burn fat.
But also, which many fail to mention, you should still keep your carbs to acceptable levels, even if they are low gi...

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